9 Things We Have Learned Investing in 170+ SaaS Companies

Why the TinySeed Millionaire Rate is 43%, vertical vs. horizontal markets, and what we've learned over the last five years of investing in bootstrapped SaaS.

Recently on the Startups for the Rest of Us podcast and the MicroConf YouTube channel, TinySeed founder Rob Walling went through what he’s learned investing in the 170+ startups over the last six years.

Highlights from the episode include:

  • Why the TinySeed Millionaire Rate is 43% (see also this Twitter/X thread).

  • Why vertical and orthogonal SaaS appear to have fewer headwinds than horizontal SaaS.

  • How founder count and equity play into potential fundability.

Watch the MicroConf YouTube video above, and/or listen to the Startups for the Rest of Us episode here.

Applications are open for TinySeed’s Fall 2024 programs until this Sunday, September 15th at midnight EST. Read more about our SaaS accelerator program here.


Why Eran Galperin (Gymdesk, TS F2021) Joined TinySeed


Have Questions? Watch the Fall 2024 Application Livestream Q&A