
“Night Views” - Z\W\A\R\T magazine Nr. 5

\ A booklet of 8 X A4 paper + cover

\ 15 pages of images \ photocopied photos + reworked with hand

\ All photo’s by MK \ 1977-2013 \ all unpublished


just uploaded:

‘Schwarze Luft’

composition by Les Horribles Travailleurs


Image: Max Kuiper\ Black Air installation


These are the complete sound works that were partly integrated into the ‘Black Air’ installation of z\w\a\r\t magazine.
Segments and\or elements of these works were woven into the Air Noir sound work.
Released on tape as part of z\w\a\r\t magazine nr. 29 – Black Air issue.
Additional, elements where used for the sound performance by Les Horribles Travailleurs during the opening of the exhibition.


z\w\a\r\t installation, which is part of the ‘Black Air’ group exhibition.

Casino Luxembourg – Fo.rum d’art contemporain,
41, rue Notre-Dame, L-2240 Luxembourg

Artists: Aldo Tambellini, Otto Piene, Ibrahim R. Ineke, Semiconductor, Ayako Kato, Max Kuiper, Lisa Slodki, Hans de Wit

Curator: Amelia LiCavoli

Exhibition from 05.10.2024 to 05.01.2025

“Black Air takes its name from a 1968 electronic environment of video and pneumatics by Aldo Tambellini and Otto Piene.

In addition to this re-activation, a new publication, site-specific installations, and performances have been commissioned.

Ibrahim R. Ineke’s painting and artist’s book set the human scale.

Semiconductor maps scientific data from expanses of dark energy within superclusters of galaxies, and visualizes them as sculptural reliefs, accompanied by sound.

Ayako Kato performs a physical exploration of metaphysical black air throughout space and time.

Max Kuiper constructs a mixed-media installation of sound, video projections, and transparent sheets with encased materials and prints.

A suspended video installation by Lisa Slodki depicts a series of dynamic vignettes captured during a search for ether.

Landscapes by Hans de Wit indicate bursts of radiation, churning air, and biological antennae, suggesting that the earth’s surface is more like a lung than a hard crust.

Together these artworks demonstrate the amorosity of black air—which becomes visible or tangible only through its interactions, relationships, and effects.”

Source + more information:


z\w\a\r\t 23 installation


Secret Bunker \ Omstand


1 feb 2013:

‘Night Views’

Z\W\A\R\T magazine Nr. 5

\ A booklet of 8 X A4 paper + cover

\ 15 pages of images \ photocopied photos + reworked with hand

\ All photo’s by MK \ 1977-2013



z\w\a\r\t magazine

the Dutch word ‘zwart’ means 'black’


Organizing prints at Casino, Luxembourg on 1 oct. as part of the preperations for the z\w\a\r\t installation.

‘Black Air’ Group exhibition.

Casino Luxembourg – Forum d’art contemporain,
41, rue Notre-Dame, L-2240 Luxembourg

Artists:Aldo Tambellini, Otto Piene, Ibrahim R. Ineke, Semiconductor, Ayako Kato, Max Kuiper, Lisa Slodki, Hans de Wit

Curator: Amelia LiCavoli

Exhibition from 05.10.2024 to 05.01.2025 

More information:



z\w\a\r\t magazine




\ R\A\W M\A\T\E\R\I\A\L
\ # 1896 - \ # 1899
\ Max Kuiper

Fragment of one of the videos of the z\w\a\r\t installation, which is part of the current ‘Black Air’ group exhibition.

Casino Luxembourg – Forum d’art contemporain,
41, rue Notre-Dame, L-2240 Luxembourg

Artists: Aldo Tambellini, Otto Piene, Ibrahim R. Ineke, Semiconductor, Ayako Kato, Max Kuiper, Lisa Slodki, Hans de Wit

Curator: Amelia LiCavoli

Exhibition from 05.10.2024 to 05.01.2025

More information:


z\w\a\r\t magazine nr. 27

Can be ordered now!

- 12,50 EUR

- 24 A4 pages

- 20 images in total, 5 of which cover 2 pages

- Weight of the magazine itself: 54 gram

- Coloured, but very subtle

Shipping costs in Euro’s:

The Netherlands: 4,95

Within EU: 9,40

UK: 10,60

Outside EU:

US, AUS: 14

Paypal: kidko at xs4all point nl


The release of z\w\a\r\t nr. 27 will coincide with the ‘C.R.U.D.E. exhibition’.
This is a new and extra program of the 3rd CRUDE Transmissions festival at Resisistor in Leiden, The Netherlands. Organized by Charnel Ground.

