Edwardian (Austin, Tex.), Vol. 1, No. 4, Ed. 1 Monday, April 15, 1985 Page: 3 of 9
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Monday, April 15, 1985
Page 3
Salvation Army relocation
Opposition under way
Brother Odette to retire as archivist
Deadlines to submit documents:
Deadline for these operatives:
Staff Photo by Damian Morgan
Brother Philip Odette, C.S.C.
Are Available
The Exchange legislation, resolution number
3 of November, 1983 authorizes a maximum
per capita budget of two thousand five hun-
dred dollars a year. All documents must be sub-
mitted at winddow “A” of the “Hipoddromo
La Rinconada” by the above mentioned dates.
Number 1
Number 2
Number 3
Preferential dollars
Purchasing deadline set
Applications are now being ac-
cepted for Orientation Student
Assistance positions for the 1985
fall orientation. Orientation Stu-
dent Assistants (OSAs) assist in
the week of new student orienta-
tion. These are paid positions.
Get applications and further in-
formation in the Advising Center,
Moody 145.
April 29
August 30
January 30, 1986.
Students advised through the
Advising Center are urged to sign
up now for an appointment with
their advisor for pre-registration
advising. Those who wait until
the last minute may encounter
long lines and frazzled advisors.
The Advising Center is in Moody
145 and is open from 8:00 AM to
5:00 PM every day.
He said that the group has begun
to raise funds to hire a lawyer should
the issue end up in court.
“My feeling (should the task force
recommend the Army’s preferred
location) would be a initiate a court
After dedicating the past 26 years
of his life as the archivist for St. Ed-
ward’s University, Brother Phillip
Odette, C.S.C., has announced that
he will retire at the end of the spring
“I enjoy doing it,” Odette said of
his job as an archivist. “It was a mat-
ter of maintaining history. I was
always interested in history.”
Looking back on his job, Odette
said, “I’ve seen a lot of changes. A
lot of people have come and gone.”
When Odette started working as
an archivist, the archives consisted of
a pile of folders, boxes and other
materials located in a small room of
the University library.
Odette said he devised a system of
organizing the materials and began
to collect materials throughout the
neighborhood,” said Koch.
Should the task force recommend
at the end of the 90 days the current
location favored by the Army, the
SAIA is prepared to carry on the
fight, said Koch.
News Editor
Staff Reporter
(Recadi Informs)
Applications to obtain preferential
dollars for the 1985 scholastic year
were closed on February 25, 1984.
This announcement was made by the
Office of Students of the Private Sec-
tor in Venezuela (Recadi).
All students of Undergraduate and
Graduate degree programs that
could purchase preferential dollars
for 1984, will automatically be incor-
porated into the system until
December of 1985, the final deadline
for purchasing preferential dollars.
Those students that qualify in the
above description will need to sub-
mit the following documents to the
Recadi Office in Venezuela:
a) A letter that testifies their current
enrollment in the spring semester of
b) A receipt for the total tuition fees
for the semester, which should be
certified by the Venezuelan Con-
sulate and translated into Spanish.
The first tri-annual payment; a
letter that testifies enrollment in
the 84/85 semester (September to
case to try and demonstrate that it
would be a nuisance and reduce our
quality of life,” he said.
He added that there have been “a
couple” of similar court cases in
which neighborhoods have won.
' jip
December 1984).
The second tri-annual payment:
a letter that testifies enrollment in
the January to April 1985
The third tri-annual payment: a
letter that testifies enrollment in
the May-August 1985 semester.
The fight against the Salvation Ar-
my’s planned relocation near St. Ed-
ward’s is being led by the South
Austin Improvement Association
(SAIA), of which SEU associate pro-
fessor James Koch is an active
Koch said the group organized the
opposition to the move placing a 90
day moratorium on building the new
center at its proposed site, and the
creation of a task force to recom-
mend a building site for the Army.
“We (SAIA) are the ones that
organized the people that went to the
planning commission,” said Koch.
He added that the group has organiz-
ed a letter-writing campaign and a
petition drive aimed at the council to
let them know how they felt about
the situation.
The group, said Koch, also raised
Staff Photo by Richard Nira
SAIA president Bill Rovira (standing) and a group member discuss ways to voice their opposition to the proposed
Salvation Army relocation at a recent meeting.
University before they became lost.
The archives started in the library
but because of lack of space, were
moved to different locations before
ending up in the library once again.
“I moved six times in 26 years,”
Odette said.
“I admire him (Odette) a great
deal. I think we all owe him a lot.
