Quaker Heritage Press > Catalog of Quaker Writings > K-P
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Catalog of Quaker Writings, K-P
In print:
- A General Epistle to Friends, by Way of Caution, to take Heed to the Light; That they may be
preserved from that Lazy, Idle Spirit, that Veils the Life, 1671 (GG)
- (see also Barclay, Robert)
- An Exhortation and Caution to Friends Concerning Buying or Keeping of Negroes (1693) (QWHP)
- Immediate Revelation ... Not Ceased, 1675 (ESR)
- Account of a Meeting with George and Ann Jones and Cheyney and Martha Jeffries, 1827 (QWHP)
- And Shall Our Stubborn Hearts Refuse/the Grateful Song to Raise? (sermon) (QHOA)
- Biographical Sketch (by Peter Sippel) (QWHP)
- The European Journal (1804-1805) (QWHP)
- The Green Street Sermon, 1827 (QHOA)
- Later Essays, from the back of Kersey's Narrative (QWHP)
- Essay #1: [The Rise of the Society of Friends] [bracketed titles provided by Peter Sippel] (QWHP)
- Essay #2: On Prayer (QWHP)
- Essay #3: On The Ministry (QWHP)
- Essay #4: [On Reunification of Friends] (QWHP)
- Essay #5: On War (QWHP)
- Essay #6: On the Forms of Worship among Friends (QWHP)
- Essay #7: [Attendance at Spiritual Worship] (QWHP)
- Essay #8: [The Lamb and His Followers Shall Have the Victory] (QWHP)
- Essay #9: [Slavery and Divine Revelation to Man] (QWHP)
- Essay #10: On The Order and Discipline of Society (QWHP)
- Essay #11: Letter to His Son, Joseph (QWHP)
- Essay #12: [The Manifestation of the Spirit of God] (QWHP)
- Essay #13: [Agents of Priesthood] (QWHP)
- Essay #14: [The Problem of Evil] (QWHP)
- Essay #15: [On The Ministry (2)] (QWHP)
- Essay #16: [On the Founding of Sects] (QWHP)
- Essay #17: [The Love of Power and Preference] (QWHP)
- Essay #18: Family Education (QWHP)
- Essay #19: On the Importance of Keeping up Our Meetings for Worship (QWHP)
- Essay #20: On Divine Revelation (QWHP)
- Essay #21: [Memorial to Thomas Pim] (QWHP)
- Essay #22: [Unity under the Spirit] (QWHP)
- Essay #23: Rewards and Punishments (QWHP)
- Essay #24: Letter to ----- (QWHP)
- Essay # 25: On the Divinity of Christ (QWHP)
- Essay #26: On the Doctrine of the Father and Son (QWHP)
- Essay #27: Letter to his Daughter, Hannah Cope (1) (QWHP)
- Essay #28: Letter to his Daughter, Hannah Cope (2) (QWHP)
- Letters to Halliday Jackson, 6/22/1827 and 6/29/1827 (QWHP)
- The Light Is Bursting Forth (sermon, 1827) (QHOA)
- The More I Am Convinced That God Is Love (sermon, 1827) (QHOA)
- A Narrative of the Early Life, Travels, and Gospel Labors of Jesse Kersey (QWHP)
- Obedience to Parents (sermon, 1834) (QHOA)
- On the death of his wife (poem) (QWHP)
- Perceiving with the Spiritual Senses (sermon, 1827) (QHOA)
- A Previously Unpublished Letter, 25th of 3rd month, 1827 (QWHP)
- A Prophecy by Jesse Kersey. Delivered at New York Yearly Meeting, 1845 (sermon) (QHOA)
- This Is The Temperament That He Enjoins (sermon, 1827) (QHOA)
- A Treatise on the Fundamental Doctrines of the Christian Religion (1815) (QWHP; ESR)
- A Warning from the Lord to the Teachers & People of Plymouth, 1656 (ESR)
- Might it Not Be Best to Leave Us - A letter to Joseph John Gurney, ca. 1839-40 (QHOA)
- To James Wilson, on the death of his wife, 1757 (QWHP)
- To James Wilson, 1757 (QWHP)
- Letter to Gilbert Thompson, 1729 (QWHP)
- Letter to James Wilson, 1751 (QWHP)
- Regarding the Death of Samuel Bownas (Letter to James Wilson, 1753) (QWHP)