Askratx, Jonathan Bergen, Dean Lloyd Robinson and Max Kuiper will be exhibiting their visual works on both the 25th and 26th of may 2024 and will be performing (alternative) sets at the gallery on the 26th.
The C.R.U.D.E. exhibition is at the Troef gallery, Middelstegracht 87, across the street from Resistor. Open 14:00 - 18:00.

CRUDE Transmissions Line up saturday May 25th:
Psychward (AU)
Urall (BE)
Fleshlicker (UK)
Kastrata (PT)
Svartvit (NL)
Jonathan Bergen (DE)
Viimeinen (UK)
Awenydd (NL)
Knifedoutofexistence (UK)
Snake Oil Merchants (BE/US/NL)
Birthed (NL)
Dystopian Control (PL)
Sumnja (DE)

Line up sunday May 26th at Troef:
Les Horribles Travailleurs (NL)
Kastrata (PT)
Jonathan Bergen (DE)
Knifedoutofexistence (UK)
Hesker (NL)

A lot of information on the festival can be found on the profile of the organizer, Charnel Ground:



Book release!

X book of black drones and loud screams X

X visual information of an existing book is filtered by covering parts of the pages with black tape X

An ‘Artist book’ by z\w\a\r\t magazine \ Max Kuiper.

Published by r\a\w f\o\r\m\s.

Facebook eventpage:


Coincides with an two days exhibition of pages of the book in a dressing room in a former gymnastics hall in Brugge/Bruges, Belgium.

4 and 5 may 2024

X book of black drones and loud screams X

is part of a group exhibition in a number of dressing rooms:


Facebook event page:

Howest oude turnzaal

Klaverstraat 52
8000 Brugge

Organized by ‘House of Art’


In The Netherlands, 4 may is ‘Remembrance Day’ (Dodenherdenking), an annual observance that remembers those who died during war and in peace-keeping operations. It is the day before ‘Liberation Day.’


more information on the book will follow


Today is the release of ‘Bodies of Water’ - z\w\a\r\t magazine nr. 26.

Coinciding with ‘FLUX’, a groupexhibition at ‘L’Atelier des Empreintes’.

‘Bodies of Water’ is part of that exhibition.


4 ruelle de la Motte, Montsoreau, Val de Loire, France.
17 sept – 12 nov 2023.



Z\w\a\r\t magazine nr. 26 consist of 12 visual works and a cdr with soundworks by Les Horribles Travailleurs.

Water is an element of these soundworks – both as subject and as concrete sound, using field and home recordings from 1983-2023.

Manipulations made with electronic devices by Floris van Rijswijk and Robin Atema of these recordings where integrated in some works.
Also used: fieldrecordings made at ‘Dead Horse Bay’ by Luis A. Gonzalez\Lavas Magmas; recordings of the Ruhr River near Monschau by Nora Kuiper; guitar sounds made by Saskya Kamps in 1986.



More information and complete digital album soon.

‘Bodies of Water’

z\w\a\r\t magazine nr. 26



‘Bodies of Water’: Second sound work is now on Bandcamp

'Bodies of Water’ - z\w\a\r\t magazine nr. 26 will be released on 17 september 2023.

The release coincides with an exhibition in France - as part of a group exhibition titled 'Flux\Flow’.

Atelier des Empreintes

4 ruelle de la Motte, Montsoreau, Val de Loire

17 sept – 12 nov 2023


The magazine consist of 12 visual works and a cdr with soundworks by Les Horribles Travailleurs.

Water is an element of these soundworks – both as subject and as concrete sound, using field and home recordings from 1983-2023.

Manipulations made with electronic devices by Floris van Rijswijk and Robin Atema of these recordings where integrated in some works.

Also used:  fieldrecordings made at ‘Dead Horse Bay’ by Luis A. Gonzalez\Lavas Magmas;  recordings of the Ruhr River near Monschau by Nora Kuiper; guitar sounds made by Saskya Kamps in 1986.


