The Dallas Express. (Dallas, Tex.), Vol. 7, No. 14, Ed. 1 Saturday, January 13, 1900 Page: 3 of 8
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poiif/cal Nde of National Life.
[Mcst or The Payne Reso-
lution—Negro Officers,
yhc Swe'Iost Social Affair Seen in The
Satire's Capital—At The Lyceums.
Loaii News of Interest.
Worth Reading.
Sraff Correspondence.
'washingtgo, D. C-, Jan. 8, 1900.
The expiring hours of
1S09 found social life at the
nation's capital all ablaze.
: The city has been thronged
with visitors, and recep-
tions, collations, and din-
ave l>een
mation of Lincoln. Speeches were
made by Hon. John P. Green, Major
Simpson, Mrs. Wm. Scott and Rev. J.
A. Taylor.
"The Negro in polities" was the top-
ic of discussion at Bethel literary last
•Tuesday evening. The principal speak-
ers were: Congressman G. H. White.
Ex-Governor P. B. S. Pineliback and
Prof. R. H. Terrell.
W. T. Menard.
iat i'
v i i
Headquarters Republican State Executive
Committee, E. H. R. Green, Chair'n.
Terrell, Texas. Jan. 4, 1900.
To Members of The Scate Executive
In pursuance of the call of the na-
tional republican committee, and by
virtue of the authority in me vested, I
hereby call the state executive com-
mittee to convene in the eitv of Waco
on Saturday, January 20th,*1900, at 10
o'clock a. m., forthe purpose of fixing
, a ^.as*s of representation, and to name
prominent features of a time and place for holding the state
The Xmas festivities j convention to elect four delegates and
four alternates to the national repub-
lican convention to be held on June
19th next in Philadelphia, Pa., and the
transaction of such other business as
may properly come before it.
Congressional chairmen are advised
to withhold their calls for congression-
al conventions until full instructions
are given by the state executive com-
E. H. R. Green, Chr'n,
G. W. Johnson, Sec'y.
'rous churches were well
fl the juvenile jiortion of
>11 made happy by the
i-utened Christmas trees.
. receptions were dazzling
I, and our society jewels
ai-h other in splendor and
The most notable recep-
tveck was that of the Wo-
ne, held at Odd Fellows
a-: Monday, when Mrs. M. E.
:, a--i>red by thirty other charm-
«iies, received callers to the ex-
it! Tne year, 1900, was ush-
ii under most favorable auspices,
colored voters of Texas and else-
■ will he elated over the defeat of
'ayne resolution, which had for
ie< t the cutting down of southern
-i ntntkm at republican national
i lioiis. Wliile National Com-
finau Judson W. Lyons and Jas.
ontributed much to the defeat of
"asure. President McKinley and
or M. A. rianna were also potent
; In bringing about the demise of
ni'iuitous scheme to deprive the
i voter of the south of repre-
t4 fl2
f(i t
Provide for Sickness and Death.
The Southern Mutual Benefit asso-
ciation of Texas, under the efficient
management of Mr. H. Sheffield, Jr.,
| headquarters in this city, is one of the
! few organizations just now in Texas,
! which is doing our people any real
j lasting good. Its sick and death bene-
j fit features and its policy of paying
j insurance while you live, are arrange -
! ments which will strike every man
; with favor who is earnestly looking to
| better his condition.
u ! A person sick, is paid merely upon
.! at our nationaf couneiIs.'For his physicians certificate, while one
rponi hi f> bowl list) pmn - 1 who dies, is paid in time to meet the
certain quarters to the i burial expenses. Think of it—by pay-
this administration has 1 inS 25c per week one receive $5.00,
y Negro officially. Let us I during sickness and should they die
i the matter. Re^ardim*- i $50.00 is provided at once for burial,
for colored officers for col- I Let our people avail themselves of
3, the administration came [ this opportunity, and the disgraceful
proceeding of taking up collection-
over the dead and begging charity in
the street for the sick, will disappear.
Call at 348 and 3-50 Elm street, and
have a talk with Mr. Sheffield, and
you will be paid for your trouble.
Elsewhere in this issue read the pros-
pectus of the association.
