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"Surrounded by Dangers of All Kinds": The Mexican War Letters of Lieutenant Theodore Laidley

Description: This book contains a collection of letters written by Lieutenant Theodore Thadeus Sobieski (T. T. S.) Laidley between 1845 and 1848. The letters discuss life as a soldier during the Mexican War; most of the letters were written from various stations in Mexico. Each letter is bracketed by editorial commentary on the historical context and the collection is prefaced by a brief biography of Laidley's life prior to the first letter. Index starts on page 179.
Date: 1997
Creator: McCaffrey, James M., 1946- & Laidley, Theodore, 1822-1886.
Partner: UNT Press

The LH7 Ranch in Houston's Shadow: The E.H. Marks' Legacy From Longhorns to the Salt Grass Trail

Description: This book gives an overview of the history of the LH7 ranch, near Houston, Texas starting with the father of Emil Henry Marks, who founded the ranch. The chapters include biographical information of people in the Marks family and other people connected to the ranch as well as historical aspects of the ranch and the community. Index starts on page 217.
Date: 1991
Creator: Sizemore, Deborah Lightfoot
Partner: UNT Press

The WPA Dallas Guide and History

Description: This book gives an overview of the city of Dallas, Texas including statistics about the people and businesses as well as background information regarding the government, businesses, and social aspects of the city. The book also gives information about tourism and points of interest in the city and in Dallas County. Index starts on page 421.
Date: 1992
Creator: Writers' Program of the Work Projects Administration in the City of Dallas
Partner: UNT Press

From Slave to Statesman: The Legacy of Joshua Houston, Servant to Sam Houston

Description: This biography discusses the life of Joshua Houston starting at around twelve years of age until his death in 1902. The text includes commentary on the historical context of his life and anecdotal accounts. Index starts on page 259.
Date: 1993
Creator: Prather, Patricia Smith, 1943- & Monday, Jane Clements, 1941-
Partner: UNT Press

In the Line of Duty: Reflections of a Texas Ranger Private

Description: This book contains a series of anecdotes about Lewis Rigler's life, focusing on his time as a law enforcement officer in Texas. He discusses his life growing up, various cases that he worked on as a Texas Ranger, and general observations that he gained from his job. Index starts on page 181.
Date: 1995
Creator: Rigler, Lewis C., 1914- & Rigler, Judyth Wagner
Partner: UNT Press

The Roy Bedichek Family Letters

Description: This book is a collection of letters written by Roy Bedichek and letters written to him from other family members. Annotations and notes about the letters have been added as footnotes. Biographical information based on interviews of family members as well as genealogical charts of the Bedichek and Greer families are also included. Index starts on page 447.
Date: 1998
Creator: Bedichek, Jane Gracy, 1918- & Bedichek, Roy, 1878-1959
Partner: UNT Press

A Book Lover in Texas

Description: This autobiographical text discusses Evelyn Oppenheimer's role as a reader and book reviewer in Texas. The book discusses both her life and opinions regarding books and various topics. A selection of her poetry and one of her short stories ("The Green Conscience") are also included. Index starts on page 153.
Date: 1995
Creator: Oppenheimer, Evelyn, 1907-
Partner: UNT Press

El Rancho in South Texas: Continuity and Change From 1750

Description: This book discusses the history of ranching in South Texas, illustrated with photographs that were part of "the first major exhibit to examine the private cattle ranch in South Texas, held in 1994 in the John E. Connor Museum in Kingsville, Texas" (p. ix). Index starts on page 117.
Date: 1994
Creator: Graham, Joe S.
Partner: UNT Press

Folklore: in All of Us, in All We Do

Description: Compilation of articles about various topics related to folklore organized into five chapters by subject: "The first tackles this issue of folklore and its relationship to history, with some of the articles trying to provide some of that folkloric filler to historical facts. Another chapter focuses on women; one features various types of occupational lore; and another is a tongue-in-cheek look at 'shady characters' such as police officers, politicians, and horsetraders. A final chapter has no t… more
Date: December 15, 2006
Creator: Untiedt, Kenneth L.
Partner: UNT Press

Both Sides of the Border: A Scattering of Texas Folklore

Description: Collection of Tex-Mex folklore and related essays, including papers presented at Texas Folklore Society meetings. The book is organized into four topical categories: I. Remembering Our Ancestors, II. Texas-Mexican Folklore, III. Miscellaneous Memorabilia, and IV. The Family Saga (Cont'd).
Date: November 15, 2004
Creator: Abernethy, Francis Edward & Untiedt, Kenneth L.
Partner: UNT Press

