By Sean Cahill
he welfare reform law of 1996,
premised on the unproven claim that
poor womens failure to marry is the cause
of high rates of family poverty in the United
States, promoted an abstinence-only-until-
marriage policy that teaches that sex out-
side the context of marriage is intrinsically
dangerous, both physically and psycho-
logically.1 Relying on scientifically inaccu-
rate information and notions of shame, this
policy poses a threat to all youth. But it poses
a particular threat to lesbian, gay, bisexual
and transgender (LGBT) youth, who are
already subject to widespread harassment
and violence in the nations schools.
As of 1999 nearly one third of the
nations high schools were promoting absti-
nence only, while excluding information
about contraception and safer sex educa-
tion.2 A study of 43 states plus Puerto
Rico and the District of Columbia found
that more than 10 percent of the absti-
nence-only funds had been granted to
faith-based entities in 22 states.3 A fur-
ther 40 percent of the funds were spent
through other private, but nonreligious,
entities.4 Twenty-eight of the 42 state and
territorial jurisdictions sampled prohibited
organizations providing abstinence-based
education from providing information on
contraception and sexually transmitted
diseases (STDs) if asked by a student or
other client. A further five jurisdictions pro-
vided no guidance one-way or the other.5
Research has shown that sex education
that promotes the delay of first intercourse
but simultaneously teaches safer sex prac-
tices is more effective than abstinence-
only education. A World Health
Organization review of 35 sex education
programs around the world documented
the relative ineffectiveness of abstinence-
only education in stemming the spread of
STDs.6 Youth in the United States have
higher rates of unwanted pregnancy and
STDs than their counterparts in Europe,
where comprehensive sex education is the
A report released by U.S. Surgeon-
General David Satcher in early 2001 also
questioned the effectiveness of abstinence-
only education. Satcher noted that there has
been little research to demonstrate the
effectiveness of this particular type of
instruction. More comprehensive educa-
tion programs that also provide informa-
tion on condom use have proven effective
in stemming disease transmission and
pregnancy among already sexually active
youth. Yet safer sex education has not been
shown to increase or hasten sexual activity
among youth. According to Satcher:
To date, there are only a few pub-
lished evaluations of abstinence-only
programs. Due to this limited num-
ber of studies it is too early to draw
definite conclusions about this
approach. Similarly, the value of
these programs for adolescents who
have initiated sexual activity is not yet
understood. More research is clearly
Programs that typically emphasize
abstinence, but also cover condoms
and other methods of contracep-
tion, have a larger body of evaluation
evidence that indicates either no
effect on initiation of sexual activity
or, in some cases, a delay in the ini-
tiation of sexual activity. This evi-
dence gives strong support to the
conclusion that providing informa-
tion about contraception does not
increase adolescent sexual activity,
either by hastening the onset of
sexual intercourse, increasing the
frequency of sexual intercourse, or
increasing the number of sexual part-
ners. In addition, some of these eval-
uated programs increased condom
use or contraceptive use more gen-
erally for adolescents who were
sexually active.7
Abstinence-Only and Preven-
tion Efforts to Stop Sexual
Diseases and Teen Pregnancy
everal states and municipalities have
rejected or stopped applying for federal
disease prevention funds out of a mistaken
belief that accepting abstinence-only funds
precludes them from accessing federal funds
for sex education. Nebraska decided not to
reapply for HIV prevention grants from the
Centers for Disease Control (CDC) because
HIV prevention has traditionally com-
bined abstinence promotion with safer sex
education. Since 1997 Nebraska has
limited all state-sponsored sex education to
an abstinence-only-until-marriage mes-
sage. Following lobbying from the National
Abstinence Clearinghouse, Nebraskas
Education Commissioner decided not to
reapply for CDC funds.8
In 1998, Ohio state legislators passed a
law preventing the states Department of
Education from spending CDC funds
awarded to it until it agreed they would only
be used to teach abstinence. More than two
The Public Eye
FALL 2002
Scared Chaste, Scared Straight:
Education in U.S. Schools
A report released by U.S.
Surgeon-General David
Satcher in early 2001 also
questioned the effectiveness
of abstinence-only
education. Satcher noted
that there has been little
research to demonstrate
the effectiveness of this
particular type of