“Night Views” - Z\W\A\R\T magazine Nr. 5

\ A booklet of 8 X A4 paper + cover

\ 15 pages of images \ photocopied photos + reworked with hand

\ All photo’s by MK \ 1977-2013 \ all unpublished


just uploaded:

‘Schwarze Luft’

composition by Les Horribles Travailleurs


Image: Max Kuiper\ Black Air installation


These are the complete sound works that were partly integrated into the ‘Black Air’ installation of z\w\a\r\t magazine.
Segments and\or elements of these works were woven into the Air Noir sound work.
Released on tape as part of z\w\a\r\t magazine nr. 29 – Black Air issue.
Additional, elements where used for the sound performance by Les Horribles Travailleurs during the opening of the exhibition.


z\w\a\r\t installation, which is part of the ‘Black Air’ group exhibition.

Casino Luxembourg – Fo.rum d’art contemporain,
41, rue Notre-Dame, L-2240 Luxembourg

Artists: Aldo Tambellini, Otto Piene, Ibrahim R. Ineke, Semiconductor, Ayako Kato, Max Kuiper, Lisa Slodki, Hans de Wit

Curator: Amelia LiCavoli

Exhibition from 05.10.2024 to 05.01.2025

“Black Air takes its name from a 1968 electronic environment of video and pneumatics by Aldo Tambellini and Otto Piene.

In addition to this re-activation, a new publication, site-specific installations, and performances have been commissioned.

Ibrahim R. Ineke’s painting and artist’s book set the human scale.

Semiconductor maps scientific data from expanses of dark energy within superclusters of galaxies, and visualizes them as sculptural reliefs, accompanied by sound.

Ayako Kato performs a physical exploration of metaphysical black air throughout space and time.

Max Kuiper constructs a mixed-media installation of sound, video projections, and transparent sheets with encased materials and prints.

A suspended video installation by Lisa Slodki depicts a series of dynamic vignettes captured during a search for ether.

Landscapes by Hans de Wit indicate bursts of radiation, churning air, and biological antennae, suggesting that the earth’s surface is more like a lung than a hard crust.

Together these artworks demonstrate the amorosity of black air—which becomes visible or tangible only through its interactions, relationships, and effects.”

Source + more information:


z\w\a\r\t 23 installation


Secret Bunker \ Omstand


1 feb 2013:

‘Night Views’

Z\W\A\R\T magazine Nr. 5

\ A booklet of 8 X A4 paper + cover

\ 15 pages of images \ photocopied photos + reworked with hand

\ All photo’s by MK \ 1977-2013



z\w\a\r\t magazine

the Dutch word ‘zwart’ means 'black’


Organizing prints at Casino, Luxembourg on 1 oct. as part of the preperations for the z\w\a\r\t installation.

‘Black Air’ Group exhibition.

Casino Luxembourg – Forum d’art contemporain,
41, rue Notre-Dame, L-2240 Luxembourg

Artists:Aldo Tambellini, Otto Piene, Ibrahim R. Ineke, Semiconductor, Ayako Kato, Max Kuiper, Lisa Slodki, Hans de Wit

Curator: Amelia LiCavoli

Exhibition from 05.10.2024 to 05.01.2025 

More information:



z\w\a\r\t magazine




\ R\A\W M\A\T\E\R\I\A\L
\ # 1896 - \ # 1899
\ Max Kuiper

Fragment of one of the videos of the z\w\a\r\t installation, which is part of the current ‘Black Air’ group exhibition.

Casino Luxembourg – Forum d’art contemporain,
41, rue Notre-Dame, L-2240 Luxembourg

Artists: Aldo Tambellini, Otto Piene, Ibrahim R. Ineke, Semiconductor, Ayako Kato, Max Kuiper, Lisa Slodki, Hans de Wit

Curator: Amelia LiCavoli

Exhibition from 05.10.2024 to 05.01.2025

More information:


z\w\a\r\t magazine nr. 27

Can be ordered now!

- 12,50 EUR

- 24 A4 pages

- 20 images in total, 5 of which cover 2 pages

- Weight of the magazine itself: 54 gram

- Coloured, but very subtle

Shipping costs in Euro’s:

The Netherlands: 4,95

Within EU: 9,40

UK: 10,60

Outside EU:

US, AUS: 14

Paypal: kidko at xs4all point nl


The release of z\w\a\r\t nr. 27 will coincide with the ‘C.R.U.D.E. exhibition’.
This is a new and extra program of the 3rd CRUDE Transmissions festival at Resisistor in Leiden, The Netherlands. Organized by Charnel Ground.

