The values stated in this guide are to be used only as a guide. Values are not set to determine prices as auction and dealer values vary greatly and are affected by demand and condition. The author does not assume responsibility for any losses that are the result of consulting this guide. |
Due to some value numbers being wrong the Matchbox section will have the link removed until such time as I can get the new values inserted. In the meantime there will be a new link to Matchbox catalogs dating from 1957 to 1992 for you to view. NEW MATCHBOX CATALOGS TO VIEW 1957 TO 1975 COMPLETE CATALOGS. CLICK ON THE MATCHBOX LINK AND FOLLOW DIRECTIONS. NEW! Dinky Dublo Series images and values. Click on Dinky Link. |
Actual Online price guides for thousands of toys and pottery
My new eBook novels are now available on Amazon and Barnes and Noble. Click on the following links to check them out. Amazon.com Don't have a Kindle reader, click the link below for more information on the Kindle for PCs at amazon.com. Read from your home computer. Have an iPad. You can download the Kindle app and have the guides on your iPad at all times. Great for auctions and sales. The Daughters of Damien County A Jackie Lowe Ghost series book The Patriot papers A Jackie Lowe Ghost series book. Treasure Hunting the back roads of America. Barnes and Noble The Daughters of Damien County A Jackie Lowe Ghost series book The Patriot papers A Jackie Lowe Ghost series book. Treasure Hunting the back roads of America.
Designed for easy Navigation Thousands of pictures and images to view of pottery and toys with names and values accompanying each image Learn about fakes and reproductions and how to spot one as you cruise the fleamarkets and yardsales. Find values for pottery, McCoy, Hull, Roseville, Watt, Shawnee, metal and plastic toys such as Tonka, Hubley, Hot Wheels, Nylint, Hubley, Dinky, Structo and many more antiques as I build the site to help you enjoy your hobby or as an eBay dealer have values at your finger tips for a better understanding of what to ask for your product. Contact us RealPriceGuides 2005-16
Weekly Articles on Pottery and Toys NEW ARTICLE!!!!! |
NEW !! Check out my newest book on Collecting. |
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