Espaço Agricultural

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Modern Outdoor Design on Instagram: "Swipe across to see where part of our backyard transformation began at Bulimba street… Minimal access makes this transformation that much more rewarding by the team… 🙌 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #mod #beforeandafter #beforeafter #backyardtransformation #transformation #renovation #backyardrenovation #backyard #backyardgarden #backyardgarden #landscapedesign #landscapearchitect
Modern Outdoor Design on Instagram: "If in doubt.. Plant it out ✌️🌱 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #mod #backyardgarden #backyarddesign #featurewall #stonedesign #stonecladding #plant #plantpower #greenout #greendesign #greendecor #greenarchitecture #greenbuilding #greenbeauty #gardendesign #design #plantdesign #plantdecor #outdoordesign #outdoorspace #outdoorlivingspace #exteriordesign #exterior #lightingdesign #out
"Aprenda a ser indiferente ao que não tem importância, e você será livre."
"Aprenda a ser indiferente ao que não tem importância, e você será livre." - Marco Aurélio -
Successful Farrowing Management Just prior to farrowing, pregnant sows and gilts are moved to individual pens or stalls in the farrowing barn. De-worm the pregnant sow two weeks before farrowing. Move the sow to the farrowing house 7 to 10 days before the due to farrow date. This is done to enable the sow to get used to the farrowing environment and to avoid sows farrowing in-group situations. Before the sow enters the farrowing house it has to be washed thoroughly and sprayed with an acaric...
Riante rietgedekte villa
Riante rietgedekte villa Deze riante villa straalt sfeer en eigenheid uit. De markante entree valt direct op door het gebruik van veel glas. Bovendien zorgt dit voor veel lichtinval. De dominante schoorsteen, sterke contrasten in de gevels en de samengestelde rieten kap maken het geheel af. Maar ook de plek waarop de kavel ligt is bijzonder: omringd door water. Dat is genieten op de sfeervolle veranda met de haard aan en van de zon die rondom het huis schijnt. Van der Padt&Partners Architecten