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Product Types Cross Stitch Patterns (1,078)Quilt Fabric (870)Thread and Floss (315)Cross Stitch Kits (137)Cross Stitch Fabric (46)Quilt Patterns (42)Cross Stitch Supplies (27)Stitching Frames Hoops and Stands (25)Felt Applique Kits (17)Organizers and Storage (12)Needle Minders (10)Scissors (5)Needlepoint Patterns (4)Quilting Notions (4)Quilt Kits (4)Sewing Patterns (2)Needles (2)Embroidery Kits (1)Display Frames (1)Charms (1)Buttons (1)
Fabric Sizes Yardage (696)Layer Cakes (39)Charm Packs (39)Jelly Rolls (36)Fat Quarter Bundles (31)Quilt Panels (17)Fat Eighth Bundles (9)Dessert Rolls (2)Honey Buns (1)
Collections 108 Agatha Road (4)108 Nantucket Summer (3)108 Pearl Bracelet (1)108 Prairie Gatherings Flannels (4)108 Washi Plus (3)3 Favorites Lavender Fields (1)3 Sisters Favorites Meadow Greens (1)321 Blast Off (30)Abloom (4)Accentuate Metallic Thread (81)Agatha Road (39)Au Ver A Soie - Metallic Braid (60)Autumn Forest (33)Bee Dots Collection (1)Bee Garden (7)Blooming Roots (2)Buon Natale (2)Classic Colorworks Floss (3)Color Crush (4)Cottage Charm (1)Crescent Colours Silk Floss (2)Echo Batiks (29)Farm And Garden (26)For My Boys Henry (17)For My Boys Milo (17)For My Boys Oliver (16)For The Bowl (7)Foraged Found and Hand Me Down (44)French General Woven Ginghams (16)Geometry (33)Gloriana Princess Perle Thread (3)Gloriana Silk Floss (2)Goodnight Irene (3)I Love Fall Most Of All (37)Itty Bitty Background Gatherings (5)Kreinik Thread 12 Braid (1)Larking (6)Lecien Cosmo Cotton Embroidery Floss (2)Legendary Love (30)Love And Cheer (1)Love Letter (9)Memory Lane (32)Mixed Bag Of Bonbons (4)Mixed Bag of Lollies (2)Morris Manor (3)NPI Needlepoint Inc Silk (2)Nantucket Summer (43)Nashville Needlework Market 2025 (656)Needlework Marketplace 2024 (2)On Lake Time (32)Ooh Lucky Lucky (4)Prairie Gatherings Flannels (43)Rainier (4)Raspberry Summer (3)Sacre Bleu (1)Sagewood (5)Sallys Stitches 1840-1860 (36)Seven Seas Mermaids (2)Sherbet Sunshine Flannel (39)Simply Cozy (2)Small Cube Series (2)Soie Gobelins (131)Star Spangled (5)Starry (26)Statehood Splendor (51)Strawberry (1)Summertime (6)Sun Drenched (38)Superbloom (4)The Dreamer (1)The Gentle Art Sampler Threads (1)Thread Gatherers Silk N Colors (2)Threads (3)Urban Whisper Mochi Linen (15)Valdani Embroidery Floss (7)Wanderlust (4)Warp Weft Ooh Lucky Lucky (20)Washi Plus (30)Weeks Dye Works Floss (5)Weeks Dye Works Pearl Floss (1)Wheatland (45)Wild Orchid (39)
Designers / Brands 3 Sisters (2)A Gardners Needle (2)Access Commodities (81)Aine (3)Alexia Abegg (49)Anabella's (25)Annie Beez Folk Art (9)Antique Needleworkers (6)April Rosenthal Prairie Grass (4)Ardith Designs (19)Artful Offerings (1)Artmishka (10)Atelier Soed Idee (1)Au Ver A Soie (191)AuryTm (4)Autumn Lane Stitchery (6)BAD Stitch (9)Barbara Brackman (3)Barefoot Needleart (3)Beadalon (1)Bella Filipina (1)Bendy Stitchy Designs (5)Betsy Chutchian (39)Blackbird Designs (41)Blueberry Ridge Designs (6)Bohin (10)Bothy Threads (33)Boulder Valley Stitching (21)Branch & Blume (1)Brenda Riddle (32)Bucilla (17)CM Designs (17)Calico Confectionery (5)Camille Roskelley (51)Cardan Antiques and Needlework (2)Carriage House Samplings (3)Cathe Holden (26)Cherry Blossoms (6)Cherry Hill Stitchery (2)Chessie and Me (3)Classic Colorworks (5)Coach House Designs (5)Copper Kettle Quilt Company (1)Corey Yoder Coriander Quilts (41)Cotton Pixels (5)Counting Puddles (6)Country Cottage Needleworks (2)Crafty Bluebonnet Designs (10)Create Joy Project (4)Crocette A Gogo (4)Cross Stitch Antiques (7)Cross Stitch Wonders (13)Crystal Manning (5)Cuore E Batticuore (1)Cute Embroidery By Kate (11)Darling and Whimsy Designs (2)Deb Strain (61)Debbie Mumm (4)Design Works (23)Designs by Lavender Lime (4)Dinky Dyes (9)Dirty Annie (14)Dutch Stitch Brothers (1)Elegant Thread (5)Emily Call Stitching (14)Erica Michaels (7)Erin Elizabeth (13)Fairy Wool in the Wood (3)Fancy That Design House (44)Fiber on a Whim (10)Fig Tree Quilts (44)Finally a Farmgirl (11)Flossabilities (15)Forbidden Fiber Co (1)Fox and Rabbit (21)French General (16)From the Heart (4)Frony Ritter Designs (7)Gingiber (6)Gloriana Threads (5)Hands Across the Sea Samplers (1)Hands On Design (6)Hands to Work (2)Happiness Is Heartmade (14)Happy Quilting (1)Hardwicke Manor (25)Heart In Hand Needleart (9)Heartstring Samplery (6)Hello From Liz Mathews (6)Homespun Elegance (2)Imaginating (6)Ink Circles (9)Its Sew Emma (3)JBW Designs (8)Jan Hicks Creates (10)Janet Clare (6)Jardin Prive (1)Jean Farish Needleworks (1)Jeannette Douglas (13)Jen Kingwell (6)Jessica Rose (4)Joan Elliott (4)Just Another Button Company (1)Kansas Troubles Quilters (45)Kathy Barrick (6)Keslyn's (3)Kiralyn (8)Kreinik (1)La D Da (1)Lady Dot Creates (4)Ladybug Stitches (5)Lanarte (6)Lecien Japan (2)Les Petites Croix De Lucie (23)Letistitch (9)Lila's Studio (3)Lilli Violette (2)Lindy Stitches (5)Linn Warme (33)Little Dove Designs (1)Little House Needleworks (3)Little Robin Designs (6)Little Stitch Girl (8)Lizzy House (9)LoRan (1)Lola Crow (4)Long Dog Samplers (3)Lori Holt (3)LuHu Stitches (17)Lucy Beam Love in Stitches (12)Luminous Fiber Arts (6)MTV Designs (7)Madame Chantilly (2)Madame La Fee (2)Mani di Donna (11)Merejka (6)Mill Hill (17)Mirabilia (3)Moda (30)Mojo Stitches (3)Monticello Stitches (4)My Sew Quilty Life (1)My Wandering Path (1)NPI (2)Needle Bling Designs (6)Needle Delights Originals (4)Needle Treasures Nook (20)NeedleWorkPress (10)Needlemade Designs (4)New York Dreamer (4)Nikyscreations (7)Nomadic Quilter (1)Nora Corbett (4)Noteworthy Needle (4)October House Fiber Arts (9)Olde Willow Stitchery (6)Paisleys and Polka Dots (1)Pansy Patch Quilts and Stitchery (6)Petal Pusher (4)Pickle Barrel Designs (12)Picture This Plus (5)Plum Street Samplers (7)Prairie Schooler (1)Praiseworthy Stitches (5)Primitive Gatherings (52)Primitive Hare (19)Primrose Cottage Stitches (7)Punch Needle Primitive Stitcher (1)Puntini Puntini (12)Quaint Rose