Teacher Humor

Teachers have to have a sense of humor! This board is my place to share funny quotes, silly memes and hilarious photos for teachers! I hope they bring you smiles and laughs! Check out more at MrsBeattiesClassroom.com
198 Pins
If Teachers Earned Brag Tags... - Not So Wimpy Teacher
Diary of a Not So Wimpy Teacher: If Teachers Earned Brag Tags...
Setting Our Students Up For Success - Mrs. Beattie's Classroom
Set your students up for success with some inspirational quotes! Love this - Mistakes are proof that you are trying!
How to Dig Yourself Out of an End-of-the-Year Rut - Mrs. Beattie's Classroom
Are you a teacher facing your final weeks and days of the school year? You'll want to check out these tips for reducing stress and staying positive as the year winds down!
How to Save Your Sanity at the End of The Year - Mrs. Beattie's Classroom
Are you a teacher heading into the end of the year? You'll want to save these 6 ideas for how to save your sanity at the end of the school year!
12 More Cute Things Students Have Said — Poet Prints Teaching
Enjoy 12 real-life stories of the cute, funny things that teachers have heard during the day in the classroom. I dare you not to giggle.
Reasons Why You are So Tired After School - Reading and Writing Redhead
5 Reasons why you're so tired at the end of the school day by Reading and Writing Redhead: What can you add to this list?
10 Cutest Things Students Have Said — Poet Prints Teaching
Teaching can be a tough job, but the cute things students say are certainly a perk. 10 funny and cute things that students have really said during the day!
Parent Teacher Conference - Stress Tips
Parent Teacher Conference - Stress Tips and Help with a Stress Kit! #Teach123
Funny Things Teachers Say - Easy Teaching Tools
Throughout the day, I often wonder if my there are other professions that say some of the ridiculous things I find myself saying to my students. I asked the teachers in my Facebook Group about some of the crazy things they've said over the years.
About Mrs. Beers - Mrs. Beers Language Arts Classroom
Juggling it All as a Teacher Mom!