Avoid These Colours on Specific Days to Keep Bad Luck at Bay

Ancient beliefs suggest that colours can impact your luck on particular days, with each day linked to a different planet. Mondays call for whites and pastels instead of red, and Tuesdays favour bright colours over black. These recommendations continue throughout the week, guiding you to choose colours that align with planetary influences to help improve your daily life.
Avoid These Colours on Specific Days to Keep Bad Luck at Bay

Have you ever wondered if the colours you wear could affect your luck? According to ancient traditions and beliefs, the colours you choose on certain days can either invite good fortune or bring about some not-so-great vibes. Whether you're a believer or just curious, it might be worth paying attention to your wardrobe choices to keep bad luck at bay.
Here’s a playful guide to what colours you might want to avoid on specific days.
Monday: Steer Clear of Red

Monday is ruled by the Moon, which is associated with calmness, emotions, and nurturing energy. Wearing red, a colour that symbolizes passion and aggression, can disrupt the gentle energy of the day. Instead, opt for whites, creams, or soft pastels to keep your mood balanced and your luck in check.
Tuesday: Say No to Black

Mars is the ruler of Tuesday, and it’s a day all about action, energy, and drive. Black, often linked with negativity and secrecy, can hinder the assertive and straightforward energy that Mars brings. If you want to stay on the right side of luck, go for bright and bold colours like red or orange to match the day’s vibe.
Wednesday: Avoid Pink

Mercury, the planet of communication and intellect, governs Wednesday. Pink, a colour of romance and softness, might not align well with the sharp, focused energy needed for effective communication and decision-making. Green, Mercury’s favoured colour, can help you stay sharp and avoid any missteps.

Thursday: Keep Away from Blue

Jupiter rules Thursday, bringing in abundance, wisdom, and growth. Blue, though a lovely colour, can dampen the expansive energy that Jupiter provides. Instead, try wearing yellow or gold to attract prosperity and positivity throughout the day.
Friday: Skip the Orange

Venus, the planet of love, beauty, and harmony, is in charge on Friday. Orange, a colour associated with energy and enthusiasm, might clash with the peaceful, romantic energy that Venus brings. To keep things harmonious, choose shades of pink, white, or even light blue.
Saturday: Pass on Green

Saturday is ruled by Saturn, the planet of discipline, responsibility, and limitations. Green, symbolizing growth and freshness, might not be the best match for the more serious, grounded energy of the day. opt for darker shades like black, navy, or purple to stay aligned with Saturn’s steadying influence.
Sunday: Avoid Brown

The Sun rules Sunday, a day for joy, vitality, and self-expression. Brown, a colour that can represent dullness or lack of energy, might not be the best choice for a day meant for radiance and celebration. Instead, go for bright and sunny colours like gold, yellow, or orange to fully embrace the day’s energy.
While these colour guidelines might not be a magic formula for avoiding all bad luck, they’re a fun way to bring a little extra thoughtfulness into your daily routine. Plus, who doesn’t love an excuse to add some variety to their wardrobe?
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