Needle Arts (9)Queenstown Sampler Designs (7)RTO (10)Rashida Coleman Hale (33)Red Barn Samplers (8)Riolis (9)Robin Pickens (13)Romy's Creations (14)Rosewood Manor (11)Rosie and Me Creations (2)Ruby Star Society (33)Running With Needles And Scissors (11)SamBrie Stitches (11)Samplers And Primitives (6)Samplers Not Forgotten (8)Sariditty (30)Sassafras Samplers (8)Satsuma Street (9)Scattered Seeds Samplers (1)Serenita Di Campagna (7)Sewn By Amy Schelle (50)Shakespeare's Peddler (11)Shannon Christine Designs (7)Shepherd's Bush (6)Sherri and Chelsi (3)Silver Creek Samplers (8)Sister Lou Stitches (4)Stacy Iest Hsu (30)Stacy Nash Primitives (7)Stitching with the Housewives (10)Stitchworks (2)Stitchy Prose (8)Stoney Creek (6)Sugar Maple Designs (1)Summer House Stitche Workes (6)Sweet Wing Studio (8)Sweetfire Road (38)Sweetheart Tree (1)Sweetwater (3)Tempting Tangles (3)Teresa Kogut (8)The Artsy Housewife (7)The Blue Flower (5)The Gentle Art (1)The Mindful Needle (4)The Nebby Needle (6)The Proper Stitcher (10)The Salty Stitcher (3)Then Came June (1)Thistles (10)Thread Gatherer (2)Thread Milk Design (94)Threadworx (1)Three Sheep Studio (2)Tiny Modernist (15)Tobin (1)Tralala (4)Twin Peak Primitives (8)V and Co (4)Val's Stuff (4)Valdani (7)Waxing Moon Designs (1)Weeks Dye Works (18)Wendy Sheppard (1)Wichelt (3)Wildflower Stitching (10)Works By ABC (8)Xs And Ohs (1)YLI (1)Yarn Tree (1)Yasmin's Made With Love (6)Zen Chic (17)Zweigart (1)
Fabric Counts 14 Count (3)16 Count (1)20 Count (1)28 Count (16)30 Count (2)32 Count (6)36 Count (3)40 Count (5)46 Count (8)
Fabric Types Aida (5)Backing and Wide (5)Banding (1)Belfast Linen (1)Canvas (16)Cashel Linen (2)Cotton (816)Denim (3)Evenweave (2)Felted Wool (1)Flannel (76)Jobelan (1)Linen (47)Lugana (4)Mesh (3)Wool (1)
Print / PDF Format Print (1,077)PDF (8)
Themes / Subjects 12 Days Of Christmas (1)4th of July (55)Abstract (15)Africa (1)Alphabets (47)America (56)Amish (1)Angels (6)Animals (110)Anniversary (1)Antique (105)Apples (4)April (8)Arrows (4)Asian (1)August (1)Autumn (105)Babies (10)Baby Bibs (1)Baby Quilts (1)Backgrounds (3)Ballet (2)Balloons (1)Banners (2)Barns (7)Basics (18)Batiks (29)Bats (8)Beach and Ocean (32)Bed and Bath (1)Bees (46)Bible Verses (8)Birdhouses (6)Birds (89)Birth Announcements (7)Birthdays (1)Biscornu (7)Black and White (115)Blackwork (1)Bluebirds (5)Boats (10)Bookmarks (2)Bows (10)Bridges (1)Brights (6)Butterflies (16)Cabin (3)Calendars (1)California (1)Canada (1)Candy and Chocolate (8)Cardinals (2)Cars (4)Castles (4)Cats (40)Celebrate (2)Celestial (4)Celtic (2)Chickens (14)Children (2)China (1)Chocolate (13)Christian (23)Christmas (120)Christmas Holly and Mistletoe (3)Christmas Nativity (6)Christmas Ornaments (34)Christmas Stockings (20)Christmas Trees (17)Christmas Wreaths (1)Churches (3)Circular (61)Circus (2)Clocks (1)Clothing (5)Clouds (22)Clowns (1)Coastal (2)Coffee (8)College (1)Corner (2)Cottages (9)Country and Folk Art (10)Cowboys (2)Cows (6)Crafts (4)Crowns (2)Crows (4)Cruise (1)Cushions (21)Daisies (14)Dance (6)Dandelions (1)Daughters (1)December (2)Deer (11)Dessert (4)Disney (3)Disney Princesses (2)Dogs (12)Dolphins (1)Dots and Spots (93)Doves (2)Dragonflies (2)Dragons (3)Dreams (7)Eagles (1)Easter (36)Elephants (3)Embroidery Hoops (25)England (5)Europe (7)Fairies (5)Family (5)Fantasy (4)Farms (47)Fashion (1)Fathers (1)Feathers (12)February (9)Fish (2)Flamingos (11)Flannel (86)Flip Flops (1)Flourishes (5)Flowers (522)Food (6)Four Seasons (404)Frames (6)France (22)Friends (20)Frogs (9)Fruit (17)Funny (4)Gardening (8)Gardens (84)Geometric (298)Ghosts (21)Gingerbread (5)Giraffes (2)Gnomes (1)Grandmothers (2)Grandparents (2)Gratitude (1)Guitars (1)Halloween (59)Harvest (17)Hats (8)Hawaii (1)Hearts (63)Hedgehogs (2)Hello (11)Holidays (219)Home Sweet Home (6)Hope (1)Horses (3)Hot Cocoa (11)House Mouse (1)Houses (88)Hummingbirds (1)Hydrangeas (1)Inspirational (30)Iris Flowers (1)Irish and Ireland (6)Italy (1)January (4)Jewish (1)Journaling (1)July (6)June (5)Kitchen (11)Labels (1)Ladybugs (4)Landscapes (24)Layering (39)Leaves (108)Leopards (1)Life (14)Lilies (1)Lions (1)London (2)Love (120)Mandalas (23)Maps (1)March (13)Marriage (2)Mermaids (9)Mexico (1)Mice (10)Military (2)Mittens (1)Monograms (1)Moon (14)Mothers (5)Music (7)Nativity (6)Nature (45)Needle Minders (9)Neutrals (58)New Year (1)New York (2)Nutcrackers (2)Ocean (37)October (3)Ovals (1)Owls (12)Paris (2)Party (4)Pastels (39)Patriotic (53)Peace (6)Peacocks (3)Pears (4)Penguins (10)Peonies (2)Pets (50)Pigs (2)Pillows (18)Pin Cushions (14)Planners (1)Poinsettias (1)Polar Bears (4)Polka Dots (6)Posies (3)Postal (1)Primitive (1)Princess (7)Psalms (2)Pumpkins (46)Puns (2)Quaker (17)Quilt Squares (13)Quilt Tops (2)Quotes (3)Rabbits (48)Ravens (1)Reindeer (6)Reproduction (44)Reproduction Samplers (33)Retirement (1)Retro (33)Robins (1)Roosters (3)Roses (17)Saint Patrick's Day (4)Samplers (205)Santa Claus (21)Scenic (28)School (5)Sea Shells (1)Seagulls (1)Sealife (8)Sentiments (193)September (1)Sewing (19)Sheep (16)Shoes (11)Silhouettes (2)Sisters (7)Skeletons (5)Skulls (4)Smiles (1)Snowflakes (7)Snowmen (34)Solids (34)Spiders and Spiderwebs (4)Sports (3)Spring (111)Squares (20)Squirrels (6)Stars (83)Stitchable (54)Summer (117)Sun (91)Sunflowers (43)Swimming (1)Tags (8)Tea and Teapots (14)Teddy Bears (3)Texas (3)Thank You (2)Thanksgiving (3)Tigers (2)Towels (1)Toys (6)Trains (1)Transportation (15)Travel and Vacations (4)Tree Skirts (1)Trees (35)Trick or Treat (4)Tropical (4)Tulips (6)Turkeys (7)Turtles (2)Undersea (4)Urban and City (18)Valentine's Day (52)Vegetables (33)Veterans (2)Vines (70)Vintage (103)Weddings (2)Welcome (7)Whales (3)Wildflowers (6)Wildlife (3)Windows (4)Wine (1)Winter (76)Witches (10)Wizard Of Oz (1)Wizards (2)Zebras (1)


2,604 items found

AMK-207 Added March 14th
Easter Eggs - Cross Stitch Pattern
by Artmishka
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Cross stitch pattern from Artmishka featuring six Easter eggs!