•d the
gallantly to the front, by appointing
Jn :y four colored captains, twenty-
i'eur first lieutenants and twenty-four
M-cond lieutenants; and in addition
thereto, appointed two colored pay-
masters in the army, with the rank of
major. In the matter of federal ap-
pointments, the rase ha3 been ac-
corded the register of the treasury,
eellector of revenue for Georgia and
•several postmasters and collectors of
rustoms in that state and elsewhere;
also register of land offices, United
States stamp superintendent, recorder
of deeds, receivers of public monies,
army chaplains, pension examiners,
many important foreign consulships,
ami a special commissioner to the
i'aris Exposition. In addition to the
above, the race is ably represented in
tne departments of government in
this city. The complaints of nonre-
vognition usually proceed from dis-
appointed office-seekers. The Ne^ro
politician is a queer genius. When he
s.'ips up in his frantic efforts to con-
nect with a job, he immediately in-
torms the world that the republican
party is doing nothing for the Negro.
Now, it is a well-known fact that white
men also suffer disappointment while
in quest of office: but when they l'ail,
<io they set up a yell about failure oil
die part of the republican party to
r < oynize the white race? We opine
not. We do not claim that the re-
puhlican party stands for everything
ideal, but, in contradistinction to all
parties, it offers more to theNe-
^rro than other political organizations.
!i, these calamity howlers prate
t the decrease of lynchings under
'cratic administrations. Every
nows that changes of |
administrations fail to effect the tem- j
peraincnt of the rapist, and the usual I
'i'.iota ol' brutes are lynched. Of course, j
"o Negro post masters are killed, be- j
eau«e none are appointed by the de- j
mocratic party. Tne race at large has !
rw reason to complain at the treat- |
by thi
*■ A A
ational Afro-American coun- West Turner Dies Suddenly—Ten
Year 0!d Boy in i(ock==Lodge
Marshall, Tex., Jan. 12.—With sad
regret we chronicle the death of Mr.
West Turner, who fell a victim to
heart failure. Mr. Turner and his lit-
tle grandson were out cutting wood,
and to the surprise of the little fellow,
•he saw his grandfather fall; he made
the occurrence known, but before
aid could be reached, the old gentle-
man had passed into the great beyond.
Deceased was one of Harrison county's
energetic and prosperous farmers, and
we sympathize with the bereaved
family in their hour of grief.
Mr. Alex Walton was thrown into
an unpleasant condition by his little
10-year-old boy, who was arrested,
charged with having shot into a pas-
senger train; he gave bond in the sum
of *100. Mrs. Laura Roberts, of Dal-
las, is in the city. Mr. and Mrs. Alex
Walton and Mrs. W. II. Jackson en-
tertained a few of their friends with
an up-to-date supper; W. H. Jackson,
our chief among cooks, was in com-
mand, and the following enjoyed the
great feast: Mr. and Mrs. H. Phillips,
Mr. and Mrs. C. Witt, Mr. and Airs. B.
Walls, Mr. and Mrs. C. Smith, Mr. and
Mrs. T. Tyler, Mr. and Mrs. M. Os-
borne, Mr. and Mr. Taylor and daugh-
ter, Mr. and Mrs. Cynthia Defe-? r >
Miss E. Clemmons, H. Norris, iXiiose-
borough, John Williams, D. Jones and
T. Koseborotigh.
by JR. W
organization, was loudly
Speeches were made by
■ i*. B. S. Pinchback, Ed-
Brown, Editor T. Thom-
:d Lawyer I. L. McGhse,
I e view,
spent a
editor of the A.
and a favorite
few days in our
• in i he city, he
From and after Jan. 1, 1900, services
at. Bethesda Baptist church will be
interesting session in this | changed from 11 a. m. to 3 p. m., un-
•ek. and the public meeting j til otherwise provided, Rev. D. A.
t Avenue Baptist church ; Scott, pastor. Rev. Johnston, pastor
night was highly success- j Qf Ebenezer M. E. church, is in the
address by Bishop Alexan-j city and filled his pulpit Sunday.
u A\'as a masterpiece, and j Elevation lodge, No. 2633, G.U.O.O.F.,
re».or; o! t no■committee on reso- | elected the following annual officers:
Thompson, sec- ( George Summers, N. G.; Jerry Bar-
rett, V. G.; Jesse Greer, W. T.; P. F.
Dennis, P. S.; C. R. Richardson, N.F.;
Wm. Pierce, P.N.F.;R. Jones, P.N.G.;
Jonas Cook. W.; C. Larkin, G.; Jerry
Banks, advocate; Paulina Douglass,
chaplain; Ed Crumby, JaroesZarlr, N.