Inside the Classroom (And Out): How We Learn Through Folklore

Description: Collection of folklore that specifically relate to education, including pieces about rural school houses, day care and scout programs, high school sports and activities, Paul Patterson's contributions to teaching, university campuses and traditions, academic scholarship regarding folklore studies, and many other relevant topics. Index starts on page 307.
Date: November 2005
Creator: Untiedt, Kenneth L.
Partner: UNT Press

First Timers and Old Timers: the Texas Folklore Society Fire Burns On

Description: The Texas Folklore Society has been alive and kicking for over one hundred years now, and I don’t really think there’s any mystery as to what keeps the organization going strong. The secret to our longevity is simply the constant replenishment of our body of contributors. We are especially fortunate in recent years to have had papers given at our annual meetings by new members—young members, many of whom are college or even high school students. These presentations are oftentimes given during s… more
Date: December 15, 2012
Creator: Untiedt, Kenneth L.
Partner: UNT Press

Celebrating 100 Years of the Texas Folklore Society, 1909-2009

Description: The Texas Folklore Society is one of the oldest and most prestigious organizations in the state. Its secret for longevity lies in those things that make it unique, such as its annual meeting that seems more like a social event or family reunion than a formal academic gathering. This book examines the Society’s members and their substantial contributions to the field of folklore over the last century. Some articles focus on the research that was done in the past, while others offer studies that… more
Date: December 15, 2009
Creator: Texas Folklore Society
Partner: UNT Press

Folklore in Motion: Texas Travel Lore

Description: Collection of folklore stories and personal anecdotes that relate to travel in Texas, grouped into broad topics that include historic and modern modes of transportation. Index starts on page 281.
Date: December 15, 2007
Creator: Untiedt, Kenneth L.
Partner: UNT Press

Men and Women in the Armed Forces from Falls County

Description: Directory of the men and women from Falls County, Texas who served in the United States Armed Forces during World War II. Each person's entry contains their photo, a short biography, and where they served.
Date: 1945
Partner: Private Collection of the Ritchie Family

Men and Women in the Armed Forces from Houston County

Description: Directory of the men and women from Houston County, Texas who served in the United States Armed Forces during World War II. Each person's entry contains their photo, a short biography, and where they served.
Date: 1946
Partner: Private Collection of the Ritchie Family

Men and Women in the Armed Forces from Brazos County

Description: Directory of the men and women from Brazos County, Texas who served in the United States Armed Forces during World War II. Each person's entry contains their photo, a short biography, and where they served.
Date: 1946
Partner: Private Collection of the Ritchie Family

Service Record, World War I and Il: Nocona

Description: Service record book of the men and women from Nocona, Texas, and the surrounding community who served in the United States Armed Forces during World War I and II. Each person's entry contains their photo, a short biography, and details of their service.
Date: 1946
Partner: Private Collection of the Ritchie Family

Men and Women in the Armed Forces from Panola County

Description: Directory of the men and women from Panola County, Texas who served in the United States Armed Forces during World War II. Each person's entry contains their photo, a short biography, and where they served.
Date: 1946
Partner: Private Collection of the Ritchie Family

Men and Women in the Armed Forces from Grimes County

Description: Directory of the men and women from Grimes County, Texas who served in the United States Armed Forces during World War II. Each person's entry contains their photo, a short biography, and where they served.
Date: 1945
Partner: Private Collection of the Ritchie Family

Men and Women in the Armed Forces from McLennan County

Description: Directory of the men and women from McLennan County, Texas who served in the United States Armed Forces during World War II. Each person's entry contains their photo, a short biography, and where they served.
Date: 1946
Partner: Private Collection of the Ritchie Family

Men and Women in the Armed Forces from Taylor County

Description: Directory of the men and women from Taylor County, Texas who served in the United States Armed Forces during World War II. Each person's entry contains their photo, a short biography, and where they served.
Date: 1946
Partner: Private Collection of the Ritchie Family

Men and Women in the Armed Forces from Collin County

Description: Directory of the men and women from Collin County, Texas who served in the United States Armed Forces during World War II. Each person's entry contains their photo, a short biography, and where they served.
Date: 1945
Partner: Private Collection of the Ritchie Family

Men and Women in the Armed Forces from Potter County

Description: Directory of the men and women from Potter County, Texas who served in the United States Armed Forces during World War II. Each person's entry contains their photo, a short biography, and where they served. -- add/adjust if needed
Date: December 7, 1941
Partner: Private Collection of the Ritchie Family
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