Model stitched on the fabric of your choice using DMC floss. Stitch count is 38W x 54H each.

Finished Size:
on aida 14 – 7 x 10 cm (2 3/4 x 4 in)
on aida 16 – 6.5 x 9 cm (2 1/2 x 3 1/2 in)
56128-11 Added March 14th
On Lake Time Cloud White - Panel
by Deb Strain for Moda
$13.00  $1169
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On Lake Time Cloud White - Panel
56128-13 Added March 14th
On Lake Time Deep Water - Panel
by Deb Strain for Moda
$13.00  $1169
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On Lake Time Deep Water - Panel
56126-16 Added March 14th
On Lake Time Flower - Daisy - Quilt Fabric
by Deb Strain for Moda
$13.00  $1169 per yard
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On Lake Time Daisy - Quilt Fabric
RS4121-12 Added March 14th
Warp Weft Ooh Lucky Lucky Wildflower - Quilt Fabric
by Alexia Abegg for Moda
$13.00  $1169 per yard
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Warp Weft Ooh Lucky Wildflower - Quilt Fabric
RS4128-11 Added March 14th
Warp Weft Ooh Lucky Lucky Natural Black - Quilt Fabric
by Alexia Abegg for Moda
$13.00  $1169 per yard
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Warp Weft Ooh Lucky Lucky Natural Black - Quilt Fabric
RS4122-11 Added March 14th
Warp Weft Ooh Lucky Lucky Peony - Quilt Fabric
by Alexia Abegg for Moda
$13.00  $1169 per yard
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Warp Weft Ooh Lucky Lucky Peony - Quilt Fabric
RS4123-11 Added March 14th
Warp Weft Ooh Lucky Lucky Heliotrope - Quilt Fabric
by Alexia Abegg for Moda
$13.00  $1169 per yard
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Warp Weft Ooh Lucky Lucky Heliotrope - Quilt Fabric
RS4126-11 Added March 14th
Warp Weft Ooh Lucky Lucky Soft Black - Quilt Fabric
by Alexia Abegg for Moda
$13.00  $1169 per yard
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Warp Weft Ooh Lucky Lucky Soft Black - Quilt Fabric
RS4127-13 Added March 14th
Warp Weft Ooh Lucky Lucky Maple Flat - Quilt Fabric
by Alexia Abegg for Moda
$13.00  $1169 per yard
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Warp Weft Ooh Lucky Lucky Maple Flat - Quilt Fabric
RS4128-13 Added March 14th
Warp Weft Ooh Lucky Lucky Natural Pink - Quilt Fabric
by Alexia Abegg for Moda
$13.00  $1169 per yard
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Warp Weft Ooh Lucky Lucky Natural Pink - Quilt Fabric
56120-12 Added March 14th
On Lake Time Boats - Sky Blue - Quilt Fabric
by Deb Strain for Moda
$13.00  $1169 per yard
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On Lake Time Sky Blue - Quilt Fabric
56121-12 Added March 14th
On Lake Time Boats - Sky Blue - Quilt Fabric
by Deb Strain for Moda
$13.00  $1169 per yard
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On Lake Time Sky Blue - Quilt Fabric
56123-11 Added March 14th
On Lake Time Text - Cloud White - Quilt Fabric
by Deb Strain for Moda
$13.00  $1169 per yard
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On Lake Time Cloud White - Quilt Fabric
56123-13 Added March 14th
On Lake Time Text - Deep Water - Quilt Fabric
by Deb Strain for Moda
$13.00  $1169 per yard
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On Lake Time Deep Water - Quilt Fabric
56126-11 Added March 14th
On Lake Time Flower - Cloud White - Quilt Fabric
by Deb Strain for Moda
$13.00  $1169 per yard
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On Lake Time Cloud White - Quilt Fabric
56127-12 Added March 14th
On Lake Time - Sky Blue - Quilt Fabric
by Deb Strain for Moda