Smith, George Witt, S.
The colored teachers' institute will
meet Friday and Saturday. The Ex-
press agent in making his rounds
found the following business places
| aiid the proprietors busy: Grocery
i stores, G. XV. Washington, L. W. Wil-
liams. J. D. Whaley, John Toot, J.
! Brown; restaurants: Celia Rosebor-
j ough, Joe R. Rhodes and \YT. C. Callo-
! way; 2 barbershops, Dennis and Simp-
! son. Who does Harrison county favor
| for National committeeman and state
; chairman? Following are officers of
! East Texas lodge, No. 2153, G. U.O. of
I O. F., for the eusuing year: T. Tyler,
■ p. S.: J. Mills, chaplain; H. Darden.
! advocate; A. C. Brown, XV. T.; Nalda
j Morris, E. S.; James Haughtou, V.G.;
! Sam McClain, N. G.; J. W. Protho, P.
N. G,; Ed Madison, N. F.; J.W. Pat-
; terson, P. -S. F.; H. Law, C.C. Taylor,
j Gus Franklin and J. Smith, S. to N. G.
j and V. G.; G. G. Graham, warden; J.
! Haywood, I. G. Mrs. Betbie Fields is
{ on the sicklist. Mrs. Hannah Banks
is under treatment of a doctor.
vneuous iigure at the ses-
A merican Negro academy
era:-;.- gatherings.
ip ist lyeeum held an ill-
usion last Sunday. The
r <»! the evening was Mr.
who delivered an able ad-
Hie Xegro as a soldier and
was liberally applauded,
t Scott, of the American
Mission society, fol-
» interesting talk on race
Rev. L. G. Jordan of
of the Foreign Mis-
>o gave a short talk on
le District of Columbia
; exercises atZion Bap-
jlonday, in com mem-
emanciyaiiOii urocla-
. ;ir
^or Great Baroains...
have just put in their new fall stock, and are now prepared t»
ic es to meet all competition. For the next 60 days they wil/
ecial rebate to all cash custom era. Don't fail to cail. 'I'hoa^
fti£ (j;
cause of
Mrs. E. E. Peterson, Texarkana, Texas,
State President Lucy Thurmaa, W.
C. T. U. of Texas.
Special Correspondence.
Texarkana, Tex., Jan. 9,
Cheer up dear
kV who are so nobly
*" pioning the
1BM)te mperance.
^^of our people are
Uiii .wakening into an ac-
tive against the saloon.
1 had the blessed privilege of visit-
ing the jail in San Marcos, a prohibi-
tion town, and only three prisoners
for all that county. Three cheers for
prohibition! The whole world will
soon turn cn our side.
A W. C. T. U. was organized at San
Marcos, also. Staunch men and ener-
getic women have taken the work in
hand. Success is ours,
E. E. Peterson.
State President.
Ilillsboro, Tex., Jan. 8, 1900.
Editor Dallas Express:
Please allow space in your valuable
and much read paper, for a few words
on the all-important subject, temper-
ance. It is one that is attracting the
attention of hundreds; yea, more
than that, and, y»>t poor wives and
mothers are being made to shed bitter
tears for their husbands and sons.
But, to commence with, many j
mothers, seemingly, encourage j
intemperance when their children i
are small. They allow their friends to j
send their children to the beer shoj^s, I
and for pay l«t them have a small j
drink, and, - day, those very'
children become drunkards from that!
one taste. But, if I had the power, I'
would cause every mother to insult any j
person that would tempt their child- j
ren to taste beer, wine alcohol or I
other intoxicating drinks; knowing, ■
too, that it may cause them to be I
victims for life.
Why I write concerning this subject
I was requested by the state presiuent I
of the \v. C. T. U. to write something i
in the interest of our union here at j
Ilillsboro, but I am very sorry that I!
cannot write in glowing terms of it. j
It seems that the interest that was ;
first manifested lias somewhat ceased; >
yet, we pray God that the same in- j
terest will soon be awakened. Every j
member realize* some good being j
done by this noble band of temper-
ance workers, but the thing that we
most need is the co-operation of the
•mothers. Of course a few of the
mothers have taken an active part in
the work, but not as many as should
under the great weight that is upon
We have a few members that noth-
ing will discourage—it matters not
when a meeting is called, they are on
time, but there are others that have
no interest whatever in this grand and
noble work, and so many parents do
not watch alter their children soon
enough. After they have been tempted
to taste the injurious stuff once, many
of them have a craving desire for it;
therefore, if they are prevented from
getting a taste of intoxicating drinks
while young, perhaps, they will never
have that crave for it that can hardly
be checked.
