bluebird | Get definitions of bluebird | |
blue* | List words that start with blue | |
*bird | ...that end with bird | |
bl????rd | ...that start with bl, end with rd, with 4 letters in between | |
//fuljyo | ...that have the letters "fuljyo" | |
?????,*y* | ...that have 5 letters and contain a "y" | |
bl*:snow | ...that start with bl and have a meaning related to snow | |
:snow | List words related to snow | |
:winter sport | ...related to the concept winter sport | |
**winter** | Phrases that contain the word winter | |
expand:nasa | Phrases that spell out n.a.s.a. | |
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Pick up and drag the words to rearrange them into a chain in which every adjacent pair of words is a familiar two-word phrase like "hot dog". The pink words are the start and end of the chain and cannot be moved. When you have finished linking the words we'll show you the definitions of the phrases. If you want an extra challenge, try to make the chain in no more than 4 moves.