$13.00  $1169 per yard
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On Lake Time Sky Blue - Quilt Fabric
RS4121-13 Added March 14th
Warp Weft Ooh Lucky Lucky Rose - Quilt Fabric
by Alexia Abegg for Moda
$13.00  $1169 per yard
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Warp Weft Ooh Lucky Lucky Rose - Quilt Fabric
RS4127-12 Added March 14th
Warp Weft Ooh Lucky Lucky Citron - Quilt Fabric
by Alexia Abegg for Moda
$13.00  $1169 per yard
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Warp Weft Ooh Lucky Lucky Citron - Quilt Fabric
RS4128-12 Added March 14th
Warp Weft Ooh Lucky Lucky Soft Black - Quilt Fabric
by Alexia Abegg for Moda
$13.00  $1169 per yard
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Warp Weft Ooh Lucky Lucky Soft Black - Quilt Fabric
RS4129-12 Added March 14th
Warp Weft Ooh Lucky Lucky Soft Black - Quilt Fabric
by Alexia Abegg for Moda
$13.00  $1169 per yard
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Warp Weft Ooh Lucky Lucky Soft Black - Quilt Fabric
56120-13 Added March 14th
On Lake Time Boats - Deep Water - Quilt Fabric
by Deb Strain for Moda
$13.00  $1169 per yard
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On Lake Time Deep Water - Quilt Fabric
56121-13 Added March 14th
On Lake Time Boats - Deep Water - Quilt Fabric
by Deb Strain for Moda
$13.00  $1169 per yard
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On Lake Time Deep Water - Quilt Fabric
56122-11 Added March 14th
On Lake Time Paddle - Cloud White - Quilt Fabric
by Deb Strain for Moda
$13.00  $1169 per yard
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On Lake Time Cloud White - Quilt Fabric
56122-13 Added March 14th
On Lake Time Paddle - Deep Water - Quilt Fabric
by Deb Strain for Moda
$13.00  $1169 per yard
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On Lake Time Deep Water - Quilt Fabric
56122-15 Added March 14th
On Lake Time Paddle - Evergreen - Quilt Fabric
by Deb Strain for Moda
$13.00  $1169 per yard
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On Lake Time Evergreen - Quilt Fabric
56123-12 Added March 14th
On Lake Time Text - Sky Blue - Quilt Fabric
by Deb Strain for Moda
$13.00  $1169 per yard
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On Lake Time Sky Blue - Quilt Fabric
56124-11 Added March 14th
On Lake Time Plaid - Cloud White - Quilt Fabric
by Deb Strain for Moda
$13.00  $1169 per yard
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On Lake Time Cloud White - Quilt Fabric
56124-14 Added March 14th
On Lake Time Plaid - Spring - Quilt Fabric
by Deb Strain for Moda
$13.00  $1169 per yard
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On Lake Time Spring - Quilt Fabric
56124-16 Added March 14th
On Lake Time Plaid - Daisy - Quilt Fabric
by Deb Strain for Moda
$13.00  $1169 per yard
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On Lake Time Daisy - Quilt Fabric
56125-11 Added March 14th
On Lake Time Trees - Cloud White - Quilt Fabric
by Deb Strain for Moda
$13.00  $1169 per yard
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On Lake Time Cloud White - Quilt Fabric
56125-13 Added March 14th
On Lake Time Trees - Deep Water - Quilt Fabric
by Deb Strain for Moda
$13.00  $1169 per yard
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On Lake Time Deep Water - Quilt Fabric
56125-14 Added March 14th
On Lake Time Trees - Spring - Quilt Fabric
by Deb Strain for Moda
$13.00  $1169 per yard
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On Lake Time Spring - Quilt Fabric