There are many poor mothers that
have to let their daughters out in ser-
vice, and very often their mistress
sends them out after beer, and then,
alas,if they've never touched it before,
they learn to become beer drinkers.
If more mothers would band them-
selves together and never tire of ad-
vocating the cause of this good work,
probably these servant giris would re-
member a conversation passed at
home concerning the evil that is done
by this terrible vice, and would re-
sist the temptation to taste it.
I would that mothers (especially of
Hilisboro; would read the address de-
livered in Houston by Mrs. Peterson
a few days ago, published in the Ex-
press. Then, surely, if they have any ; trict judge has fixed the date of exe-
desire to rear up good and christian ! oution of Will Jones, March 9. Will
sons and daughters, they would con- | jones murdered his wife here several
nect themselves v. itn the \V . C. 1. I , j months ago by cutting her throat with
and not only connect themselves, | a razor. Last week John Booth stab-
but earnestly pray God to help us ere- | bed Libert Anderson three times;
street, and since ihe^ families are suv j
good friends, there is no Harm fo i
Jimmy to go over and play with he; !
boys.' Then those two or three boy- I
want other boys to know how wei ;
they can play. By and by, one of th
boys says he can beat one of th. i
others, and there comes the first be-
in the expression, "I bet you can't.
The other will quickly ask, "Wha
will you bet?" Then look out! Ther
is a danger ahead! One taste of vic-
tory in gambling', and he is gone!
Steele says: "There is nothing tha
wears out a fine face like the vigils o
the card tables and those cutting pas
sions which naturally attend them.
The effect upon character is worse.
Oh, parents, I implore you, set you
wills like flint against cards! I speai
of this particular game because it
by far the most dangerous. One o
the most fashionable games is '-pro
gressive euchre."
The Rev. Sam Jones, though harsl
was not far wrong when he said thi
new game was "progressive damna
No respectable person should pla.
it, much less ladies and gentlemen
who are followers of the meek an*
lowly lamb. There are many goot
and wholesome amusements wliici
remove the imagined necessity of re
sorting to cards. Authors, logamaehy,
etc., are not only amusing, but in-
And teachers, as near as lies in your
power, try to prevent your boys iron:
playing keeps on the school grounds
When a display of the home acquirec
knowledge of card playing is to b<_
made, two-thirds of the boys will not
go to a neighbor's house, but will go
to the places wherein tliey meet, a..-
one writer has said: "the devil in
liquid form," viz: strong drink, which
is one of the causes of the present
physical and moral degeneracy. Its
use is the source of untold misery and
no words can adequately describe the
evil. Even while I write, this mon-
ster is doing unto'd damage to thous-
ands. There are mothers sitting at a
place for fire, with little children
leaning upon their knees hungry and
cold, but there is no wood or coal to
recruit the fire, and no food for the
Where is the father who ought to
| brighten that homa, bring in food and
j build up warm fires? If you could ea-
; ter some back room of a saloon you
: could find him there trying to make
I more money to purchase the accursed
| rum, which is dragging himself and
j family down, down, down.
Tnis same man was once a little boy
| in a nice christian home (?) who
| learned the art around his father's
I table, in order to keep him from bad
I company. He had not gotten so low
| when he met Miss H., and people said
I he is not a saint, but he is a man and
i you know how men are; yet, she is
I spotless, and if she were otherwise,
j you would soon hear: "She is not the
| kind of woman a man wants for a
: wife." Why not, if she is not trying
r to live a virtuous life?
! If we would have our children be
j women and men in the truest sense,
then the two must live as is said: "A
j white life."
Therefore, parents look well to the
i things you teach your children, and
! let your own aspirations be upward,
j ana be strong in every good resolu-
tion. Seels tlie light of the Woman's
Christian Temperance union, lor in it,
there is life; while without it, there is
| darkness in which there is decay and
! death. Mothers sign the W. C. T. U.
j pledge and wear tne white ribbon;
study your path of duty that you may
i lead your eiindren arignt.
j Teimyson wisely wrote: "Self-rev-
! erenee, self-knowledge, self-control,
I these three alone, lead life to sover-
eign power."
