Dr eric berg

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The Shocking Truth About the Most Dangerous Ingredient in the World Revealed | The Shocking Truth About the Most Dangerous Ingredient in the World Revealed Credit : @Dr. Eric Berg This page shares content from various sources to... | By Mindful Health Hub | Facebook
The Shocking Truth About the Most Dangerous Ingredient in the World Revealed | The Shocking Truth About the Most Dangerous Ingredient in the World Revealed Credit : @Dr. Eric Berg This page shares content from various sources to... | By Mindful Health Hub | Facebook
1.1M views · 3.6K comments | DRINK 1 CUP PER DAY to Reduce Inflammation in Your Intestines Try this incredible and inexpensive natural remedy for inflammation in the digestive... | By Dr. Eric Berg | Facebook
1M views · 3.4K comments | DRINK 1 CUP PER DAY to Reduce Inflammation in Your Intestines Try this incredible and inexpensive natural remedy for inflammation in the digestive... | By Dr. Eric Berg | Facebook
1.5M views · 1.4K comments | The #1 Best Anti-inflammatory Food in the World (Surprising) | Your diet could be sabotaging your health—find out which foods to ditch and what to add for a healthier gut. For more health information you can't find... | By Dr. Eric Berg | Facebook
1.3M views · 1.3K comments | The #1 Best Anti-inflammatory Food in the World (Surprising) | Your diet could be sabotaging your health—find out which foods to ditch and what to add for a healthier gut. For more health information you can't find... | By Dr. Eric Berg | Facebook
The CARB More Dangerous than Sugar (SURPRISING) - Dr. Eric Berg DC | The CARB More Dangerous than Sugar (SURPRISING) - Dr. Eric Berg DC | By Dr. Eric Berg DC - Your Doctor | Facebook
The CARB More Dangerous than Sugar (SURPRISING) - Dr. Eric Berg DC | The CARB More Dangerous than Sugar (SURPRISING) - Dr. Eric Berg DC | By Dr. Eric Berg DC - Your Doctor | Facebook
How to Look Younger - Dr. Eric Berg DC | How to Look Younger - Dr. Eric Berg DC | By Dr. Eric Berg DC - Your Doctor | Today we're going to talk about how to look younger. And so in six months I'm going to have my birthday and I'm going to be forty. Okay so I'm going into the forties. Pretty scary because you know that's kind of old. I've been thirty-nine for over a year because it's time to graduate and I'm being super sarcastic because I'm not thirty-nine. I'm actually fifty-nine. And six months I'll be sixty. It's kind of weird because sixty seems like you're old. But I don't feel old. I don't feel sixty. I feel probably thirty-two. And I remember I was in Practice. I did a lot of seminars and one of the seminars I did was in a an assisted living home. There's a patient who lived there. She'd come to see me and she says, would you come to my assisted living home and do a seminar. So, I did. When I got there, there's a room full of people that looked really old. Some of those people in that room were in their 60s and looking back at it, I'm like, that's mind blowing to actually go in an assisted living home when you're sixty. I just, I can't wrap my wits around that. It's just wild. Apparently, some people age faster than others. Today, we're going to talk about how to reverse whole process. The number one anti-aging mistake that so many people make and that is avoid the sun and we're sunblocked 365 days out of the year. I mean, think about it. Human beings have evolved for eons being exposed to the sun and now, we're supposed to live in the darkness. Why are they telling people to avoid the sun? Well, because of something called ultraviolet radiation, okay? UV and it basically makes up only 3% of all of the wavelengths. 37% is visible light spectrum and then we have nearly 60% infrared. Infrared is super therapeutic to your body. Some people have infrared machines but you can get infrared for free from being on the sun in the early morning also in the late afternoon. So, regarding the UV, there's different kinds of UV. UVA can very easily go through the clouds. So, even if it's a cloudy day, it's going through. There is some association with those rays as well as the aging of your skin. There's melanin which is a pigment that's a natural sunblocker that's going to create a tanning effect if you're in the sun repetitively now UVB has everything to do with making vitamin D what's really interesting about these sunblockers is that they mainly block out the UVB they don't really make them to filter out that UVA you know the rays that affect aging and when your skin gets enough you're going to notice the skin's going to get hotter basically telling you it's time to go in the shape UV is dangerous if you're going out in the sun and getting burned and you're doing that repetitively. Even the UVA radiation has some benefits. It can increase something called nitric oxide. That increases blood flow. That increases circulation to the skin. People have this question about what about skin cancer, okay? Melanoma. What's interesting about melanomas is that we've been decreasing the amount of sun exposure for quite some time but melanoma has been increased seeing by a factor of 3000 percent. Also, melanoma skin cancer usually occurs on areas that are not