56126-12 Added March 14th
On Lake Time Flower - Sky Blue - Quilt Fabric
by Deb Strain for Moda
$13.00  $1169 per yard
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On Lake Time Sky Blue - Quilt Fabric
56126-13 Added March 14th
On Lake Time Flower - Deep Water - Quilt Fabric
by Deb Strain for Moda
$13.00  $1169 per yard
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On Lake Time Deep Water - Quilt Fabric
56127-11 Added March 14th
On Lake Time - Cloud White - Quilt Fabric
by Deb Strain for Moda
$13.00  $1169 per yard
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On Lake Time Cloud White - Quilt Fabric
56127-13 Added March 14th
On Lake Time - Deep Water - Quilt Fabric
by Deb Strain for Moda
$13.00  $1169 per yard
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On Lake Time Deep Water - Quilt Fabric
56127-15 Added March 14th
On Lake Time - Evergreen - Quilt Fabric
by Deb Strain for Moda
$13.00  $1169 per yard
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On Lake Time Evergreen - Quilt Fabric
56127-16 Added March 14th
On Lake Time - Daisy - Quilt Fabric
by Deb Strain for Moda
$13.00  $1169 per yard
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On Lake Time Daisy - Quilt Fabric
RS4123-13 Added March 14th
Warp Weft Ooh Lucky Lucky Bright Pink - Quilt Fabric
by Alexia Abegg for Moda
$13.00  $1169 per yard
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Warp Weft Ooh Lucky Lucky Bright Pink - Quilt Fabric
RS4123-14 Added March 14th
Warp Weft Ooh Lucky Lucky Navy - Quilt Fabric
by Alexia Abegg for Moda
$13.00  $1169 per yard
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Warp Weft Ooh Lucky Lucky Navy - Quilt Fabric
RS4124-11 Added March 14th
Warp Weft Ooh Lucky Lucky Turquoise - Quilt Fabric
by Alexia Abegg for Moda
$13.00  $1169 per yard
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Warp Weft Ooh Lucky Lucky Turquoise - Quilt Fabric
RS4124-12 Added March 14th
Warp Weft Ooh Lucky Lucky Golden - Quilt Fabric
by Alexia Abegg for Moda
$13.00  $1169 per yard
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Warp Weft Ooh Lucky Lucky Golden - Quilt Fabric
RS4129-11 Added March 14th
Warp Weft Ooh Lucky Lucky Bluebell - Quilt Fabric
by Alexia Abegg for Moda
$13.00  $1169 per yard
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Warp Weft Ooh Lucky Lucky Bluebell - Quilt Fabric
AMK-208 Added March 14th
Favorite Pet - Cross Stitch Pattern
by Artmishka
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Cross stitch pattern from Artmishka featuring an adorable heart shaped paw print!

Model stitched on the fabric of your choice using DMC floss. Stitch count is 67W x 67H.

Finished Size:
on aida 14 – 13 x 13 cm (5 x 5 in)
on aida 16 – 11 x 11 cm (4 1/4 x 4 1/4 in)
25-1606 Added March 13th
Peace on Earth - Cross Stitch Pattern
by Lila's Studio
$20.00  $1799
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Cross stitch pattern from Lila's Studio featuring a lovely Christmas sampler!

Stitch count is 270w x 215h.
25-1290 Added March 13th
Garden Bag - Cross Stitch Pattern
by Shepherd's Bush
$10.00  $899
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Cross stitch pattern from Shepherd's Bush featuring a bag with the word "Garden"!
25-1642 Added March 13th
Spring Window - Cross Stitch Pattern
by CM Designs
$8.00  $719
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Cross stitch pattern from CM Designs featuring a lovely mandala with spring flowers!

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