Yours for the Master,
Mrs. S. Ware Weston.
Catarrh Cannot Be Cured
they cannot reach the seat of the dis-
ease. Catarrh, is a blood or constitu- [
tional disease, and in order to cure it, !
you must take internal remedies. ,
Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a quaes •,
medicine. It was prescrioed by one of ;
the best physicians in this country for
years and is a regular prescription. It
is composed of the best tonics known,
combined with the best blood purifiers
acting directly on the mucous snrfaees
The perfect combination of the two
ingredients is what produces such
wonderful results in curing Catarrh. for testimonials, free.
F. J. Cheney: vX Co., Props.,
Toledo, O
Sold by druggists, price 75 cents.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
9 «.
I I apply for three bottles of Ozonized ;
| Ox Marrow. I have told others what |
i a wonderful effect your remedy had in |
| was very short but since I have used the I
i original Ozonized Ox Marrow 1 can now 1
| fix it any way 1 want to.
x Miss Anna Chin, Springfield, O.
Spring* Advertisements,
riain St. 'Phone, 1262==! Ring,
□alias, Texas.
Ozonized Ox Marrow also makes c:irlv or
kinky hair straight, smooth, pliable and beau-
tiful. Prevents falling out and breaking off.
Beware of imitations. The genuine never dis-
appoints. Warranted harmless. Only .Ml cents.
Sold by dealers or send us $1.4 »for three bottles
express paid. Write your name and address
plainly to the Ozonized Ox Marrow Co , 76
Wabash Avenue, Chicago, Illinois.
T* t ! I » t I 9 *1 1 * * * I < * * * US < &
it U tii the
r\*n^. T<iu
and Notary Pubtio.
c®nrts. S31 Comtnerc* Str«o%
;With tbs JLUlla*
City on the Necbes«=\Vill Jones, the
Wife Murderer, to Hang March 9.
Beaumont, Tex , Jan. 12.—The dis-
| trict judge has fixed the date
ate an interest here, and
crush out the liquor traffic.
I have had several mothers to re-
mark to me: "I would join your union,
but i just f-annot do without a little
beer on some occasions."
Oh, mother for the sake of those
dear little children around you, use
your will power, if you have any, and
put the tempting glass aside, and in- j
stead of collecting around at different j
houses, engaged in gossiping,and per- \
haps beer drinking, meet us at the j
different churches and help carry on |
the temperance work.
It seems that even the word "tem-
perance" scares some and keeps them
from joining, and, again, so many un-
derstand it as a denominational so-
ciety of some kind, and think it con-
lined to a certain church; but, my
dear friends, this W. C. T. IX work is
a national work, confined to no cer-
tain church, but to every person that
has a hope that some day we may see
the fruits of our patient work.
Though we may be small in number,
yet, "one and God is a majority,"
when we are fighting under his ban-
ner. C. P. Oliver,
President of Lucy Tliarman W.C.T.U.
of Ilillsboro, Texas.
thereby j Booth was placed in the county jail to
await the action of the courts. The
Live Oak Baptist Sunday school
elected teachers forthe year: Mr.
Frank Daniels, superintendent; Mr. J.
P. Fngena, secretary; Mrs. J.D.Spivy,
treasurer; Miss Carrie Eugena,teacher
class No. 1; Mr.John Anderson,teacher
class No. 2; Mr. Henry Levels, teacher
class .No. 3. Mmes. Kate Deblaw and
V. Allen are on the sicklist. Miss Ada
Williams returned lroui San Antonio
Saturday. Mr. James West brooks
returned from Navasota last week.
Miss O. L. Bright returned from Hous-
ton last week.
"God gave us women and men! A
time like this demands strong minds,
great hearts, true faith and ready-
Demands some
parents of some
paths into which
their boys, and. thus preparing
to drat? some mother's daughter
Miss Dessie G uidry, of
Houston, was here last week. Mr. L.
D. Price, of Palestine, was in Beau-
mont last week. Madams S. West-
brooks, J. Douglass and W. T. Bouid-
ingspent last Thursday in the country
visiting Mr. Lewis Heoert and family.
Miss Rosetta livorptte is on the sick
list. Mr. Ned Lewis is building a new
residence. 2.1v. Allen Watkins has
I built a new barn. Mrs. Caroline Bar-
| low, of Hiliiston, is in the city.
north end news.