In print:
- Josiah Langdale 1673-1723: A Quaker Spiritual Autobiography (Sowle Press)
In print:
- A Discourse Concerning Quakers (1653) (EW)
- Anti Quakism (1653) (EW)
- The Rich Man (QHOA)
- This Is Not Thy Rest! (QHOA)
- They That Wait Upon The Lord (QHOA)
- Do Justly, and to Love Mercy, and to Walk Humbly with Thy God (QHOA)
- Diary Extracts, 1839-1843 (QPBO)
- An Epistle to North West Fork Monthly Meeting (QPBO)
- Hearken Unto The Voice of The Lord (a sermon delivered in Philadelphia) (QHOA), (QPBO)
- Home Duties (Essay) (QPBO)
- Laboring Without A Call (Essay) (QPBO)
- Mind The Light (QWHP)
- Letters:
- To J.B.C. (QWHP)
- To William M. Levick (His Brother) (QPBO)
- To His Wife, 1/23/1844 (QPBO)
- To His Wife, 9/1/1845 (QPBO)
- To His Wife, 9/4/1845 (QPBO)
- To His Wife, 10/10/1846 (QPBO)
- To His Wife, 6/8/1849 (QPBO)
- To William M. Levick, 6/11/1849 (QPBO)
- To His Wife, 8/21/1866 (QPBO)
- To Lewis J. Levick (His Son), 9/1/1866 (QPBO)
- To His Wife, 9/3/1866 (QPBO)
- To Charles M. Levick (His Son), 9/4/1866 (QPBO)
- To Samuel J. Levick, Jr. (His Son), 9/7/1866 (QPBO)
- To His Wife, 9/17/1866 (QPBO)
- To Jane F. Levick (His Daughter), 9/19/1866 (QPBO)
- To His Wife, 6/21/1873 (QPBO)
- To His Wife, 6/25/1873 (QPBO)
- Our Indebtedness to Worthy Ancestors (Lecture) (QPBO)
- We Have Come Here to Wait Upon God (Sermon) (QPBO)
- Some Friendly Advice & Cautions, Wherein Are Some Things of Weighty Concern
Recommended to the Serious Consideration of the Professors of the Holy Truth Regarding
Spirituous Liquors (1761) (QPBO)
- "Resurrection" of John Lilburne, 1655 (SCS)
In print:
- A Living Testimony, 1685 (HPS, pp. 523-528)
In print:
- Epistles (1688 and 1691), abridged (EQW, pp. 549-558)
- Extracts from the Minutes and Advices (1802), Passages on War. In Historical Writings of
Quakers Against War (QHP)
- Extracts from the Minutes and Advices, 1783 (ESR)
- Report of the Proceedings of the Conference ... in Manchester, 1895 (ESR)
- Some Account of the Conduct of the Religious Society of Friends Towards the Indian Tribes
in ... East and West Jersey and Pennsylvania, 1844 (ESR)
- The Word is Nigh You (sermon) (QHOA)
In print:
- Conversion of Margaret Lucas (1701-1769) (autobiography) (Rhwym Books)
In Print:
- The Fighting Sailor Turned Peaceable Christian (1710). In Historical Writings of Quakers
Against War (QHP)
- The Fighting Sailor Turned Peaceable Christian (1710) (QHP)
In Print:
- Testimony Concerning John Camm and John Audland (1689), excerpt on Bristol mass
meetings of 1654-55 (EQW, pp. 78-82)
- Concerning the Precious Unity of the Spirit in Christ Jesus (QWHP)
- An Epistle to Friends, 1677 (QWHP)
- An Epistle to Friends Coming Forth in the Ministry (QWHP)
- The Lord of Glory Hath Raised a People in this Age and Generation (sermon) (QHOA)
- Transactions and Changes in the Society of Friends, 1886 (ESR)
- [When the Mind is Humble] (sermon, 1827) (QHOA)
In print:
- Abuses and Uses of the Bible (sermon), in American Sermons (Penguin Putnam, 1999)
- Lucretia Mott: Her Complete Speeches and Sermons, ed. Dana Greene (Edwin Mellen Press,
- Lucretia Mott Speaking: Excerpts from the Sermons and Speeches of a Famous Nineteenth
Century Quaker Minister and Reformer, ed. Margaret Hope Bacon (Pendle Hill, 1980)
- Selected Letters of Lucretia Coffin Mott, ed. Beverly Wilson Palmer, Holly Byers Ochoa, and
Carol Faulkner (University of Illinois Press, 2002).
