Newfound Rendezvous, Wellington State Park, on Newfound Lake, Bristol, NH is History!
Not sure what
this is? Want some inspiration? |
in the Newfound Lake Area |
The Newfound Rendezvous is a gathering of boatbuilders that was started in September 1997 by The Newfound Woodworks, Inc. to give our customers and potential builders and boat users a place to see other strip built boats, show their handiwork, and try out new/different designs. Builders come here to share building ideas and learn new techniques for building and using these boats. Designers attend to share new designs and to see what builders have accomplished with their designs. You will see many high quality, exceptionally beautiful boats that were built to be used and are used extensively. We welcome everyone with his or her wood boat (ok, bring your plastic or fiberglass boat so you can compare its performance and handling to the wood boats). |
Everywhere you look are examples of fine woodworking and artistic creation. |
Most of the people who have built these boats haven't seen others, let alone a hundred or more examples of different designs, each with the builder's own artistic flare incorporated into the process. This isn't a beauty show; there aren't judges or prizes for best-built canoe or kayak. On the other hand, there are some creations that stand out from the crowd. |
The Dawn Paddle. |
A little History: The Newfound Rendezvous was held at Clearwater Campground on Pemigewasset Lake for the first two years, at Geneva Point Conference Center for two years after that, and at Wellington State Park for the last four years. The Newfound Woodworks is the primary sponsor of the event. We have welcomed the assistance of the Newfound Lake Region Association, Bristol Rotary, Newfound Chamber of Commerce, and Tapply-Thompson Community Center; this has become a community event! | ||||
Newfound Lake is a very clear lake fed by 8 tributaries in the geographical center of New Hampshire and central to the Lakes Region. It stretches for about 7 miles south to north with 22 miles of shoreline in the towns of Bristol, Alexandria, Hebron, and Bridgewater. Total lake area is 4106 acres derived from 61253 acres of watershed; greatest depth is 183 feet. Newfound Lake is known for great fishing, specifically Lake Trout, Salmon and Perch. The Newfound River is a renowned fly-fishing attraction. The surrounding mountains are predominantly forested with great hiking trails to mountaintop views, the highest being Mt. Cardigan a few miles to the west. |
Just one view of the beauty of Newfound Lake. |
Some of the picnic benches at Wellington. |
The scenic view from the beach at Wellington. |
The 1000 foot beach at Wellington State Park. |
Wellington State Park is located on the west side of Newfound Lake at the northern-most point of the town of Bristol. The 1000 foot beach at Wellington faces north and is sheltered from weather by a peninsula and island on its east side. Belle Island is part of Wellington and the peninsula boasts a great nature trail. There is a boat launching area attached to Wellington that is open 24 hours a day so the public can have access to the lake. There is also a marked hiking trail to the forested hilltops on the west side of Newfound Lake. | ||||
We usually have some demonstrations during the day on Saturday, 9/8/2007, including "Teach yourself to Roll" with Jay Babina, Stapleless Stripping Techniques with Rob Macks, Fiberglassing with Michael Vermouth, the Newfound Ladder LOC Strongback system presented by Dan Moore, Greenland Paddle Making with Brian Nystrom, and Adirondack Guideboat Construction with John Michne.
Hybrid Construction Techniques with Michael Vermouth. |
Wellington beach, right before the Saturday Dawn Paddle. |
Saturday: Wellington State Park will open at 8:00 AM on Saturday so that we can test paddle canoes and kayaks. We won't be able to bring pets. There is no camping at the Park. We will be conducting some beach/water demonstrations. The park will close Saturday at 5 PM and everyone must leave. |
Intro to Greenland Paddling, Harry Weidman of Seayaker Outfitters. |
Marquetry with Ray Wisner of Paddle Fancy. | Greenland Paddling Techniques, Keith Attenborough. |
Hans Friedel of Friedel Design |
The Explorer kayak, paddled by its designer, Hans Friedal. |
The Location: The beach at Wellington is huge and allows multiple in the water demonstrations along with land-based boat building seminars on the beach. The assistance of the local community associations will help us keep this event going and growing. The parking lot is about 100 yards from the beach so we can unload boats and hand carry (they're lightweight, right?) to the beach, so no shuttle this year. |
A swarm of Newfound Rendezvous paddlers. |
Rendezvous attendees discussing fiberglassing methods. |
The Format: This year the event will simply consist of test paddling our Canoes, Kayaks and Rowing Boats. Michael Vermouth will be on hand to answer questions. If you have built a boat, PLEASE BRING IT! | ||||
You can find a list of campgrounds, inns, motels, and rentals that may be available for the event. You will want to make firm reservations at one of these places right away or if you know of a place to stay in the area you will want to make contact soon. It is up to you to find a place to stay; we will provide the venue, organize the event and provide food whenever possible. We have other events competing for facilities on that weekend: Wait till these people see all the strippers infiltrating the area! |
Contact information: |
The Newfound
Woodworks, Inc. |
67 Danforth
Brook Road |
NH 03222 |
603-744-6872 |