exposed to the sun. Is it really the sun that's causing melanomas or could it be related to a lack of vitamin D? Also, BDNF. This is something that is in the brain and BDNF actually increases with exposure to the sun and so when you're getting exposure to sun, you're getting a lot of melatonin in the cells and that's a very powerful antioxidant. However, In the winter, many places around Earth do not allow you to get the UV radiation to make vitamin D. If you're trying to get vitamin D through your window, your glass window, you're not going to get vitamin D. It gets filtered out. So, this idea that the UV is so bad for your skin is completely not true. Other advice that you're told to make your skin look youthful is to use a good moisturizer. I hope you're reading the ingredients on these moisturizers they are filled with just tons of chemicals. They start drying out the skin because probably the alcohol and the mineral oil that pulls out the fat soluble vitamins from your skin when you put the stuff in your skin, it gets absorbed into the bloodstream and it ends up in your liver. Consuming synthetic antioxidants that can create more problems on your skin. Consuming sugar and junk foods. It's going to age the skin very fast. Another thing you have to be careful about is over washing your face with soap. Some people think that they have to wash their face with soap every day and all that detergent is very harsh on the skin. It's going to age the skin. Mainly because you have a microbiome, good bacteria around your skin. You don't want to get rid of that. Chlorine and tap water. Very harsh on your skin. You want to get a filter on your shower and the last thing I'm going to talk about is antibiotics. They create some serious problems with your skin. Not just talking about just antibiotics that you've taken. I'm talking about other thing that act like an antibiotic. Birth control pills and acids. Those are for acid reflux. Steroids, statins. Okay. Now, this next part is fascinating. There is a hormone that can increase the stem cells for your skin and just making your skin look awesome. Stem cells are undifferentiated. They haven't really turned in anything and those stem cells are triggered by oxytocin sin. Now, wait a second, oxytocin. They call it the love hormone but they really should call it the health hormone because it has huge regenerative properties. It creates all sorts of cool effects that help people bond, to be more social, to feel more calm, how do we increase oxytocin. I did a video on this and there's a lot of ways to increase it but the one that I'm going to talk about is just really cool and that is basically taking a very specific microbe, okay? And grow it in a culture that ends up looking like yogurt. What you have to realize is when you destroy the microbiome, whether it is taking an antibiotic or some other way. Uh there are certain microbes that end up never coming back and one of the key microbes that doesn't come back is called L rootery and so this microbe that's been lost in 96% of the population because of the antibiotics and the other effects needs to be receded. It has an effect on wound healing which is wild and yes, I am going to put a down below of another video I did on how to make your own El Rooterai in large amount 300 billion quantities that you'll make in a yogurt maker and you can take a half a cup of this at night I've been taking it for about three weeks and I have to say my sleep is incredible I feel incredibly low stress the next thing is cold immersion on your face now whether you have a cold immersion tank or just a buck it of ice water and you put your face in it for let's say 10 seconds or even less than that that is super healthy for rejuvenating your skin on your face it's going to increase blood flow it's going to tighten the pores it's going to stimulate collagen I mean you just going to have to test it out and I'm going to put a link down below of how to do that and of course exercise is very very important for anti aging especially of your skin and lastly facial exercises can make you look young as well and these involve all sorts of myofascial stretch is because we really don't exercise the face muscles. I did a whole video on this and I'm going to put that link down below so you can learn how to do those facial exercises every day and on that note, thanks for watching and I will see you in the next video.
How to Look Younger - Dr. Eric Berg DC | How to Look Younger - Dr. Eric Berg DC | By Dr. Eric Berg DC - Your Doctor | Today we're going to talk about how to look younger. And so in six months I'm going to have my birthday and I'm going to be forty. Okay so I'm going into the forties. Pretty scary because you know that's kind of old. I've been thirty-nine for over a year because it's time to graduate and I'm being super sarcastic because I'm not thirty-nine. I'm actually fifty-nine. And six months I'll be sixty. It's kind of weird because sixty seems like you're old. But I don't feel old. I don't feel sixty. I feel probably thirty-two. And I remember I was in Practice. I did a lot of seminars and one of the seminars I did was in a an assisted living home. There's a patient who lived there.
