I speak English, German, some French, a little Italian and a smattering of Spanish.
Born in Germany, living in Canada.
My mother was German and my father, Canadian of German descent. They met in 1953, during his first posting to her homeland, following a tour of duty in Korea. This makes me an “Army Brat”.
I used to be a corporate workaholic, but was freed after almost 20 years. Then, the real me came back! The Eternal Hippie “Rockchick”. Still Bohemian after all these years!
This is what my life looked like (retired now), except they stayed overnight and yes, I bought the machine.
Dog Mom and (retired) Canine Innkeeper in suburban Toronto, Canada, known as The Doglady. Former corporate workaholic. Writer, photographer, digital creator. Animal lover, music fanatic, inveterate traveller. Eternal hippie/rockchick. History, literature and cinema buff. Hockey and soccer fan. Dedicated night owl. German/Canadian binational, multilingual. Let me entertain you!
Welcome to The Den, Roentare! Thank you so much. This is one of my website’s static pages. If you’d like to see what’s happening on the blog, here’s a direct link:
Hi Debbie,
You sure are active on Pinterest! Wow!
Love what you’ve done to this place!
I think we are reconnecting after 3-4 years!
Btw, I added a WhatsApp Follow button on MugOfMuse. Are you on WhatsApp?
Thanks for dropping in Kay! Welcome to The Den once more. I’m glad you like it. Yes, I remember your previous blog quite well. While I do have WhatsApp, I only use it for personal connections, not online activities. You can add any number of widgets to a Blogger site, though: Here are some examples:
Holy Cow Girlfriend, I mean dam!!!! I could spend a lifetime here you have so much interesting, great and rockin’ stuff! I mean I would never get bored with all that is here, from everywhere, with everything and every body! WOW! You really have done a lot of work to your (for lack of a better word because it’s so much more) blog!!! I congratulate you on a job that’s very well done and more!!! Thank you for stopping by & believe me I’ll be back now that I know where to comment. I am just in awe!!! Thanks again & have a great day! Totally love your music section! The Animals were awesome… what a voice! WOW!
Hi Marie; Thanks for exploring the website. The blog is one section. This is my all-consuming hobby and yes, I have put a lot of work into it. Glad you like it! I left you a direct link to my #WW post, so hopefully you’ll be able to find your way around. Or, go here:
Have a great day!
… my husband used to teach hi school on sunchild reserve and we always were invited for their spring pow wows … I witnessed an eagle feather fall from one of the dancer’s attires and “the hundreds of dancer’s stood still for many minutes until the feather was retrieved by a designated person” … it was the most haunting experience … and then it started to hail … hard … it was like sum god was very unhappy … Ya … anyway, friend D … Happy Summer, eh? … Love, cat.=
Thanks for this one, too. Last fall, I went to a Buffy Ste. Marie concert. She shared a lot of stories from her culture with us. I was enthralled the whole evening!
Thanks for sharing that powerful story and the moving video, Cat. ♥ (I fixed it. With WordPress, you only need to copy and paste the URL, without adding anything else.) Wishing you a great summer also.
Hi, Catherine; What a nice surprise to find you here! I’m honoured to accept your award and will let you know when I have the post ready. It might be awhile, but there’s no time limit, yes? Cheers!
I’m enjoying your new pages Debbie, it’s amazing what can be added here at WordPress with a little imagination and lots of zest… Keep adding your amazing photographs and… Well anything else that you can think of too, have a fangtastic rest of weekend and watch out for all those creepy Zombies… lol
Wonderful and colourful and I love to read, I love my dog…I…Love my PC, (no laptop yet..tho’ I do want one) Mmm, love any food. (almost!!) I love history, love present day technology, and I do so want to have a future (lol)..
have to go. Dinner calls.. take care my new friend. xPenx
Technology is fascinating for sure! A little difficult to comprehend sometimes though, LOL. The future will certainly be interesting. How nice that you’re a dog person too! Another reason to like you, Lady Pen
Married since 1973 how exceedingly wicked… You’re definitely enjoying the sweetness of a delightful marriage… Enough said me thinks? I like your new look here, it’s rather fun and let’s peeps know what you like, in a fun way… Keep adding your excellent ideas Debbie, it’s looking great… Androgoth Xx
31 thoughts on “MEET DEBBIE, THE “DOGLADY””
Page has been updated Sept. 6, 2024.
Truly a splendid mosaic photography journal here.
Welcome to The Den, Roentare!
Thank you so much. This is one of my website’s static pages. If you’d like to see what’s happening on the blog, here’s a direct link:
Hi Debbie,
You sure are active on Pinterest! Wow!
