Saddest Quotes About Losing A loved One

When you lose someone special in your life then you feel sad. Well losing them in life feels like losing everything in life. Every loved one has a special place in your life. You feel sad when you think that now you will not get any time to spend with that special person.You miss them in an every single moment of life. When you become happy you think that if that loved one was alive you will be celebrating your happiness with him and when you think that you are feeling sad, then you think that if that special person was still here then they will definitely give you a shoulder of support.

These quotes will prove to be the words of condolence for you. Because in these quotes you will feel that you are not the only one in the world who is going through this Phase. These quotes will realize you that there are many other people in the world who have lost their near dear ones and they think same like you.

Quotes About Losing A Loved One

You are not here physically
But I can feel you here emotionally

Do Not Cry For Them
They Will Never Love That

We talked a lot of times
But still, there is a lot to tell

Weeping girl sad quotes about losing a loved one
Weeping girl sad quotes about losing a loved one

End of life never means the end of memories.

very sad quotes about losing a loved one
very sad quotes about losing a loved one

Why you were too good to be unforgettable?

Until I have your memories, I have no worries

I have not only lost you, I have lost my life

When you were alive, I always used to pray for your long life. I don’t know why I still pray for you

alone boy sad boy quotes about losing a loved one
alone boy sad boy quotes about losing a loved one

After losing you, I have forgotten to smile and I don’t have any reason either

I would have killed you if the reason behind going away from me was not your death.

You loved me passionately, now is miss that excessively

sad quotes
sad quotes

You died once, I am dying daily

For Boy very sad quotes about losing a loved one
For Boy very sad quotes about losing a loved one

I know you loved me a lot , Look I am paying back by missing you a lot.

Who loved you always will never be forgotten.

We used to talk daily, but I think a lot of things remains unsaid.

When I think you are not more, then I don’t think more.

Why not the memory of loved ones dies with them.

I never wanted to forget you. Now I never wanted to remember you this way.

The biggest pain is when you do not have anyone to give you a shoulder when you are weeping for that shoulder.

Quotes About Losing A loved One-By Great Personalities

Without you in my arms, I feel an emptiness in my soul. I find myself searching the crowds for your face I know it’s an impossibility, but I cannot help myself
—-Nicholas Sparks

Those we love and lose are always connected by heartstrings into infinity.
—Terri Guillemets

best quotes about losing a loved one
best quotes about losing a loved one

Don’t grieve. Anything you lose comes round in another form.

quotes about losing a loved one
quotes about losing a loved one

When someone you love becomes a memory, the memory becomes a treasure. – Anonymous

We never truly get over a loss, but we can move forward and evolve from it.

—Elizabeth Berrien

Sad best quotes about losing a loved one
Sad best quotes about losing a loved one

We must embrace pain and burn it as fuel for our journey – Kenji Miyazawa

sad boy quotes about losing a loved one
sad boy quotes about losing a loved one

The song is ended but the melody lingers on…
–Irving Berlin

We bereaved are not alone. We belong to the largest company in all the world—the company of those who have known suffering.

—Helen Keller

Tear in eyes girl sad quotes about losing a loved one
Tear in eyes girl sad quotes about losing a loved one
Tears are God’s gift to us. Our holy water. They heal us as they flow.

—Rita Schiano


If you have ever lost a loved one, then you know exactly how it feels. And if you have not, then you cannot possibly imagine it.
—Lemony Snicket

We hope these quotes have some words that will give you peace. You will feel calm after reading these quotes some of these quotes are the statements given by some great personalities. And these words will help you lessen your pain that you feel after losing your dear ones. These quotes are the best collection of quotes for you that you can also share with your friends if they are going through this kind of phase of life. You can share all of these wishes on your facebook and Whatsapp to your near and dear ones.They will definitely like all of these quotes and that will give them a peace of mind. You may also like our collection of sad quotes that make you cry.