839K views · 20K reactions | The real reason why apple cider vinegar is so good for you! For more health information you can't find anywhere else, click here: https://bit.ly/4cO4MsK | Dr. Eric Berg
651K views · 15K reactions | The real reason why apple cider vinegar is so good for you! For more health information you can't find anywhere else, click here: https://bit.ly/4cO4MsK | Dr. Eric Berg
The Best MEAL to Clear Out Your Arteries - Dr. Eric Berg DC | The Best MEAL to Clear Out Your Arteries - Dr. Eric Berg DC | By Dr. Eric Berg DC - Your doctor | Let's talk about the best meal that you could eat to help reduce plaqueing in your arteries or even help prevent cardiovascular disease. Now, I've done a lot of videos on what to avoid to prevent heart disease. Today, I'm going to primarily focus on what to eat, okay? But we first have to give you a little background of what is going on behind the scenes as far as a cardiovascular disease and primarily we're going to talk about plaque. Now, what is in plaque Plaque is a combination of calcium, protein, and cholesterol. Uh many times the calcium is a result of biofilms. So, what's a biofilm? It's a colony of microbes that these microbes have built these little calcium igloos or shells to protect themselves so they can go underneath the radar. So, when you see calcium plaque in the arteries, underneath that plaque, there could be a microbial community and biofilms tend to accumulate on refin edges, right? If the arteries were nice and smooth and strong, they probably would never accumulate on the arteries. But the question is what causes them to get stuck on the inside of the artery wall in your coronary artery for example well that would be some type of they call it lesion or oxidation or inflammation or damage from you know excessive sugar in the diet it could be your diabetic it could be a prediabetic it could come from omega-6 fatty acids junk foods alcohol all sorts of things so when you see plaquene you're also going to see this LDL a very specific kind, the small dense particle size and that's correlated to with a high sugar, high-carb diet and some of this cholesterol in this little package and that's what the LDL is. It's a protein that carries cholesterol. Cholesterol doesn't exist as cholesterol in the arteries like free floating. It's always in a little shuttle bus but the cholesterol is coming in the form of band aid with the cement, the the calcium and then also you're going to get a fibrous tissue like a protein cement that kind of mixes in with the calcium and the cholesterol. As a band aid and then you'll see like a thrombus or a clot forming too in that same area. So, given that information, what can we do to prevent, slow down, or reverse this situation. Alright, there's several things to know about this. Um one of the controlling vitamins with calcium is vitamin Ktwo. Vitamin K2 drives the calcium into the bone. Without enough Ktwo, calcium tends to develop in the soft tissues of the body, not just your arteries, but also in the joints as well and there's one more point about biofilms. There's some interesting things about biofilms especially when we're dealing with plaqueing in your arteries. There's several studies that I found that links periodontal bacteria. The bacteria in your mouth. This pathogenic bacteria actually ending up in the plaque in your arteries. I mean, that's interesting because what are these periodontal bacteria They're pathogenic. They're in your mouth doing in your heart, okay? Now, you have to realize like in the mouth, you have over 700 different species, okay? Not just bacteria but different types of bacteria in your mouth and one of the reasons why the bacteria can actually go through the pores through your gums and into your bloodstream is the same reason why bacteria can leak from your intestines into your bloodstream. That's called bacterial translation where bacteria is moving through the wall. They might get bleeding gums so that allows the microbes to go right through these little holes into your bloodstream. So, high vitamin C foods are definitely necessary for this meal. So, foods with large amounts of vitamin C would also be a good thing. Then, we have vitamin E, okay? Vitamin E in relationship to keeping your cardiovascular system intact is very very important. First of all, it helps prevent those lesions on the inside of the wall of the artery called endothelial tissue. When you're low in vitamin E which is a very powerful antioxidant you can get a lot of oxidation and inflammation. So vitamin E is very important. Also it's important in the heart muscle itself keeping your oxygen high and preventing an actual heart attack. So we have vitamin K two very important. Vitamin C very important and vitamin E. And the other important thing with the heart especially to avoid that lesion in the artery is to key your omega-6 fatty acids very low and keep your omega-3 very very high. So a really important thing in this meal should be omega-3 fatty acids. Okay? Alright so what should this meal look like? Well let's start from the top omega-3 fatty acids. Okay. What food is very very high in omega three. And that would be wow caught salmon. So if you include salmon in this meal okay you're going to have a good amount of omega3 fatty acids which is going to support the arteries as well as the heart Muscle itself and having enough omega-3 will decrease your inflammation as well in your arteries and doing that can actually lower blood pressure as well. Alright, there's something else that I think is very very important in preventing and even maybe reversing some of this plaque in the arteries. This thing has like seven times the requirements of vitamin C. It also is one of the most microbial dense foods that you can eat. Giving you