The Northwestern Naturalist continues a long tradition of accepting feature articles and general notes on the basis of high scientific merit. The journal also publishes distributional records, including first and second occurrence reports for this major biogeographical region. A 68-year cumulative index (1920-1988) and 17-year cumulative index (1989-2006) are now available for download on our new member content page (requires being logged in to this site); they may also be purchased by non-members.
Electronic versions of journal articles published in Volume 85 (2004) to the most recently published issue also are available to current members through BioOne. Access to BioOne is available on the SNVB Member’s Page (requires login).
Download a copy of manuscript preparation instructions (.pdf)
Manuscript Preparation Instructions (.docx)
Member Content Page:
BioOne online archives
Cumulative Index Vol. 1 – 69 (1920-1988) .pdf
Cumulative Index Vol. 70 – 87 (1989-2006) .pdf