- Autobiographical sketch (www.quaker.org/mott/memo-on-self.html)
- Discourse on Woman, 1850 (ESR)
- Letter to Maria Weston Chapman (1840) (womhist.binghamton.edu/mott/)
- Letter to Elizabeth Pease (1841) (womhist.binghamton.edu/mott/)
- Letter to Richard Webb and Hannah Webb (1842) (womhist.binghamton.edu/mott/)
- Letter to Elizabeth Pease (1846) (womhist.binghamton.edu/mott/)
- Letter to Nathaniel Barney (1847) (www.mott.pomona.edu)
- Letter to James Mott (1849) (womhist.binghamton.edu/mott/)
- Letter to the Salem, Ohio, Woman's Convention (13 April 1850) (womhist.binghamton.edu/mott/)
- Letter to Sydney H. Gay (1850) (womhist.binghamton.edu/mott/)
- Letter to William Lloyd Garrison and Helen Garrison (1851) (womhist.binghamton.edu/mott/)
- Letter to Lucy Stone (1852) (womhist.binghamton.edu/mott/)
- Letter to John Ketcham (1852) (womhist.binghamton.edu/mott/)
- Letter to Hannah M. Darlington (1853) (womhist.binghamton.edu/mott/)
- Letter to Elizabeth Neall Gay (1854) (womhist.binghamton.edu/mott/)
- Letter to Elizabeth Cady Stanton (1855) (www.mott.pomona.edu)
- Letter to Martha Coffin Wright (1855) (womhist.binghamton.edu/mott/)
- Letter to Elizabeth Neall Gay (1858) (womhist.binghamton.edu/mott/)
- Letter to Anna Temple Brown and Martha Coffin Wright (1859) (womhist.binghamton.edu/mott/)
- Letter to Martha Coffin Wright (1865) (womhist.binghamton.edu/aid/)
- Letter to Josephine Griffing (1869) (womhist.binghamton.edu/aid/)
- Letter to Josephine S. Griffing (1870) (womhist.binghamton.edu/aid/)
- Likeness to Christ (sermon, Cherry St. Meeting, Philadelphia, 1849) (www.quaker.org/mott)
- Remarks on John Brown (Pennsylvania Anti-Slavery Society, 1860) (www.quakers-swfl.org/mott-johnbrown.html, www.quaker.org/mott/no-passivist.html)
- Righteousness Exalteth A Nation (sermon, Bristol, PA, 1860) (QHOA)
- (see also Hallowell, Anna Davis)
In print:
- Answer to Richard Baxter's Quakers' Catechism (1655), abridged (EQW, pp.
- Answer to the Lancashire Petition (EW)
- The Baptism of Christ we own (EW)
- Can thou prove in all Scripture... (EW)
- The Condition and Portion of the People of England (EW)
- A Discovery of the First Wisdom from beneath and the Second Wisdom from Above
- The Examination of James Nayler for Blasphemy at Appleby (EW)
- A Few Words concerning a Paper lately Printed (EW)
- The Lamb's War Against the Man of Sin (1658): complete (QHP Works, vol. 4, pp. 1-20),
abridged (EQW, pp. 102-116)
- A Lamentation over the Ruins of this Oppressed Nation (EW)
- Letter to Margaret Fell (1653) (EQW, pp. 469-471)
- The Persecutions of James Nayler by the Priests of Westmoreland (EW)
- The Power and Glory of the Lord, Shining out of the North (EW)
- Saul's Errand to Damascus (1654, with George Fox): complete (QHP Works, vol. 1, pp.
1-40), abridged (EQW, pp. 251-262)
- Several Queries to be answered by Thomas Ledgard (EW)
- Sin Kept Out of the Kingdom (EW)
- Spiritual Wickedness in Heavenly Places
- A Word from the Lord, unto all of the faithless Generation (EW)
- Works, 4 vols. First complete edition. (QHP)
- (see also Whitehead, George)
- A Collection of Sundry Books [1716 Works], ed. George Whitehead, from 1829 ed. (ESR)
- A Discovery of the Wisdom Which Is from Beneath, and the Wisdom Which Is from Above,
1653 (SCS)
- A Door Opened to the Imprisoned Seed, 1659 (SCS)
- Foot Yet in the Snare, 1656 (QHP)
- How Sin Is Strengthened, and How it Is Overcome, 1657 (SCS)
- Last words ("There is a Spirit"), 1660 (QIS,
- Love to the Lost, 1656 (SCS)
- A Message from the Spirit of Truth, 1658 (SCS)
- Milk for Babes and Meat for Strong Men (1658/59) (SCS; ESR,
from 1661 ed.)
- Some Epistles (Written between 1653 and 1660) (SCS)
- To the Gathered Churches, 1659 (SCS)
- To the Life of God in All, 1659 (SCS)
- What the Possession of the Living Faith Is, and the Fruits Thereof, 1659 (SCS)
- Works, 4 vols. First complete edition. (QHP)
- Memories of Stanley Pumphrey, from 1885 ed. (ESR)
In print:
- Rules of Discipline, 1809, with footnotes showing changes in subsequent editions until 1856.