a strong probiotic effect with high levels of lactic acid bacteria. Now, let me just kind of discuss lactic acid bacteria. It's not just one bacteria. It's a group of many different types of bacteria that is usually involved in fermentation and so the food that I'm talking about is sauerkraut, okay? That is a fermented cabbage product and sauerkraut is loaded with this lactic acid bacteria and lactic acid bacteria as a thing is very interesting because it can act as an ace inhibitor to help lower blood pressure. It can inhibit biofilms which is very very cool. It can decrease the risk of cardiovascular disease by supporting your gut. There is a huge relationship between a healthy gut with the right microbes and a healthy heart. Also, this lactic acid bacteria can help regulate LDL cholesterol especially the small dense particle size LDL and having enough of this lactic acid bacteria can enhance your production of secondary biosols which can help the absorption of more vitamin E vitamin D and vitamin K two. All three of those are fat soluble and can greatly support the cardiovascular tissue and it just so happens that sauerkraut is loaded with vitamin K two. Now normally vitamin K2 is in like certain hard cheeses, fats, but micro can also make Ktwo. Just to summarize what sauerkraut is, it's a super food for the heart. It supports the gut lining to prevent this these microbes from traveling through a leaky gut up into the heart. It has many different diverse types of microbial entities that can greatly help you in many different ways and then sauerkraut's loaded with vitamin K two. It keep the calcium out of the arteries. It's loaded with vitamin C like I said before seven times RDA. So that gives you a tremendous amount of vitamin C that can directly inhibit biofilms as well as act as an antioxidant in your arteries preventing this lesions or damage to the wall on the arteries. Remember the biofilms can only stick to an area that's roughened or irritated. So if your arteries are smooth, they can't quite stick to the inside of your arteries to form the plaque in the first place. In the last part of this meal is a big arugula salad with several things in it which I'm going to cover but arugula as a vegetable is a superior salad green compared to regular lettuce because first of all it's cruciferous so it's really good for the liver it's bitter it has blood glucose lowering properties it's loaded with something called dim which can help lower biofilms directly it also has fiber to feed the bacteria and it's also loaded in potassium which can help keep the arteries softened so your blood pressure can stay normal and then of course on that salad I would put extra virgin olive oil the real stuff has significant effects on blood pressure not to mention it has very powerful anti-inflammatory effects as well then I would also add apple cider vinegar but you can also use balsamic vinegar red but the acidic acid in the vinegar has many properties to help lowering the risk of cardiovascular disease it's great for helping regulate your blood sugar it can help regulate your cholesterol. It can help mobilize your bio salts and it has anti-inflammatory properties and then if you add sunflower seeds, okay? We can spike more vitamin E and like I said before, vitamin E is very very important. Now, the next thing I'm going to talk about is a hard cheese, okay? Hard cheeses are loaded with vitamin K2 and the type of cheese I would recommend is called Parmeggiano. Now, I probably do not pronounce that exact like I should but the American translation from Italian is Parmesan but apparently there's been a lot of lawsuits involving this topic because apparently craft trademarked this English translation from the real Parmesan cheese in Italy because the real Parmesano version of that cheese is only produced by a collective group of farmers in Northern Italy That keep their standards very very high and this has been going on since the Middle Ages. It wasn't till only fairly recently that craft came in there and started to make it but unfortunately there's a big difference on how they make it in America versus how they make it in Italy. In Italy they age it for like one to three years compared to in America I think they age it for 10 months and the craft's version of this cheese definitely does not have to abide by the same policies and and laws than the authentic cheese in Italy has to abide by and the other thing you have to watch out for in this Americanized Parmesan cheese is that sometimes they add this filler of cellulose okay which is wood pulp so what I would recommend is get the authentic type from Italy and shave it on your salad. I do it every single day. That way you have a delicious cheese that's loaded with vitamin K two and it's great amount of protein. Uh there's probiotics in this product and it's an incredible product. I actually went to one of the farms where they create this cheese and I was blown away at what they feed the cows to make sure the microbes are just right and the soils that they grow the grass on for the cows. They don't get fed grain. It's all grass and the amount of work that goes in to make this cheese and keep it a really standard process is mind blowing and the last thing I'm recommend to put on your salad is garlic, okay? You can use powder, you can use actual garlic, you can use fermented garlic but garlic is great for the heart. It actually can thin the blood if there's a chance that you are at high risk for clotting. It can help lower your blood pressure. It's antimicrobial, antibile film and the list goes on and on. Alright, so now that you have that information, I think the best most interesting next video for you to watch would be the one on biofilms in your mouth. Check it out. I put it right here.
