Ellen Wood

      Contents of this Site:

  1. ELLEN WOOD - Bibliographies
    1. Ellen Wood's Novels & Books
    2. Serialisations of Wood's Novels & Books
    3. Ellen Wood's Short Story Collections
    4. Ellen Wood's Contributions to Periodicals

  2. Wood's Supernatural Fiction
  3. The Johnny Ludlow Stories
  4. A Chronological Listing of the Johnny Ludlow Stories
  5. Johnny Ludlow - Ellen Wood's Statement
    Ellen Wood and Worcestershire
    1. Ellen Wood's Worcestershire Childhood
    2. Mrs. Henry Wood and Worcestershire (1893) - A Victorian Essay
    3. The Shadow of Ashlydyat (1895) - A Victorian Essay

    Victorian Essays on Wood's Writing Career
    1. Dr. Alexander Japp's Appreciation of Wood's Novels (c.1887)
    2. Dr. Alexander Japp's Essay on Wood's Legacy (1897)
    3. Adeline Sergeant's Essay - "Mrs. Henry Wood" (1897)

    Wood's Sales Figures
    Plot Summaries of Wood's Novels by Ulrike Borgmann
    Contemporary Victorian Reviews
    Wood's Defence of the Charge of Plagiarism
    Obituaries of Ellen Wood - & mistakes made in them
    Find-A-Grave's Pictures of Wood's Tomb & Memorial
    Recent Reprints of Wood's Novels & Stories
    Introduction to East Lynne by Stevie Davies
    Details of a Paper on Wood by Lucy Sussex
    Can you Help? Any suggestions or comments then please email me
    1. Wood's Sales Figures - please help to supply some missing data.
    2. Mary Phillips - reported to be writing a biography of Wood in 1950.
      What happened to this project?

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    The Sensation PressThe Sensation Press           The Sensation Press- Mary Braddon's HouseThe Sensation Press - Mary Braddon's House near Beverley

    Welcome to the City of WorcesterWelcome to the City of Worcester          Ellen Wood & King's School, WorcesterEllen Wood & King's School, Worcester

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                                         The Literary Gothic Website