In The Old Discipline (QHP)
In print:
- Discipline, 1810, with footnotes showing changes in subsequent editions until the 1878
(Hicksite) edition; also the 1861 Conservative edition. In The Old Discipline (QHP)
In print:
- An Epistle to be Communicated to Friends, 1677 (HPS, pp. 476-481)
In print:
- Discipline, 1822, with footnotes showing changes in subsequent editions until 1854, also
footnotes indicating the apparent text of the 1809 edition. In The Old Discipline (QHP)
In print:
- Discipline, 1819 with footnotes showing changes in subsequent editions until 1902; also
Hicksite editions of 1842, 1878. In The Old Discipline (QHP)
- You Shall Have Christ Jesus for Your Lord, King, Counselor, and Instructor (A Sermon
Preached at Ratcliffe, April 19th 1694) (QHOA , SCS)
In print:
- Letter to Burrough and Howgill (1655), abridged (EQW, pp. 160-163)
- Memoir of James Parnell, with extracts from his writings, by Henry Callaway (1846)
- In process: Works (Simon Watson, 1 Point Close, Blackheath Hill, London SE10 8QS <simonwatson@ukgateway.net>)
- Christ Exalted into His Throne (1655) (NFF-UK)
- In process: Works (NFF-UK)
- A Minute Declining Charge of the City Watch, 1782 (QWHP)
- Some Account of the Life and Religious Exercises of Mary Neale, Formerly Peisley, 1795 (ESR)
In print:
- Autobiographical selections (EQW, pp. 224-234)
- Concerning Persecution (1661), abridged (EQW, pp. 371-380)
- An Epistle to all Serious Professors of the Christian Religion (GG)
- The Flesh and Blood of Christ, in the Mystery and in the Outward (GG)
- Letters of counsel, selections (EQW, pp. 234-241)
- A Short Catechism for the Sake of the Simple Hearted (T.H.S. Wallace, ed.) (1659)
- Works (4 volumes) (QHP)
- The Ancient Principle of Truth: or, the Light Within Asserted, 1672 (from Works, Vol. 3: QHP, ESR)
- An Answer to That Common Objection Against the Quakers, That They Condemn All but
Themselves, 1660 (from Works, Vol. 2: QHP, ESR)
- The Axe Laid to the Root of the Old Corrupt Tree, 1659 (from Works, Vol. 1: QHP, ESR)
- Babylon the Great Described, 1659 (from Works, Vol. 1: QHP, ESR)
- A Brief Account of Some Reasons ... Why Those People Called Quakers Cannot Do Some
Things ... and Forbear Doing of Some Things (from Works, Vol. 1: QHP, ESR)
- Concerning God's Seeking out His Israel, 1663 (from Works, Vol. 2: QHP, ESR)
- Concerning Persecution, 1661 (from Works, Vol. 2: QHP,
- Concerning the Church: or, of the Church State under the Gospel, 1666 (from Works, Vol. 2:
- Concerning the Dispensation of the Gospel, 1678 (from Works, Vol. 4: QHP, ESR)
- Concerning the Sum or Substance of Our Religion, Who Are Called Quakers (from Works,
Vol. 2: QHP, ESR)
- Concerning the Times and Seasons, Both Which Have Been, and Are Yet to be, 1679 (from
Works, Vol. 4: QHP)
- Concerning the Worship of the Living God (from Works, Vol. 2: QHP, ESR)
- The Consideration of a Position Concerning the Book of Common-Prayer, 1660 (from
Works, Vol. 2: QHP, ESR)
- An Enquiry after Truth and Righteousness, and after the People Whom the Lord Establisheth,
1671 (from Works, Vol. 3: QHP, ESR)
- Epistles to Friends (1666-1671) (from Works, Vol. 4: QHP,
- An Epistle to All Serious Professors of the Christian Religion (from Works, Vol. 4: QHP, ESR)
- An Epistle to Such as Observe the Seventh Day for a Sabbath (from Works, Vol. 2: QHP)
- The Everlasting Gospel of Our Lord Jesus Christ, and the Blessed Effects Thereof, 1678
(from Works, Vol. 3: QHP, ESR)
- An Examination of the Grounds or Causes Which Are Said to Induce the Court of Boston, in
New England, to Make That Order or Law of Banishment, 1660 (from Works, Vol. 1: QHP, ESR)
- A Few Experiences Concerning Some of the Weighty Things Relating to God's Everlasting
Kingdom (1671, posthumous) (from Works, Vol. 4: QHP, ESR)
- The Flesh and Blood of Christ, in the Mystery and in the Outward, 1675 (from Works, Vol. 3:
- A Further Testimony to Truth, Revived out of the Ruins of the Apostasy (posthumous, 1680)
(from Works, Vol. 4: QHP, ESR)
- The Great Question Concerning the Lawfulness or Unlawfulness of Swearing under the