The Best MEAL to Clear Out Your Arteries - Dr. Eric Berg DC | The Best MEAL to Clear Out Your Arteries - Dr. Eric Berg DC | By Dr. Eric Berg DC - Your doctor | Let's talk about the best meal that you could eat to help reduce plaqueing in your arteries or even help prevent cardiovascular disease. Now, I've done a lot of videos on what to avoid to prevent heart disease. Today, I'm going to primarily focus on what to eat, okay? But we first have to give you a little background of what is going on behind the scenes as far as a cardiovascular disease and primarily we're going to talk about plaque. Now, what is in plaque Plaque is a combination of calcium, protein, and cholesterol. Uh many times the calcium is a result of biofilms. So, what's a biofilm? It's a colony of microbes that these micro
The Best Fix for Dry and Wrinkled Skin - Dr. Eric Berg DC | The Best Fix for Dry and Wrinkled Skin - Dr. Eric Berg DC | By Dr. Eric Berg DC - Your doctor | Facebook
The Best Fix for Dry and Wrinkled Skin - Dr. Eric Berg DC | The Best Fix for Dry and Wrinkled Skin - Dr. Eric Berg DC | By Dr. Eric Berg DC - Your doctorFacebook
57K views · 1.2K reactions | STOP Aging and Look YOUNGER! - Dr. Eric Berg DC | STOP Aging and Look YOUNGER! - Dr. Eric Berg DC | By Dr. Eric Berg DC - Your doctor | Today, I'm going to talk about how to slow down the aging process. If you want to look younger, live longer, and have fewer diseases, then, this video is for you. Now, I know I don't look 75 years old, okay? And it's probably because I'm not 75 years old. I'm fifty9, but what I'm going to show you is based on a huge deep dive into this longevity topic. I'm not sure if you've ever heard of the mitochondria before but the mitochondria is the energy factory and so you're going to be as healthy or live as long as your mitochondria is functioning in in good shape. So without getting into too much biochemistry. If you've taken a biology class you may remember there's something called the Krebs cycle. And the Kreb cycle is basically a little circle. It's like an assembly align and there's various steps in different chemicals involved in this little assembly line and it starts with food that enters this creb cycle and it ends with energy. And I think the biggest thing that was missing when I study the Kreb cycle was something called co factors. This creb cycle requires nutrients to go from A to B to C because if you're missing a certain nutrient instead it becomes bottlenecked and things back up and you're not going to be able to make the energy and so by this additional understanding of nutrients related to the Crep cycle we can quickly see that in order to turn glucose or fat into energy we need nutrients and the reason I'm even bringing this up is that I'm leading up to this one molecule It's called NAD and NAD is involved in extracting energy from food. NAD is a very vital molecule and helping you live long and the energy that it's going to make is called ATP. It's also involved in preventing muscle loss especially if someone has cancer. It's also involved in protecting you against radiation and here's the big thing you need to know. As we age, the NAD decreases. Researchers have found that there's this thing that has eaten up NAD and this thing is called CD thirty-eight. In my studies, when they're born without this CD thirty-eight, they live a long life. They don't have a lot of health problems. So, there are five compounds that you can start getting from your diet that can then keep your NAD very high so you can live a long life. So, let's start with the first one. It's called epigene. Partially has the most epigenin of all plants that I could find. The next one on the list is thyme. Then we get oregano, basil, celery. These are various spices and herbs that you can use on your food on a regular basis. Okay, number two, anthoxanthin. And you can get this in the following foods. Blueberries. Anything blue, purple, or even red has high amounts of this particular natural chemical. Elderberry is really also good for your immune system. Then we have the core grape purple potatoes okay are loaded with this the next one is called curcumin and you might already know that one is in the turmeric spice and then the next phytonutrient is called quercetin and the food that has the highest quercetin is the onion most of the quercetin is in the outer part of the onion okay so when you peel the onion don't peel it too deep and then we have the apple skin of course apples are high in sugar Well, if you just ate the skin of the apple, you would get a lot of quercetin and then the last one on the list is called methylene blue. Now, this is not a plant. This is a synthetic dye. This was actually the first drug that was ever invented. They used to use it for many different things but it seems to be a good inhibitor of this CD 38 which can then increase the NAD and increase your longevity. If you haven't seen my video in methylene blue, this might tie this whole topic together for you. So, for that information, you should watch this video next right here.