Askratx, Jonathan Bergen, Dean Lloyd Robinson and Max Kuiper will be exhibiting their visual works on both the 25th and 26th of may 2024 and will be performing (alternative) sets at the gallery on the 26th.
The C.R.U.D.E. exhibition is at the Troef gallery, Middelstegracht 87, across the street from Resistor. Open 14:00 - 18:00.

CRUDE Transmissions Line up saturday May 25th:
Psychward (AU)
Urall (BE)
Fleshlicker (UK)
Kastrata (PT)
Svartvit (NL)
Jonathan Bergen (DE)
Viimeinen (UK)
Awenydd (NL)
Knifedoutofexistence (UK)
Snake Oil Merchants (BE/US/NL)
Birthed (NL)
Dystopian Control (PL)
Sumnja (DE)

Line up sunday May 26th at Troef:
Les Horribles Travailleurs (NL)
Kastrata (PT)
Jonathan Bergen (DE)
Knifedoutofexistence (UK)
Hesker (NL)

A lot of information on the festival can be found on the profile of the organizer, Charnel Ground:



Book release!

X book of black drones and loud screams X

X visual information of an existing book is filtered by covering parts of the pages with black tape X

An ‘Artist book’ by z\w\a\r\t magazine \ Max Kuiper.

Published by r\a\w f\o\r\m\s.

Facebook eventpage:


Coincides with an two days exhibition of pages of the book in a dressing room in a former gymnastics hall in Brugge/Bruges, Belgium.

4 and 5 may 2024

X book of black drones and loud screams X

is part of a group exhibition in a number of dressing rooms:


Facebook event page:

Howest oude turnzaal

Klaverstraat 52
8000 Brugge

Organized by ‘House of Art’


In The Netherlands, 4 may is ‘Remembrance Day’ (Dodenherdenking), an annual observance that remembers those who died during war and in peace-keeping operations. It is the day before ‘Liberation Day.’


more information on the book will follow


Today is the release of ‘Bodies of Water’ - z\w\a\r\t magazine nr. 26.

Coinciding with ‘FLUX’, a groupexhibition at ‘L’Atelier des Empreintes’.

‘Bodies of Water’ is part of that exhibition.


4 ruelle de la Motte, Montsoreau, Val de Loire, France.
17 sept – 12 nov 2023.



Z\w\a\r\t magazine nr. 26 consist of 12 visual works and a cdr with soundworks by Les Horribles Travailleurs.

Water is an element of these soundworks – both as subject and as concrete sound, using field and home recordings from 1983-2023.

Manipulations made with electronic devices by Floris van Rijswijk and Robin Atema of these recordings where integrated in some works.
Also used: fieldrecordings made at ‘Dead Horse Bay’ by Luis A. Gonzalez\Lavas Magmas; recordings of the Ruhr River near Monschau by Nora Kuiper; guitar sounds made by Saskya Kamps in 1986.



More information and complete digital album soon.

‘Bodies of Water’

z\w\a\r\t magazine nr. 26



‘Bodies of Water’: Second sound work is now on Bandcamp

'Bodies of Water’ - z\w\a\r\t magazine nr. 26 will be released on 17 september 2023.

The release coincides with an exhibition in France - as part of a group exhibition titled 'Flux\Flow’.

Atelier des Empreintes

4 ruelle de la Motte, Montsoreau, Val de Loire

17 sept – 12 nov 2023


The magazine consist of 12 visual works and a cdr with soundworks by Les Horribles Travailleurs.

Water is an element of these soundworks – both as subject and as concrete sound, using field and home recordings from 1983-2023.

Manipulations made with electronic devices by Floris van Rijswijk and Robin Atema of these recordings where integrated in some works.

Also used:  fieldrecordings made at ‘Dead Horse Bay’ by Luis A. Gonzalez\Lavas Magmas;  recordings of the Ruhr River near Monschau by Nora Kuiper; guitar sounds made by Saskya Kamps in 1986.


Z\W\A\R\T\24 project: http://zwart24.tumblr.com/

General page: http://rawforms.blogspot.nl/


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