Gospel, 1661 (from Works, Vol. 2: QHP, ESR)
- The Holy Truth and People Defended, 1672 (from Works, Vol. 3: QHP, ESR)
- The Jew Outward: Being a Glass for the Professors of this Age, 1659 (from Works, Vol. 1:
- Letters of Isaac Penington (1658-1678) (from Works, Vols. 1-4: QHP)
- Life and Immortality Brought to Light Through the Gospel (1671, posthumous) (from Works,
Vol. 4: QHP, ESR)
- Naked Truth: or Truth Nakedly Manifesting Itself, 1674 (from Works, Vol. 3: QHP, ESR)
- The New Covenant of the Gospel Distinguished from the Old Covenant of the Law, 1660
(from Works, Vol. 2: QHP, ESR)
- Observations on Some Passages of Lodowick Muggleton, 1668 (from Works, Vol. 3: QHP); including:
- A Brief Account of My Soul's Travel Towards the Holy Land (from Works, Vol. 3: QHP, ESR)
- Of the Church, in its First and Pure State, in its Declining State, in its Declined State,
and in its Recovery, 1668 (from Works, Vol. 3: QHP, ESR)
- One More Tender Visitation to the Men of this Generation, 1666 (from Works, Vol. 2: QHP, ESR)
- A Question Answered Concerning Reading the Scriptures Aright (from Works, Vol. 4: QHP, ESR)
- A Question Propounded to the Rulers, Teachers, and People of the Nation of England (from
Works, Vol. 1: QHP, ESR)
- A Question to the Professors of Christianity (from Works, Vol. 3: QHP, ESR)
- Reply to an Answer of Some Queries, Given Forth by Me I. P. Concerning the Gospel
Baptism, 1679 (from Works, Vol. 4: QHP, ESR)
- A Reply to Thy Animadversions (1667, posthumous) (from Works, Vol. 4: QHP, ESR)
- The Root Of Popery Struck At, 1660 (from Works, Vol. 2: QHP, ESR)
- A Salutation of Love and Tender Good-Will to the Commissioners of the Peace for the
County of Bucks (from Works, Vol. 2: QHP, ESR)
- The Scattered Sheep Sought After, 1659 (from Works, Vol. 1: QHP, ESR)
- The Seed of God, and of His Kingdom (from Works, Vol. 4: QHP, ESR)
- Some Considerations Concerning The State Of Things (from Works, Vol. 1: QHP, ESR)
- Some Considerations Proposed to the City of London (from Works, Vol. 1: QHP, ESR)
- Some Considerations Proposed to the Distracted Nation of England, 1659 (from Works, Vol.
1: QHP)
- Some Deep Considerations ... Concerning the State of Israel (from Works, Vol. 2: QHP, ESR)
- Some Directions to the Panting Soul, 1661 (from Works, Vol. 2: QHP, ESR)
- Some Experiences, Which it Hath Pleased the Lord to Give Me, Concerning His Way, His
Truth, His Church and People (from Works, Vol. 4: QHP, ESR)
- Some Misrepresentations of Me, Concerning Church Government, Cleared (from Works,
Vol. 4: QHP, ESR)
- Some Observations upon That Portion of Scripture, Romans 14:20, 1662 (from Works, Vol.
2: QHP, ESR)
- Some of the Mysteries of God's Kingdom Glanced at, 1663 (from Works, Vol. 2: QHP, ESR);
including inter alia:
- Some Questions and Answers, of Deep Concernment to the Jews (from Works, Vol. 2: QHP, ESR)
- Some Queries and Considerations proposed to the Cavaliers, 1660 (from Works, Vol. 2:
- Some Queries Concerning Compulsion in Religion, 1670 (from Works, Vol. 4: QHP, ESR)
- Some Queries Concerning the Order and Government of the Church of Christ (from Works,
Vol. 2: QHP, ESR)
- Some Queries Concerning the Work of God in the World, 1660 (from Works, Vol. 2: QHP, ESR)
- Some Queries to the Professors of this Age (from Works, Vol. 2: QHP)
- Some Questions and Answers for the Opening of the Eyes of the Jews Natural, 1661 (from
Works, Vol. 2: QHP, ESR)
- Some Questions and Answers, Showing Man His Duty, 1662 (from Works, Vol. 2: QHP, ESR)
- Some Sensible, Weighty Queries, Concerning Some Things Very Sweet and Necessary to Be
Experienced (from Works, Vol. 3: QHP, ESR)
- Some Things of Great Weight and Concernment to All, 1667 (from Works, Vol. 3: QHP, ESR)
- Some Things Relating to Religion, Proposed to the Royal Society, 1668 (from Works, Vol. 3:
including inter alia:
- Some Questions and Answers, Concerning the Church of the New Covenant (from Works,
Vol. 3: QHP, ESR)
- Somewhat Relating to Church Government (ca. 1675, posthumous) (from Works, Vol.