10K views · 212 reactions | STOP Aging and Look YOUNGER! - Dr. Eric Berg DC | STOP Aging and Look YOUNGER! - Dr. Eric Berg DC | By Dr. Eric Berg DC - Your doctor | Today, I'm going to talk about how to slow down the aging process. If you want to look younger, live longer, and have fewer diseases, then, this video is for you. Now, I know I don't look 75 years old, okay? And it's probably because I'm not 75 years old. I'm fifty9, but what I'm going to show you is based on a huge deep dive into this longevity topic. I'm not sure if you've ever heard of the mitochondria before but the mitochondria is the energy factory and so you're going to be as healthy or live as long as your mitochondria is functioning in in good shape. So without getting into too much biochemistry. If you've taken a biolo
The Top 3 Foods for Hair Loss - Dr. Berg - Dr. Eric Berg DC | The Top 3 Foods for Hair Loss - Dr. Berg - Dr. Eric Berg DC Join group:👇👇👇 https://www.facebook.com/groups/929996162034238 | By Dr. Eric Berg DC | Today, we're going to talk about exactly what food you should be eating to help regrow your hair and this is not about taking another supplement. This is talking about your foods. There's something I stumbled on recently that's actually very interesting. I'm going to share with you is from this paper that I I read that had something in it that just jumped out at me that I've never heard before and then I did a deep dive into this one single amino acid and I found some amazing things, okay? So, I'm going to share that with you today. So, I think most people know that hair is made ou
64K views · 1.7K reactions | The Therapeutic Benefits of CASTOR OIL (Skin Face Hair) Credit@ Dr. Eric Berg. | By Fitful Fasting | Facebook
42K views · 1.2K reactions | The Therapeutic Benefits of CASTOR OIL (Skin Face Hair) Credit@ Dr. Eric Berg. | By Fitful Fasting | Facebook
The #1 Collagen Tip for Amazing Hair, Nails, & Skin - Dr. Eric Berg DC | The #1 Collagen Tip for Amazing Hair, Nails, & Skin - Dr. Eric Berg DC | By Dr. Eric Berg DC - Your doctor | Now, I have a very simple, inexpensive tip for you that I think cannot only help you with your hair, your nails, and having youthful skin but a lot more. In fact, you may find that this natural remedy solves many of the problems that you have right now and this all wraps around this one topic of collagen. What is collagen? It's your connective tissue, tendons, ligaments, cartilage, one third of all of your collagen is made by one amino acid. Glycine and glycine is not an essential amino acid which means that our bodies can make it but here's the thing our bodies really don't make enough glycine and if you're not getting it from the diet chances are you're going to be deficient because normal proteins red meat or chicken or fish or even eggs or even dairy are are not very high in glycine you'd have to be eating the skin on the chicken and the cartilage like on the chicken bones or organ meats and a lot of people do not do that. So, we can be consuming a lot of protein but not getting this one amino acid that could lead to all sorts of issues. Check this out. Glycine is needed to make the most important antioxidant of all your cells. That's called glutathione. If you don't have glycine, you can't make glutathione which means you can't detoxify which means that you're going to have a build up of toxicity which relates to inflammation. This is one of the reasons why glycine is anti-inflammatory. So glycine is very very important for your liver. Glycine is also used to help with a leaky gut because it helps prevent inflammation in your gut which I've talked about this extensively. Uh many different videos as the gut inflammatory conditions are the start of autoimmune diseases. Glycine is also used in a lot of enzymes in different proteins. Uh one being called catalyse which helps you get of hydrogen peroxide in the body which also could explain why someone could have premature graying of the hair because the hydrogen peroxide is just bleaching out the pigment in the hair. Glycine is essential to make the hem in your blood. So, if you don't have glycine, you can't make blood and even your gums around the teeth need glycine. Glycine is so foundational, you need it for your DNA as well. If you're deficient in glycine, you might not be able to achieve the deep delta wave sleep that you need to feel regenerated. Also, I found that glycine is very important in helping people detoxify uric acid and so it's even used as a treatment for gout because glycine competes with uric acid and glycine is also good to make your insulin more sensitive so it's really good for blood sugars and can help you with a lot of different things weight loss of fatty liver visceral fat in fact the Greek word for glycine means sweet it can actually even be turned into glucose as fuel you see certain parts of the body especially the brain need a certain level of glucose but if