! Mr. George W. Mcintosh visited S_jb-
i ine last week. Stop at Mrs. A.B. Pry-
j or's restaurant. Mr. N. H. Ford spent
j Sunday at Sabine. Mr.Charles Harris
i is on tne sicklist. Prof. T. T. Pollard
j is still running a grocery store; you
j should give him your patronage.
one to warn the
of thp dangerous
they are leading
JEWETT.TEX., Jan. 12.—Ptev. J.E.
Smith preached last Sunday. Mr. D.
Williams of Hearae, is here. Messrs.
E. L. Dawkins and M. Doty ha\-e
down ! gone to the country to farm this year.
the hill with him. Excessive modesty
oii this subject is not a virtue. Timid-
ity in presenting unpleasant, but im-
portant truths; has permitted untold I
damage in every age.
The evil I want to warn you of in ;
this paper is card playing in the home j
for amusement. Many christians ar- '
gue that it is safer to teach their child- j
ren card playing at home, for then j
they will not care to visit gaming j
places, to practice this art mysterious, j
\Vhat inexcusable foolishness! Wha.',
father would teach his boy to swear at j
home, thus hoping to forestall his j
swearinar abroad? What mother;
would teach her daughter to use bad j.
language at home, thus averting its •
use elsewhere? _ J
But, these would be just as wise as ;
the teach ng of cards. It stands to j
reason that o ie who can play well at
home will toiler or later want to d:s- |
play his ability abro^ ', and two-thirds
of them will display it.
Of course Mrs.S. lives ju»fc down llie
! C. H. Harrison and son are on the
S sicklist. Miss Maggie Harrison has
| joined the number of the Dallas Ex-
! press readers. Mrs. Ann Cooper has
! just returned from a visit to see her
daughter at Rosenburg, Texas. Mr.
S Doty and family will soon move to
WILLIS, TEX., Jan. 12.—Mrs. S.
Burch is very ill. Mrs. A. Powell is
not expected to live. Mr. Jti't' Shov-
ers is looking somewhat me.ancholy.
Mr. Dick Washington is 5i years old,
and is still making ties for the I. and
G N. railroad, iur. and Mrs. Wash-
ington have 2"-! living children, and on
Christmas day they received a gift of
two more. The mother and babies
are doing well. Rev. R. Churchill of
Houston, preached at his old stand
Sunday. Mr. B. S'.ngieton has been
on the' sicklist. Mrs. Ciiiiton Davis
of Columbus, Texas, returned to-day,
after spending the holidays with rela-
'Plume So •2'J-
j. c.
Formerly U- S. Atty- N- Di>t. of Tt*.
Practice respectfully solicited in tha courts
from Ju-tice to Supreme.
215 Elm Street. UpStairs, Palia*. Te**»
Aa^ £;)1 CommereetDn.l)a», Tiiu
One of the Most Neatly Fitted Restaurants in the City,
-And Serves Everything in the most Up=to*date Style.
£ £ Msals and Lunches Served at All Hours. ^ £
Call and get a First-Class Dinner for 15 cents.
Breakfast and Suppers, 25 cents each.
Cakes, Pies and Short Orders at all times.
361 Commerce St., Dallas, Texas.
OrriCE Rottrsj
9 to ii a. m.
fto 5 r^o p. tn.
to 5 p. ia.
304 Central Aver»u«#
(Same lot residence)
Residence: 115 iioll 3t.
Physician and Surgeon,
Treats Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat.
Fits Glasses, Etc.
Telephone, 553 DALLAS, TEX.
© THE TAIS.OR'S GOOSE is supposed to be always hot.
Don't be a goose yourself. Vou pay for the best and
ought to have it. That's what I guarantee to give you.
- JIIniJiiLsmf^
Guarantees you the best work for the least money.
38014 Main St., Dallas, Texas.
0 Phone, 1239—5 Rings.
Bridging, Plating and Fillings
111«fie Pi ice;s reasonable
teed, tilil C./inmeree street,
onx" UPost O liico-
Work guai 1111-
Daliaa, 'X'oxas
IIcu:s: 'Phones:
11a. m ,totp in Oiiiee, 518
4 p. in, to Up- ni Residence, BS3
Physician and Surgeon,
801 Commerce St., Dallas, Texas
408 J 'ckson St.
'Plione, 511.
9 to 10 a- m.
4 to 5 p. in
J. W.
Physician and Surgeon.
