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Nocturns are Enemies in Spirit Tracks.[2]


Nocturns are lost Spirits encountered in the Tower of Spirits on the third and sixth visits.[3] They will hover out of reach in the darkness, but when they suddenly get exposed to the light, they fall to the ground, weakened.[3] This can easily be done by lighting up the torches around with the boomerang or by using Princess Zelda to possess a Torch Phantom to move around with a light. Once this is done, Princess Zelda or Link can attack the Nocturn.[4] After obtaining a Bow of Light, Link can shoot a Nocturn in its back with a fully charged Light Arrow.


Its name is derived from the word "nocturnal", referring to the fact that they live in the dark and resent the light.

Names in Other Regions
This table was generated from Zelda Wiki's translation data.

See Also


  1. Fear the dark, friends, because it’s often home to Nocturns! (The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks—PRIMA Official Game Guide, Prima Games, pg. 30)
  2. Encyclopedia, Dark Horse Books, pg. 194
  3. 3.0 3.1 These poor lost souls attack Link ferociously if he wanders near, but they shun the light and won’t pursue Link out of the pitch-dark. (The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks—PRIMA Official Game Guide, Prima Games, pg. 30)
  4. Only Torch Phantom Zelda can best these dreary spirits. (The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks—PRIMA Official Game Guide, Prima Games, pg. 30)