you're not consuming sugar, your body will make it. Well, guess what? Glycine can be a precursor for that sugar and I think some people might be concerned too if that's going to bump me out of ketosis if I take glycine, it's going to increase my sugar but at the same time, look at Benefits, it actually helps stabilize your blood sugar as well as maybe a little bit more insulin spike but it's going to make insulin more sensitive so it's more corrective on insulin versus regular sugar that doesn't improve your blood sugars, right? But there's something else that's interesting when you consume glycine. It stimulates the opposing hormone to insulin which is called glucan. Glucagon does the opposite of insulin and this is why when you're consuming amino acids protein you don't really have to be as concerned about the blood sugar spike but it also at the same time stimulates the opposing hormone to keep things in check and if something could make insulin more sensitive it's not going to worsen the insulin resistance situation it's going to help it and I also read a study which I'm going to put all the stuff down below on how glycine could even interfere with the binding Of oxalates to calcium crystallization to prevent kidney stones. So, that's pretty cool. So, here's how someone's deficient. First of all, the diet, if you're not consuming nose to tail, if you're not eating all the things with collagen, then, chances are you could be deficient because our bodies don't make enough. There's a massive demand for glycine if you're under stress. If you're taking medications, if you're drinking alcohol, if you're exposed to toxins, if your liver is working overtime to get rid of poisons for some reason. Just so happens that one third of collagen is glycine and a real simple way to get collagen is gelatin nox blocks. You can buy it in these packets. You can get it on Amazon. You can look it up. Put a little stevia in it and consume that on a regular basis to get your glycine. I think that's a really easy way to get your Now you can also get a supplement with glycine and if you do the amounts that an average person need would range anywhere between four grams to 10 grams a day here's some other ways you can get collagen you can do bone broth the problem with bone broth you'd have to have a lot of it to get enough glycine but that's a possibility another way to do it is to have chicken soup and you take the whole chicken put in the crock pot and just cook it all day long and see if all this great collagen which is very high in glycine you can even do like pork rinds Right? Just make sure it doesn't have added MSG or other chemicals. You'd have to have a good amount of it but it can contribute to your glycine. So in different countries they do it differently. You know they might in certain countries use you know just cook the entire fish with the head and everything to make their their broth. Certain people have recipes for chicken feed or they they cook their bone down and some broth. So there's many different To get collagen. You may have heard this term hydrolyzed collagen, right? What does hydrolyze mean? It basically means you're breaking down the protein into smaller chains, okay? They're called peptide chains. So, it's just an easier way to get your collagen because it's already broken down and also beyond Knox Blocks Gellatin, there's another great product called Great Lakes Beef Gellatin. If you do take glycine, okay? Do you have to be concerned about taking too much of it? Yes, but you would have to Have something like 600 grams, okay? 600 grams. We're only talking about between 4 and 10 grams a day. If possible, I would recommend taking the glycine with food, not an empty stomach but here's the thing, as we age, the need for glycine goes up. Um this could potentially help people with osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, thinning of the hair, insomnia, gout, or even kidney stones. Now, I did another video on this top Related to hair loss. If you haven't seen that one, you should check it out. A lot of people watched it. They loved it. I put it up right here.
The #1 Collagen Tip for Amazing Hair, Nails, & Skin - Dr. Eric Berg DC | The #1 Collagen Tip for Amazing Hair, Nails, & Skin - Dr. Eric Berg DC | By Dr. Eric Berg DC - Your doctor | Now, I have a very simple, inexpensive tip for you that I think cannot only help you with your hair, your nails, and having youthful skin but a lot more. In fact, you may find that this natural remedy solves many of the problems that you have right now and this all wraps around this one topic of collagen. What is collagen? It's your connective tissue, tendons, ligaments, cartilage, one third of all of your collagen is made by one amino acid. Glycine and glycine is not an essential amino acid which means that our bodies can make it but here's the thing our bodies really don't make enough glycine and if you're no