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10:38 AM

10:38 am in the 24-hour clock time convention is 10:38.

Civilian time and railway time are frequently used synonym with the twenty-four hour clock.

10:38 A.M. is the 12-hour clock time convention equivalent of 10:38 in 24-hour time.

Military time means the 24-hour clock time convention without the “:” between the hours and minutes: 1038.

For an overview, have a look at the list below the clock:

Clock and Time Converter

  • 10:38 am in 24 hour time = 10:38
  • 10:38 am in military time = 1038
  • 10:38 am in civilian time = 10:38
  • 10:38 am in railway time = 10:38
  • 10:38 in 12 hour time = 10:38 am
Read on to learn the math involved in changing 10:38 a.m. to 24-hour clock time .

Convert 10:38 AM

When it comes to the 10:38 a.m. time conversion, the minutes (the two digits after the colon) never change.

To obtain the 24-hour clock time equivalent of 10:38 AM consider only the number of hours (the two digits before the colon), then apply these rules:
  • If the period is “AM” and the number of hours is 12, then 12 changes to 00. Remove “AM”.
    As the number of hours is 10, this rule does not apply.
  • If the period is “AM” and the number of hours is in the interval [1;11], then the hour remains the same. Remove “AM”.
    As the number of hours is 10 and the Period is AM, process only this rule.
  • If the period is “PM” and the number of hours is 12, then 12 remains 12. Remove “PM”.
    As the period is not PM, this case is not relevant.
  • If the period is “PM” and the number of hours is in the interval [1;11], then add 12. Remove “PM”.
    As the period is not PM, this condition is not applicable.
Next you can find the frequently asked questions, followed by the summary of 10:38 ante meridiem as a depiction.


What is 10:38 AM in 24 hour time?


Is 10:38 AM morning or evening?

AM stands for morning.

What time is 10:38 AM in military?


If you like to change a time different from 10:38 before midday, make use of our search box or simply overwrite the preset value of our time converter with your particular time in hh:mm am / pm syntax.

What is 10:38 AM in 24 Hour Time?

Reading our post, you know everything about the 10:38 before noon time conversion which we wrap up as follows:
If you like to know how to say 10:38 am and 10:38, visit our article what time is 10:38, and check out the last paragraph.

– Article written by Mark, last updated on February 12th, 2021