Love what you’ve done to this place!
I think we are reconnecting after 3-4 years!
Btw, I added a WhatsApp Follow button on MugOfMuse. Are you on WhatsApp?
Thanks for dropping in Kay! Welcome to The Den once more. I’m glad you like it.
Yes, I remember your previous blog quite well. While I do have WhatsApp, I only use it for personal connections, not online activities. You can add any number of widgets to a Blogger site, though: Here are some examples:
Holy Cow Girlfriend, I mean dam!!!! I could spend a lifetime here you have so much interesting, great and rockin’ stuff! I mean I would never get bored with all that is here, from everywhere, with everything and every body! WOW! You really have done a lot of work to your (for lack of a better word because it’s so much more) blog!!! I congratulate you on a job that’s very well done and more!!! Thank you for stopping by & believe me I’ll be back now that I know where to comment. I am just in awe!!! Thanks again & have a great day! Totally love your music section! The Animals were awesome… what a voice! WOW!
Hi Marie; Thanks for exploring the website. The blog is one section.
This is my all-consuming hobby and yes, I have put a lot of work into it. Glad you like it! I left you a direct link to my #WW post, so hopefully you’ll be able to find your way around. Or, go here:
Have a great day!
… about the eagle feather …
… my husband used to teach hi school on sunchild reserve and we always were invited for their spring pow wows … I witnessed an eagle feather fall from one of the dancer’s attires and “the hundreds of dancer’s stood still for many minutes until the feather was retrieved by a designated person” … it was the most haunting experience … and then it started to hail … hard … it was like sum god was very unhappy … Ya … anyway, friend D … Happy Summer, eh? … Love, cat.=
… I cried …
Thanks for this one, too.
Last fall, I went to a Buffy Ste. Marie concert. She shared a lot of stories from her culture with us. I was enthralled the whole evening!
Thanks for sharing that powerful story and the moving video, Cat. ♥ (I fixed it. With WordPress, you only need to copy and paste the URL, without adding anything else.) Wishing you a great summer also.
Hi Debbie, I love your images on this page, I need some of those! I have nominated you for a Liebster Award to say thanks for your support during the #AtoZChallenge
Hi, Catherine; What a nice surprise to find you here!
I’m honoured to accept your award and will let you know when I have the post ready. It might be awhile, but there’s no time limit, yes? Cheers!
This page has been recently updated – February 2015
Very cool idea for a blog! I love dogs
Hi Julie. Thanks for visiting.
Glad you like it.
I love your web-page.
Looks like we love the same music.
Keep up the good work friend. @—/—-
Thanks for browsing my site, Lorelei. Glad you like it!
Hi Debbie
Just at home for an appointment and read and looked at a lot of your blog. Wow! Now I get it.
Hi Cheryl! This IS a surprise and I’m happy to see you.
Yes; this is my “little” (read all-consuming, LOL) hobby.
This is a wonderful page, you are a colorful person….I like it.
I shall return.
Thanks Raven!
Sorry for the late reply – I am trying to catch up a little, LOL. Have been away from here for a long time.
Hippi, Hippie Hoooooooray
and How Was Your Day? lol
Well I know it was a corny verse
but hey, we Vamps have to add a
jovial rhyme now and again… lol
Well it beats dodging that Van Helsing… lol
Have a Funtastic Sunday now Debbie
Androgoth XXx
Hope you have a fabulous night, my gothic friend.
I’m enjoying your new pages Debbie, it’s amazing what can be added here at WordPress with a little imagination and lots of zest… Keep adding your amazing photographs and… Well anything else that you can think of too, have a fangtastic rest of weekend and watch out for all those creepy Zombies… lol
Androgoth XXx
Thanks Androgoth – have a terrific weekend yourself.
Wonderful and colourful and I love to read, I love my dog…I…Love my PC, (no laptop yet..tho’ I do want one) Mmm, love any food. (almost!!) I love history, love present day technology, and I do so want to have a future (lol)..
have to go. Dinner calls.. take care my new friend. xPenx
Technology is fascinating for sure! A little difficult to comprehend sometimes though, LOL. The future will certainly be interesting. How nice that you’re a dog person too! Another reason to like you, Lady Pen
Married since 1973 how exceedingly wicked… You’re definitely enjoying the sweetness of a delightful marriage… Enough said me thinks? I like your new look here, it’s rather fun and let’s peeps know what you like, in a fun way… Keep adding your excellent ideas Debbie, it’s looking great… Androgoth Xx
Thank you, my new friend
Nice graffiks! I have no idea how to get these – yes very cool!