Spend yo:ir money with
Dealer in Groceries
eta bit s Specialty.
Produce, and Wood, Yes
ill Caroline St , Dall:.
Call on
If yon need money. He is negotiating loans-
..t oll Hawkins street. Ho also deals in reai
estnte and rent houses. Dallas, Texas
orncK HOCBS:
tj to lo a. iu.
ttolp. m
Pao» No. «£&.
omcE, cor. 13th and Rusli Sts.
ai^DKNCK, ao.3 Crump S«. ^ WQRTH> m
'Phone 11)7-3 RlBC*
UEc« Honrs :
t—io m,
I—5 P- «*•
DR. P.
Physician and Surgeon.
OScn and residence, 252 Hawkins street front
toe Central a-!
:uue, Oallas, Texas.
5-1 j-ia
623 Boll Street and
Oktr^l H
9 to 10 SO s. m
i to 3:30 p. m
7 to a:4W p. LU.
. . . • Tsxas
niKis wmmi on
Relieves Rheumatism,
Pain ia Back, Etc.
Jed. Give it a trial.
Sprains, Bruises
Highly recommen-
Fcr sals by ml)
Hair Straightener and Grower.
Tt'.p&as Taenia* mrj so macs satla-
Sci'.va tbat I can cheerfully recommend them,
atrt been troubled for al>out three years with
niitt I called bilious attacks coming oa regularly
once a wesfc Wta told b7 different physicians
that it wpj coneed by bad teeth, of which I had
saver&L I had '*>■9 teeth extracted, but the at-
tacks continued. ^ bad eeen adrertlseuicnts cf
Rlpans Tubules tv all the papers but had nu faith
In them, but about six weefcs since a friend In
duced me to try them. Hare taken but two of the
small 5 cunt boxes of the Tabules and have had
no recurrence of the attacks. Hare never glvan a
i^stlmoESat Tut anything before, but the great
amount of Rood vrhlch I believe bas been con*» cos
by 5tipans Tabules indaoes me to add mine to th»
iraay testlmosiala jrou doubtlass havo in you*
pG2£Si.£iO£ DOW.
t wan* to lnf roe.
tt» TTords of highest
praise, of tfea beceai
I hare derived f roan
Ripens T&bules. I ai-- a
professional carss tad
ia tblB profession acieas
kead Is always needed.
Hipans Tabuies does It.
After one of my esses 1
foandmyself completely
rue down. Acting ou th»
ad.vice of Mr. Qeo. Bow-
er. Pt>. a., 5S3 Newark
Ave., Jersey City. I took
JUpans Takulwi wish
9rsr.1l results.
Miss Bum WIU1U&
A. T. SxWlI*
1 have tvtss a xremt sufferer from eonst-j «ns ■
for over flio yeara. Kotuing gave me any rauet.
My feet aud legs and clrdomen were bloated S6
I could aot wear ehoes on my foet and only a loess
dress. 1 saw Uipans Tabule*" advertised im out
ciaiiy paper, bought some and took them as direct
•d. llave taken them about three weeks and ther*
ia sueh a ct»nsi I I am not constipated any nia»
and I owe it ail to mparts Tabuies. lam thirty
seven years old, hava no occupation, only nil
household duties and nursing my sick husband-
H» fa as had the dropsy and I am trying Ripaxu
Tahuies for him. He feels some better but It wll'
tnxe some time, he has been sick solous- Tci
may ust Lay lot tar and cams as you Dice.
J-'YS. ILkBT CrOlUt^X Cnxa-Zi
t have Sxiea saSsrinK fro3J headecPee fv»-
since I was a little girl. I couid cever ride in a
car or go lato a crowdei
place without getting a
fa«<s.dach 1 and elek at tn?
stomach. 1 heari' abou'
rjpans Tabuies tiom an
aunt of mine who vrai
taiciesf tasrn for catarrh
ot the stomach. Slp hai
fourtl snch relief rrora
th«ir usis sheadviae i ma
to take them too, and 1
have been doing so sines
last Ootobur, aad wSii
say they have compieia-
ly cured my headachis*.
1 a ra twenty-nine y»>ar»
Old. You are woioons
to us* this tostlmosg^.