4: QHP, ESR)
- Somewhat Spoken to a Weighty Question, Concerning the Magistrate's Protection of the
Innocent, 1661 (from Works, Vol. 2: QHP, ESR)
- Testimony of Isaac Penington [a composite text, mainly drawn from the autobiographical part
of Observations on Some Passages of Lodowick Muggleton] (QIC)
- Three Queries Propounded to the King and Parliament (from Works, Vol. 2: QHP, ESR)
- To all Such as Complain they Want Power, 1661 (from Works, Vol. 2: QHP)
- To Friends in England, Ireland, Scotland, Holland, New England, Barbadoes, or Anywhere
Else, 1666 (from Works, Vol. 2: QHP, ESR)
- To Such as Are Not Satisfied with a Profession, Without the True Life and Power, 1668
(from Works, Vol. 3: QHP, ESR)
- To the Army (from Works, Vol. 1: QHP)
- To the Jews Natural, and to the Jews Spiritual, 1677 (from Works, Vol. 3: QHP, ESR)
- To the Parliament, the Army, and All the Well-Affected in the Nation, 1659 (from Works,
Vol. 1: QHP)
- A Touchstone or Trial of Faith (1648, pre-Quaker) (from Works, Vol. 1: QHP)
- A Treatise Concerning God's Teachings and Christ's Law (ca. 1671) (from Works, Vol. 4: QHP, ESR)
- A Warning of Love, from the Bowels of Life, 1660 (from Works, Vol. 1: QHP, ESR)
- The Way of Life and Death Made Manifest, and Set Before Men, 1658 (from Works, Vol. 1:
- A Weighty Question Propounded to the King and Both Houses of Parliament, 1663 (from
Works, Vol. 2: QHP, ESR)
- Where Is the Wise, Where Is the Scribe? (1660) (from Works, Vol. 1: QHP)
- Works (QHP, 1994-1997 QHP ed.; ESR, from 1784 ed., vols.
1, 2, 3,
In print:
- Some Account of Circumstances in the Life of Mary Penington (1668-1672) (HPS, pp.
- Experiences in the Life of Mary Penington (Norman Penney, ed.) (Quaker Home
- A Letter to Margaret Fell, 1690 (QWHP)
- To Margaret Fell, during William Penn's absence, 1684 (QWHP)
In print:
- Account of the Lenni Lenape or Delaware Indians (ed. Albert C. Myers) (Atlantic Press)
- Account of William Penn's Travels in Holland and Germany (1694) (Kessinger
- The Concessions and Agreements of West New Jersey: see
Billing, Edward
- Correspondence with James Logan (from Logan family papers) (AMS Press)
- Frame of the Government of the Province of Pennsylvania in America (1783) (Kessinger
- The Great Case of Liberty of Conscience Once More Briefly Debated and Defended (1670)
(Kessinger Publishing)
- A Key (1692) (TAF)
- Letter from William Penn Proprietary and Governor of Pennsylvania in America to the
Committee of ... (Kessinger Publishing)
- No Cross, No Crown (Sessions of York, The Ebor Press, York YO31 9HS, England;
also Destiny Image Books)
- One Project for the Good of England (1679), abridged (EQW, pp. 441-451)
- The Papers of William Penn (ed. Mary Maples Dunn) (University of Pennsylvania
- The Papers of William Penn, 1701-1718 (ed. Craig Horle et al.) (University of Pennsylvania
- The Peace of Europe (1690), Some Fruits of Solitude (1690), and other writings (Everyman
Paperback Classic reprint)
- The Political Writings of William Penn (ed. Andrew R. Murphy) (Liberty Fund, Inc.)
- Primitive Christianity Revived, in the Faith and Practice of the People called Quakers, 1829
edition (GG)
- The Rise and Progress of the People Called Quakers (from his preface to George Fox's
Journal) (Ross & Perry, Inc.)
- Some Account of the Province of Pennsylvania in America (1681) (Kessinger Publishing)
- Some Fruits of Solitude (1690) (Friends United Press)
- Some Fruits of Solitude ("Modern English," Eric K. Taylor, ed.) (Herald
- A Testimony to the Truth of God, as held by the People called Quakers (GG)
- True Spiritual Liberty (condensed by Lewis Benson) (1681) (TAF)
- An Address to Protestants of All Persuasions ... for the Promotion of Virtue and Charity (ESR, from Works, vol. 1)
- An Address to Protestants upon the Present Conjuncture, 1679 (ESR)
- The Advice of William Penn to His Children, Relating to Their Civil and Religious Conduct
(QWHP: [part 1] [part 2] [part 3]; ESR, from
Works, vol. 1)
- Animadversions on the Apology of the Clamorous Squire, against the Duke of Buckingham's
Seconds (ESR, from Works, vol. 2)
- An Appendix to the Author's Life (ESR, from
Works, vol. 1)
- The Author's Life (ESR, from Works, vol.
- A Brief Account of the Rise and Progress of the People Called Quakers (ESR, from Works, vol. 1)
- A Brief Answer to a False and Foolish Libel (ESR, from Works, vol. 2)
- A Brief Examination, and State of Liberty Spiritual, both with Respect to Persons in their
Private Capacity, and in their Church-Society & Communion (ESR, from Works, vol. 2)
- Charter of Privileges Granted ... to the Inhabitants of Pennsylvania (1701) (www.constitution.org/bcp/penncharpriv.htm, www.quakers-swfl.org/pcp-1701.html)
- Christian Liberty as it Was Soberly Desired in a Letter to Certain Foreign States, upon
Occasion of Their Late Severity, 1675 (ESR)
- The Christian Quaker and his Divine Testimony (ESR, from Works, vol. 1)
- The Continued Cry of the Oppressed for Justice. being a Farther Account of the Late ...
