Cleaning Fanatic!!

52 Pins
Freshen Your Bathroom With These DIY "Fizzies" That'll Leave Your Toilet Squeaky Clean
DIY toilet fizzies that will leave your toilet smelling so fresh!
Homemade Lemon and Lavender Linen Spray
Easy Homemade Lemon & Lavender Linen Spray with Essential Oils.
41 DIY Homemade Cleaner Recipes
Best Natural Homemade DIY Cleaners and Recipes - All Purposed Home Care, Detergents and Cleaning with Vinegar, Essential Oils and Other Natural Ingredients For Cleaning Bathroom, Kitchen, Floors, Laundry, Furniture and More Ideas
SHOWER HEAD - The shower head is notorious for nasty mineral deposits and bacterial build-up. Remove your shower head monthly and soak it in straight vinegar. Use a toothpick to remove any grime that may be blocking the holes. If you can't remove your shower head, put some vinegar in a plastic baggy and secure it over your shower head with a rubber band.
How To Clean Soap Scum And Hard Water Deposits On Shower Glass Doors
How To Clean Soap Scum And Hard Water Deposits On Shower Glass Doors | - Your Cleaning Tips
spring cleaning- use a pinesol solution and sponge brush to clean window tracks.
How to Clean your Washing Machine
Great tutorial on how to clean your washing machine and get rid of that stinky smell and mold for good! A must for your spring cleaning checklist!
vintage barn Birthday Party Ideas | Photo 4 of 18
Checkerboard graham cracker squares at a 40th s'mores birthday party! See more party planning ideas at!
Apparently a well known baseball thing but as a new t-ball mom found it helpful - Use Scrubbing Bubbles to clean baseball cleats. Took less than five minutes. Sprayed it on, used a brush to rub everything off and rinsed them in the sink.