Krs. J. BaoottiJtTRi
Mother was trochlea
with heartburn aud
sleeplessness, caused by
indigestion, for a good
many years. One day
she ea\7 a testimonial
tn tho paper lcdorttag
Ripasi Tabuies. She
determined to give them
a trial, was greatly
relieved by their use
and now takes tha
rr.b*.iles resulorly. She kerpe a few cartons Ripens
Tabuies 1n the house and sayo the will not bs wJth-
~.nt theni. The heirtsora sad t-leepisssness have
£.sappearod wUh tbe indigestion wbicti was
formerly so great a burden for ber. Our whole
famlir ta*ie th* Tabuies regularly, especially after
a henrty meal. 1:1 y mother is fifty years of age
and Is enjoyicc the best of "naalth and epirits ; aiso
cwts hearty meals. laipoMlbilily before she
too * Kipans Ttr.t'j^fi. jLAZVa H. Bi^svtLaa.
The modern stand-
ard Family Medi-
cine t Cures the
common every-day
ill of humanity.
Ey seven-year-old txv
snffered with pains in
bis bead, constipation
and complained of his
stomach. He could nol
eat like oh Huron of LU
atre d) and what he
di 1 eat did not agr«9
with him. He was inln
and of a saffron color,
testimonials in favor ol
Hipans Tabuies slot
Reading some of ths
Ripacs Tahuies, I tried them.
only relieved but actually curod my youngster,
the headaches have disappeared, bowels are in
good condition and be never complains of bis
stomach. He is now a red. ciitibby-fucod boy. This
wonderful change I attribute to Itlpacs Tabuiss
1 am satisfied that they will benefit any one ;trom
the cradle to old age) if taken according to dire*
Uoos. X. W. i sics.
A neiv styie packet contc-'nics r\-jt an">J»s TAJTTfaSs cached in a paper carton (wlthont gia»«) is now .or saLs
St some drag rtorse—yoat nrx cus~a. This low-priced sort is Intended for the poor sjid tbe economical. One
rt:.-se.n of the art-oent cartons (liO tahuies) can bs hsd by mail by secdlEg forty-eisht o<-nt» to tt»
CasMoiz, C030 No. 10 Spruce Street, Neir Tork—c r a Ela?!s carton (rx» f mxrusS) will be sent for five oeota
RiriKs TsatTijiS may aljo be itad of soma groccrs, cenersj storekeepers, nev t Juronts azJX at some U^oovi
end b«ji«r shepa. Xh»7 ht-.Uh psin. l.idue« sieap and prolsag Ufa Ons (fives rvhsC
The Camp Street
Camp Street.
First-class Horse Shoeing a Specialty. Wood work and
general blacksmithing done to order. Carriage painting and
trimming. All work guaranteed.
N. E. BOSE, Proprietor.
Is g-uaranteed to be perfectly safe and harmless.
Is the most wonderful hair preparation in the
world, to make kinky, harsh and stubborn liair
grew long, straight, soft, pliable and glossy. It
restores color, and grows hair on bald heads and
1 thin places. A great liair tonic for all scalp dis-
eases. Price, 25 and 50 cents. SCOTT'S
kind and decree) 25 ctv. SCOTT'S HASAI
cts. AliRoutby mail to your address upon re-
ceipt o f price. "Stamps accepted. A cents » ant-
ed. Can ritake to 5150 per month. Write for
instructions, finclose 2c. sttmp for reply.
p. 0. b«?S73. SCOTT REMEDY CO., Lcuisviiie. Kj-
T aiioring.
Carries a full line of staple and fancy groceries at *fce
same old place, and yon can get what vou want by callinvr
(Egg9, Butter and Country Produce/ are always'on hanu
It m the leading 9th ward atoro, and keep3 nothing but tli*
frsahest ajid best goods.
G-. W. S*0-QTTA. r»rOF>riotor.
|-«-tf F\i<?ua Street, Dalies, T«;r#r
b33*7 exjpwi 0tzls3a3'9,
One of the neatest dining halla tn th« e?tr.
Everything lirst-class. Short ord
kinds terved at ail hours.
orders of ali
Dinner 13 cent*.
Men's Furnishers 2nd liatters.
for Wilson Bros. Shirts
and Neckwear.
200 Main St., Dallas, Texas
33on't 1**11 to 0*11
J. J. Wallace, Prop'r.
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The Dallas Express. (Dallas, Tex.), Vol. 7, No. 14, Ed. 1 Saturday, January 13, 1900, newspaper, January 13, 1900; ( accessed February 26, 2025), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; .