Proceedings ... Against ... Many of the People Called Quakers, only for Their Peaceable Meetings
to Worship God (ESR, from Works, vol. 1)
- The Counterfeit Christian Detected, and the Real Quaker Justified; against ... T. Hicks, in his
Third Dialogue (ESR, from Works, vol. 2)
- A Defence of a Paper, entitled Gospel Truths, against ... the Bishop of Cork (ESR, from Works, vol. 2)
- A Defence of the Duke of Buckingham' s Book of Religion and Worship (ESR, from Works, vol. 2)
- A Discourse of the General Rule of Faith and Practice (ESR, from Works, vol. 1)
- England's Great Interest, in the Choice of a New Parliament (ESR, from Works, vol. 2)
- England's Present Interest Considered (ESR,
from Works, vol. 1)
- An Essay towards the Present and Future Peace of Europe (ESR, from Works, vol. 2)
- Frame of Government of Pennsylvania (1682) (excerpts) (www.constitution.org/bcp/frampenn.htm)
- A General Description of the Province of Pennsylvania (ESR, from Works, vol. 2)
- Good Advice to the Church of England ... to Abolish the Penal Laws and Tests (ESR, from Works, vol. 2)
- The Great and Popular Objection Against the Repeal of the Penal Laws and Tests, Briefly
Stated & Considered,1688 (ESR)
- The Great Case of Liberty of Conscience (ESR, from Works, vol. 1)
- The Guide Mistaken ... or, a Brief Reply to Jonathan Clapham's Book (ESR, from Works, vol. 2)
- Innocency with Her Open Face, by Way of Apology, for the Book Entitled, The Sandy
Foundation Shaken (ESR, from Works, vol.
- The Invalidity of John Faldo's Vindication of his Book, called, Quakerism No Christianity (ESR, from Works, vol. 2)
- Judas and the Jews Combined Against Christ and His Followers, Being a Rejoynder to the
Late Nameless Reply ... (ESR, from Works, vol.
- Just Measures: Being an Epistle of Peace and Love, to such Professors of Truth as are under
Dissatisfaction about the Order practised in the Church of Christ (ESR, from Works, vol. 2)
- A Just Rebuke to One and Twenty Learned and Reverend Divines, so called, being an Answer
to an Abusive Epistle against the People called Quakers (ESR, from Works, vol. 2)
- A Key, Opening the Way to every Capacity, how to distinguish the Religion Professed by
the People called Quakers, from the Perversions and Misrepresentations of their Adversaries
(1692) (TAF; ESR, from Works, vol. 2)
- A Letter of Love to the Young Convinced (ESR, from Works, vol. 1)
- A Letter to Friends at Dantzic, 1673 (QWHP)
- Letter to Margaret Fell, on his return from America (QWHP)
- A Letter to the Council and Senate of Emden (ESR, from Works, vol. 1)
- A Letter to the King of Poland, 1677 (QWHP)
- Letters, before going to America: (QWHP)
- To His Wife, Gulielma, 1682 (QWHP)
- To Margaret Fell (before going to America) (QWHP)
- To Stephen Crisp (QWHP)
- Naked Truth Needs No Shift: or, An Answer to ... The Quaker's Last Shift Found out
(ESR, from Works, vol. 2)
- The New Athenians, No Noble Bereans (ESR, from Works, vol. 2)
- The New Witnesses prov'd Old Heretics: in which the Doctrines of John Reeve and
Lodowick Muggleton, are proved to be mostly Ancient Whimsies, Blasphemies and Heresies (ESR, from Works, vol. 2)
- No Cross, No Crown (ESR, from Works, vol.
