45+ Free Coding Websites For Beginners To Learn Programming

We all know coding is the future, then why haven’t you started yet to learn how to code?

Just forget all those programming jokes you saw on the internet, the truth is being a programmer is a cool job. Unlike any other jobs, programming is a creative process where you instruct a computer to do some sophisticated tasks by playing with some bunch of codes. In short, a programmer can make an extremely dumb machine to an obedient one or make them act live humans just by his codes. May be you can say programmers are superheroes — for example “Tony Stark” aka “Iron Man”.

Since programming becomes a valuable skill for the majority of top IT jobs, every day thousands of people start to learn a new programming language. So why isn’t you started yet? Age doesn’t matter when it comes to learning new things, so it is never too late to learn how to code.

There are a lot of both free and paid tutorial websites available online to teach you programming. In this article, we are going to list some best free coding website to learn programming — especially for beginners.

Free tutorial websites to learn how to code:

From these free coding tutorial websites, you will learn basics and advanced coding knowledge of some top programming languages. Some of them are JavaScript, Java, Python, C, C++, SQL, etc. Listed websites are 100% free — no hidden charges or subscription. So check out each of this website and start to learn how to code.

Free Coding WebsitesLearn to code
1. CodeGym Online Java programming course
that is 80% based on practice. CodeGym Java course is divided into 40 levels that includes 1,200 hands-on tasks of increasing complexity.
2. W3Schools HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Bootstrap,XML
3. Thenewboston Video tutorials for HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, Java, Python, PHP, App Development, Android Development, C Programming
4. CodecademyHTML & CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, PHP, Python, SQL, Ruby, Rails and AngularJS
5. Free Code CampHTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Node.js, React.js
6. Khan AcademyJavaScript, SQL, HTML
7. TutorialsPoint Python 3, .NET, Android, Java and lots more
8. Cforbeginners C, C++
9. Code.org Basics of JavaScript programming , Python, Hopscotch etc
10. Coursera C++ or C programming, Algrithms, Artificial Intelligence, Cryptography…etc
11. CodeschoolHTML/CSS, JavaScript, Ruby, iOS
12. TheCodePlayerHTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Jquery
13. LearnRubyOnlineRuby
14. SqlzooSQL
15. EDXComputer Science, Java
16. LearnCodeTheHardWayC, JavaScript, Ruby, SQL
17. LearnPythonTheHardWayPython
18. Learn-perlPerl
19. LearnCSC#
20. CodeCombatPlay to learn code
21. DontFearTheInternetHTML/CSS
22. LearnLayoutAdvanced CSS
23. LearnShellShell Programming
24. DashHTML5, CSS3, JavaScript
25. Web AccessibilityTools and techniques for web developers
26. Learn-phpPHP
27. Learn-jsJavaScript
28. Learn-cppC++
29. RubymonkRuby
30. Learn-cC
31. Learn-golangGo
32. Learn-htmlHTML & CSS
33. LearnPythonPython
34. Learn-AngularAngularJS
35. IOS DevelopmentIOS
36. LearnJavaOnlineJava
37. CodingBatJava, Python
38. TechotopiaC#, MySQL, PHP, JavaScript, Ruby, IOS, Android and lots more
39. EssentialSQLSQL
40. SqlBoltSQL
41. Programming Video TutorialsC#, C++, Java, SQL, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, XML
42. Web design degree centerHTML, CSS, PHP, MySQL, jQuery, Ruby
43. LandofcodeJavaScript, CSS, HTML, PHP, Java and VBScript
44. BeginnersbookJava, Json, C, C++, Perl
45. WikiversityPHP, C++, Python, Java… etc
46. SoloLearn C++, Java, Python 3

So which programming language are you going to learn first, let us know in the comments. Also if you know any other free similar websites that will help newbies to understand the programming world, then suggest them too — we will update them to our list.

Sabarinath is the tech-savvy founder and Editor-in-Chief of TechLog360. With years of experience in the tech industry and a computer science background, he's an authority on the latest tech news, business insights, and app reviews. Trusted for his expertise and hands-on tips for Android and iOS users, Sabarinath leads TechLog360 with a commitment to accuracy and helpfulness. When not immersed in the digital world, he's exploring new gadgets or sharing knowledge with fellow tech enthusiasts.


  1. You should probably add a note next to or added to, each one that isn’t 100% free. Some of these (codeavengers for example), only allow the beginner portion of a track for free and you have to pay for the rest. A bit misleading to say they are all free.

  2. Impressive Thanks for the post. really like your blog and this article is so convincing & informative. You’re doing a great job Man, Keep it up.
    Once again Thanks for the information

  3. I am here to learn coding and I’m a senior on a fixed/limited monthly SS income…to be exact…I HAVE “NO”…”NONE”…”ANY”, MONEY of which I wish I had. Also, I am getting this minimal amount of money because I’m disabled and I’m hoping to learn coding and then to be able to generate some, I HOPE! DO YOU FEELME!?


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