Sustainable chemistry: producing molecules more environmentally friendly

Chemistry - Mar 25

Researchers from the University of Bern and the RIKEN research institute in Japan have made a significant advance in sustainable chemistry. They have succeeded in producing organic molecules through a chemical reaction based on the sustainable metals sodium and iron. This represents a more environmentally friendly alternative to conventional methods and has the potential to fundamentally change the production of pharmaceuticals and other fine chemicals.

Pharmacology - Mar 26

Open-label placebos improve premenstrual syndrome

Almost half of women of reproductive age experience complaints in the days leading up to menstruation. A lot of treatments come with side effects, only provide limited relief, or don't work for everyone. Researchers from the University of Basel have shown that open-label placebos can help, particularly when combined with an explanation of the treatment.

Environment - Mar 25

Insomniac chickadees


A new study in which the Swiss Ornithological Institute took part shows that great tits spend more restless nights and incubate their eggs for less time when there is light pollution. With serious consequences: fewer little tits hatch.

Discovery of a new super-Earth thanks to the ESPRESSO spectrograph

Astronomy & Space

Using TESS and ESPRESSO, the high-precision spectrograph operated by the University of Geneva, an international team has discovered a new super-Earth 218 light-years away.

Life Sciences - Mar 25

ADHD may be associated with an increased risk of dementia

Life Sciences

A team from the University of Geneva and the HUG have shown that people diagnosed with ADHD have an increased risk of developing dementia with age.

Selected Job Offers
Pharmacology - 26.03
Maître-Assistant-e 100%/Research and Teaching Fellow 100% Université de Genève
Computer Science - 24.03
Research Associate in Embedded Systems and Internet of Things (80-100%) Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz FHNW, Windisch
Agronomy/Food Science - 21.03
PostDoc: Sustainable Management of Agriculturally Used Peatlands Agroscope, Zürich (mittelfristig 1725 Posieux FR)
Chemistry - 21.03
Chimie organique - Collaborateur-trice scientifique 2 Université de Genève
Physics - 21.03
Instrument Scientist - Neutron Powder Diffraction D20 (and D2B) Institut Laue-Langevin, ILL, Grenoble
Innovation - 20.03
Wissenschaftliche/r Assistent/in 80% Hochschule Luzern - Technik & Architektur