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Bill Samuel
Quaker Resources on the Web Compiled by Bill Samuel
Quaker (Religious Society of Friends) resources on the Web are now quite extensive. This page will help you locate what you want. It categorizes Web pages of my own and Web sites maintained by others which are useful resources related to Quakerism.
Testimonies, Beliefs and Issue Areas
These resources describe Quaker testimonies, beliefs and doctrines, or the general approach to a particular issue area (including practice as well as principles).
Letter to the Governor of Barbadoes - 1671 letter written by George Fox and other Quakers clearing Friends from false reports and including a summary of major scriptural doctrines which Friends support.
These resources focus on the history of the Religious Society of Friends or on genealogical research involving Quakers. Note that I have listed resources on particular historical figures and on writings (including historical ones) in separate categories.
Quaker Tour of England, by Bill Samuel - a virtual Tour! 22 Web pages of photos and texts with highlights of educational tour related primarily to the history of Friends.
These resources make available online the writings of Friends from earlier centuries.
Digital Quaker Collection - Sophisticated digital collection of about 250 Quaker books, comprising about 60,000 pages, from the 17th century on, many of which are out of print.
Friends Library - Early Quaker writings available free for download in different formats.
A Guide to Searching Tripod - Tripod is the joint online library catalog of Haverford, Swarthmore and Bryn Mawr Colleges. Haverford and Swarthmore have particularly large Quaker collections.
Friendly Exchange - resources for First Day and Sunday School teachers.
Friends Christian Renewal - Includes information on Christian renewal activity in many different places and other resources to assist the Christian renewal movement among Friends.
School of the Spirit - The official Web site of the School of the Spirit, a ministry of prayer and learning under the care of the Worship and Ministry Committee of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers).
Major Quaker Book Outlets - a listing of major retail outlets in the United States, Great Britain and Australia. Most of these carry books, pamphlets, curricula, tapes and other items produced by and/or about Friends or of interest to Friends.
Listing of a link anywhere on my Web site does not constitute my endorsement of the contents of that Web site, but merely indicates that you might find some of the material at the site useful. If you have problems with the content or the format of any site, please contact the maintainer of that site.
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