
804 Pins
Cute Disney Facts
I've watched Beauty and the Beast a hundred times. I eventually picked up on this
Welcome to at FunnyAsDuck - home of all the funniest Memes and Gifs on the internet.
Like. But HWY tho? It's so bad I had to pin it. I apologize if this is your form of torture lol
20 Jokes That Are So Stupid They Are Actually Funny. Number 7 Is Priceless.
Tickld Mobile - 20 Jokes That Are So Stupid They Are Actually Funny.
Creepy Whispers // funny pictures - funny photos - funny images - funny pics - funny quotes - #lol #humor #funnypictures
32 Times Tumblr Was Too Clever For Its Own Good
The time they came up with the more inspirational pun ever. | 32 Times Tumblr Was Too Clever For Its Own Good
22 Things About Food You Probably Never Thought Of…
I am speechless