- One Project for the Good of England (ESR,
from Works, vol. 2)
- The People's Ancient and Just Liberties Asserted in the Trial of William Penn and William
Meade for Causing a Tumult, at the Sessions Held at the Old Bailey, London, the 1st, 3rd, 4th,
and 5th of September, 1670, Against the Most Arbitrary Procedure of That Court (QPBO, www.quakers-swfl.org/penn-trial.html, ESR)
- A Persuasive to Moderation to Church Dissenters ... Humbly Submitted to the King (ESR, from Works, vol. 2)
- Plain Dealing with a Traducing Anabaptist: or, Three Letters Writ upon Occasion of Some
Slanderous Reflections ... by one John Morse (ESR, from Works, vol. 2)
- Primitive Christianity Revived, in the Faith and Practice of the People called Quakers (ESR, from Works, vol. 2)
- Quakerism a New Nickname for Old Christianity, being an Answer to a Book,
entitled, Quakerism No Christianity (ESR, from
Works, vol. 2)
- Reason against Railing, and Truth against Fiction: Being an Answer to Two Pamphlets (ESR, from Works, vol. 2)
- A Reply to a Pretended Answer by a Nameless Author, to W. Penn's Key; in which the
Principles of the People called Quakers are farther Explained and Confirm'd (ESR: from 1695 ed.; from Works, vol. 2)
- A Return to John Faldo' s Reply (ESR, from
Works, vol. 2)
- The Sandy Foundation Shaken (ESR, from
Works, vol. 1)
- Saul Smitten to the Ground: Being a Brief, but Faithful Narrative of the Dying Remorse of a
Late Living Enemy to the People Called Quakers (ESR, from Works, vol. 1)
- A Seasonable Caveat Against Popery (ESR,
from Works, vol. 1)
- See to it How the Work Goes On (sermon, April 13, 1694) (QHOA)
- A Serious Apology for the Principles and Practices of the People Call'd Quakers, Against the
Malicious Aspersions ... of Thomas Jenner and Timothy Taylor (ESR, from Works, vol. 2)
- The Skirmisher Defeated, and Truth Defended; being an Answer to ... A Skirmish upon
Quakerism (ESR, from Works, vol. 2)
- Some Fruits of Solitude (1682) (www.fordham.edu/halsall/mod/1682penn-solitude.html; ESR, from Works, vol. 1)
- The Spirit of Alexander the Coppersmith Justly Rebuked; or, an Answer to a Late Pamphlet,
Entitled, The Spirit of the Hat (ESR, from Works,
vol. 2)
- The Spirit of Truth Vindicated, against ... a Malicious Libel, entitled, The Spirit of the
Quakers Tried (ESR, from Works, vol. 2)
- A Testimony to the Truth of God, as held by the People called Quakers (ESR, from Works, vol. 2)
- A Treatise of Oaths, Containing Several Weighty Reasons Why the People Called Quakers
Refuse to Swear (ESR, from Works, vol. 1)
- True Spiritual Liberty (condensed by Lewis Benson) (1681) (TAF)
- Truth Exalted (ESR, from Works, vol. 1)
- Truth Rescued from Imposture, or a Brief Reply to ... a Pretended Answer to the Tryal of
William Penn and William Meade (ESR, from
Works, vol. 1)
- Urim and Thummim: or, The doctrines of Light and Perfection Maintained (ESR, from Works, vol. 2)
- A Visitation to the Jews (ESR, from Works,
vol. 2)
- We Shall Overcome Through Him That Hath Loved Us (sermon, apparently abridged) (QHOA)
- Wisdom Justified of Her Children, from the Ignorance and Calumny of Henry Hallywell (ESR, from Works, vol. 2)
- Works, from 1726 ed. (ESR, vols. 1, 2)
- You Shall Reap Glory, Honour, Immortality, and Eternal Life: a Funeral Sermon for Rebecca
Travers, June 19, 1668 (QHOA)
- (see also Elizabeth, Princess of the Palatinate)
- The First Publishers of Truth: Being Early Records (Now First Printed) of the Introduction of
Quakerism into the Counties of England and Wales, 1907 (ESR)
In print:
- The Ancient testimony of the Religious Society of Friends, commonly called Quakers,
Respecting some of their Christian Doctrines and Practices (1834) (GG)
- Letter to the United States Congress (1847). In Historical Writings of Quakers Against War
- On the Right Authority and Qualification for Religious Labor (1886) (GG)
- Rules of Discipline, 1806, with footnotes showing changes in subsequent editions (both
branches) until the 1888 Hicksite edition and the 1907 Orthodox edition. In The Old Discipline
- Rules of Discipline, 1806 (QHP)
- The Complaint Which Was Taken up Formerly (sermon) (QHOA)
- Memoirs of the Life of Catherine Phillips, To Which Are Added Some of Her Epistles, 1798
- This Is the Work of Faith (QHOA)
In print:
- Narrative of the Sufferings of John Philly and William Moore (1662-63) (LOEF)
In print:
- True Christian Baptism and Communion (formerly published by Friends Book Store,
Philadelphia) (GG)
- The Original and Present State of Man, from 1788 ed. (ESR)
In print:
- Job Scott on Salvation Suppressed by Friends and Published by Geo. Pitt, 1881. In Job Scott,
Essays (QHP)
- Job Scott on Salvation Suppressed by Friends and Published by Geo. Pitt, 1881 (QHP)
- Welcome from the Indianapolis Missionary Society (to first Missionary Conference of Quaker
Women in America) (QHOA)
- Annerch I'r Cymry (To the Welsh), 1721:
- On Baptism and the Lord's Supper (two chapters from a 1793 English translation) (MSWord
format) (PT)
- In progress: modernized English by Paul Thompson as "To The People Of My
Homeland" (10 files in MSWord format) (PT)
This page was last modified 6/13/2014.
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