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Apricots are one of many natural fat burning foods at your disposal. Apricots are not as big as peaches, and there is a dry flesh in orange/yellow color. They are more delicate fruit with skin that feels like velvet to the touch.
There are more than twenty varieties of apricots. These varieties include California Newcastle, which are in medium-sized, orange in color and contains freestone seeds.
Apricot contain less fat, no saturated fat, sodium or does not contain cholesterol and have a lot of essential vitamins and minerals benefits into it. Apricots provide you with beta-carotene. You can get your RDA of vitamin A than one apricot a day. The human body changes beta carotene into vitamin A. This vitamin is good for promoting healthy skin, hair, gums and eyes. Teeth and bones also benefit from vitamin A.
At the present time, research has shown that vitamin A is an infection fighter which supports the body’s immune system. With this discovery, there is much more to consider, on the basis of apricot’s natural healing abilities.
Apricots contain a lot of potassium, which is great for keeping your bodily fluids to maintain a stable and healthy blood pressure. There are 427 g of potassium in one cup sliced apricots.