If it wasn’t for him, we wouldn’t
have the Archives,” said Inez Nira,
assistant archivist.
Odette was born in Konkakee, Ill.,
where he went to school.
In 1933, he became a Brother of
Holy Cross at St. Joseph Novitiate,
Notre’Dame, Ind.
From 1934 to 1943, he was a
farmer in different religious schools
in Indiana and Wisconsin.
It was not until 1958 that Odette
came to Austin to work as assistant
director at Assumption Cemetery. In
September of that same year, he was
■ Pi • .gg,
the money to place a %2 page adver-
tisement in the Austin American-
Statesman explaining SAIA’s
Koch said that the group is com-
prised not only of concerned
neighborhood dwellers but by
members of the Congress Avenue
business community.
Wendy Pearson and Mae Rich,
who own property on the street, are
members of the group as is Dale
Watkins of Dale’s Auto Parts.
The task force will recommend a
location pf the center inside of a
. boundary of 15th Street on the North
Ben White Boulevard on the south,
1-35 on the east, and Lamar
boulevard on the west.
Neither the creation of the task
force, or the 90-day moratorium
means the end of the area’s troubles
as the SAIA sees it.
“The University’s not out of the
woods, and neither is our
the ReUnion, 9pm-lam
Oriental dinner in the
dining hall, plus Chinese
choir performing from
5-6 pm
April 20 See “Avanthi” — Indian
dancer in Moody
Atrium, 7:30 pm
April 21 hayride and bonfire
liturgy (off campus), call
Ministry) for details
April 23 Robert Lead, “Mime ex-
traordianre”, 12:30-1:30
pm, ReUnion Patio
April 24 Preregistration for May
term, TWI, 12 wk.
TWII and Fall, HCH
April 26 Fine Arts Exhibit
through May 15th,
Moody Atrium, Art-
work by SEU students
April 22 Student Board Scholar-
ships for active Student
leaders are available for
the 1985-86 academic
year. Applications and
more information may
be obtained in Room 20
of the Mount Caremi
Annex. Application
Deadline is April 22.
appointed a part-time job as archivist
and chronicler of the University.
Due to health reasons, Oddette
discontinued working at the
Cemetery and began to work as
assistant librarian as well as archivist
in 1967.
After five years as assistant
librarian, he discontinued that job
and became a full-time archivist.
Through his job as an archivist,
Odette helped to preserve the history
of the University. Because of his ef-
forts, he was named a member of the
Historic Landmark Commission for
the City of Austin by the Austin Ci-
ty Council on October 8, 1976. The
Commission is made up of people
who have helped to preserve Austin’s
On April, 1978, Odette was given
a Distinguish Award by the Austin
City Council for his service to the
Austin community.
In 1979, he was chosen as one of
the men whom the 1979/80 yearbook
was to be dedicated.
On February 20, 1985, Odette
tendered his resignation as archivist,
effective June 30.
*j -
*c* 1
Operative No. 1 15-02-85 to For the first
15-03-85. semester of
Operative No. 2 17-06-85 to For the sec-
12-07-85 ond semester
of 1985
Operative No. 3 14-10-85 to For the Fall
15-11-85 semester of
April 12 Rock-n-Roll in the ReU-
nion with St. Ed’s own
“HomeBoys”, 9pm - 12
April 13 SEU Weekend Dance,
9pm-lam, Moody
Atrium, $1.00 admision
April 13 Hill topper Chorale
presents "Godspell", 8
pm, SEU Chapel - Free
April 14 Hilltopper Chorale
repeat pewrformance of
"Godspell", 2pm and
8pm, Free
April 15 “Trivia Bowl”, Doyle
Hall, 10pm, Facul-
ty/staff vs. students
April 16 Free Movie, “Bed &
Bpoard”, 8:30 pm, ReU-
nion, Free Popcorn
April 17 Free Move, “Black Or-
pheus,” 8:30 pm, ReU-
nion, Free Popcorn
April 18 Health Fair, 10am-4pm,
Moody Atrium, Teacher
Ed., Opera House, 4-5
pm, Moody 142
April 19 Finally Friday presents:
“The Killer Bees” for
your dancing pleasure in
KWi 2.
3 •
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Edwardian (Austin, Tex.), Vol. 1, No. 4, Ed. 1 Monday, April 15, 1985, newspaper, April 15, 1985; Austin, Texas. (https://texashistory.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metapth1519106/m1/3/: accessed February 26, 2025), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History, https://texashistory.unt.edu; crediting St. Edward’s University.