
Spells and ideas for spells.
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Runic Shield Spell for Energy Protection
I don't know about you, but I am feeling very defeated, sacred, and otherwise just not great. Everything just feels...off. I know I am not alone in this feeling, but seeing and hearing from others who feel the same way as I do has been comforting but also stressful. While I do not consider myself to be an empath (in fact, I have some pretty harsh opinions about the whole idea of being an empath) I do feel a weight on my shoulders when exposed to others who are also struggling. There is a palpable thickness of emotion in the air. Because of this, I know it's the perfect time for some energy shielding and protection. I can't continue to fight the good fight if I am incapable of getting out of bed in the morning. This simple spell is designed to do just that!
Runic Shield Spell for Energy Protection
I don't know about you, but I am feeling very defeated, sacred, and otherwise just not great. Everything just feels...off. I know I am not alone in this feeling, but seeing and hearing from others who feel the same way as I do has been comforting but also stressful. While I do not consider myself to be an empath (in fact, I have some pretty harsh opinions about the whole idea of being an empath) I do feel a weight on my shoulders when exposed to others who are also struggling. There is a palpable thickness of emotion in the air. Because of this, I know it's the perfect time for some energy shielding and protection. I can't continue to fight the good fight if I am incapable of getting out of bed in the morning. This simple spell is designed to do just that!
How to Create a Purification and Abundance Simmer Pot for Your Home
Simmer pots not only safely bring comforting fragrances into your space, but may also bring health benefits such as improved digestion, increased immune function, improved mood, and stress reduction! Furthermore, simmer pots containing whole ingredients are generally pet-safe, even those that include citrus. To ensure your and your pet's safety, avoid using essential oils or perfume oils. This particular simmer pot is a wonderful way to purify your space, attract abundance, and uplift the energies in your home using the power of aromatics and intention. To top it all off, your home will smell of cozy autumn vibes in no time!
Bridging the Veil: An Anointing Oil Recipe for Ancestral Communication
As the veil between our world and the spirit realm thins once again as Samhain approaches, communication with our ancestors becomes easier. Across cultures, ancestors have been revered as guardians of wisdom and guides in our earthly journeys, with many cultures creating altars and shrines to honor said ancestors. Today we will create an anointing oil specifically attuned to the thinning veil of Samhain using herbs and spices associated with the season, a fragrant homage to honor, connect, and communicate with the spirits of our lineage.
Summoning the Rain: A Weather Spell to Summon Rain During Times of Drought
I'm not sure about everyone else, but we are experiencing a pretty severe drought in my area. My grass is almost completely dead and if it wasn't for me watering my garden, none of my flowers would have survived the season. Even with watering, they are barely blooming because it's so hot and dry. We desperately need rain, and what better way to try and coax it here than with a little bit of magic? Rain and weather spells are well documented throughout history, especially among pastoral communities that relied heavily on the weather to ensure they could survive through the winter. One bad growing season could spell disaster for everyone. While the methods vary across cultures, most rain spells incorporate water, including the one I present in this blog post.
Bounce Back: Conquering Spell Casting Aftermath
Ever felt drained, emotionally overwhelmed, or just plain exhausted after casting a spell? It's not uncommon and it's totally manageable. Discover practical steps on how to recuperate, regain your balance, and avoid burnout when you're on your spellcraft journey with this insightful guide.
Spell Jar for Courage
Cinnamon helps improve cognitive function while simultaneously reducing depression and anxiety. Cinnamon is a firey spice, meaning it will also inspire you to keep going, even when things get tough. Amethyst, blue lace agate, and sodalite are all associated with stress relief, but also aid in communication and intuition, allowing you to be clear in your mission and purpose.
Summoning the Rain: A Weather Spell to Summon Rain During Times of Drought
I'm not sure about everyone else, but we are experiencing a pretty severe drought in my area. My grass is almost completely dead and if it wasn't for me watering my garden, none of my flowers would have survived the season. Even with watering, they are barely blooming because it's so hot and dry. We desperately need rain, and what better way to try and coax it here than with a little bit of magic? Rain and weather spells are well documented throughout history, especially among pastoral communit
Harvesting Gratitude: Harvest Moon Gratitude Ritual
Harvesting Gratitude: Harvest Moon Gratitude Ritual
Healing After a Loss: A Ritual to Release Grief
Losing someone you love is never easy. Grief doesn't follow any rules or patterns. We each approach it differently and in our own time; its uniqueness makes it difficult to soothe and even harder to predict. This ritual helps release some of that grief while honoring your loved one.
Fruit of the Underworld Ritual: A Ritual to Connect with Your Ancestors
I'm sure you are feeling the veil between worlds thinning as Samhain approaches. This is the perfect time to work with spirits and travel between realms. This ritual is designed to open the doors between our realm and the realm of our ancestors to communicate with them this Samhain.
Witchcraft for Well-Being: 5 Spells, Rituals, and Remedies to Reduce Stress During Political Turmoil
Witchcraft for Well-Being: 5 Spells, Rituals, and Remedies to Reduce Stress During Political Turmoil