
313 Pins
Rhita Lamtahri on Instagram: "Tournassage d'un bol, my happy place 🤗 #trimmingpottery #ceramic #pottery #art #handmade #rhitalamtahri"
末廣 学 on Instagram: ". 東京日本橋の老舗和菓子屋さん 店舗やデパ地下などのディスプレイに 当方の器を使って下さってます またご依頼をいただきました 焼き上がり30cmの丸皿 なのでまたまた制作動画 底板叩いて締めて 轆轤に乗せて 太めの紐を一段 轆轤回して厚み整えれば完成です 底板をよく締める事と紐の継ぎ目をしっかり接着する事 これさえ抑えていれば問題なし 東京に出かけるたびに、日本橋のデパ地下で美味しそうなお饅頭や団子がディスプレイされているのを見るのも楽しみのひとつです 商品ケースへの出し入れがしやすいように なるべく軽く、縁も欠けにくいようにと丸く滑らかにと心がけてます 焼き上がったこの新作の器には またどんな美味しいお菓子が盛られる事でしょう😋 是非、日本橋のデパートの地下で美味しいお菓子が乗った私の器を探してみてください #備前焼 #須恵器 #寒風須恵器 #穴窯 #anagama #bizen #sueki #ceramics #pottery #japaneseceramics #japanesepotter #japanesesweets #デパ地下 #和菓子屋さん #老舗 #飴も有名😊 #器 #うつわ #末廣学"
Loversceramic on Instagram: "Making a flower shaped plate using mini terracotta pot molds 🌸 Thank you! @djdoespottery 🌸🤍🌟 . . . . . . . . . . #ceramic #ceramicart #ceramicdecor #tableware #ceramique #design #ceramicdesign #homemade #handmade #craft #diy #stonware #potterylove #instapottery #wheelthrown #keramik #potterylove #ceramiclovers #porcelain #clayart #terracotta #handmadepottery #artoftheday"
4,797 likes, 39 comments - corticmceramics el November 23, 2023: "Qual è l’oggetto che preferisco realizzare? I piatti! ✨ Oltre alle tazze, è stata la seconda forma in cui ho acquisito maggiore dimestichezza. Nel il periodo in cui imparavo la lavorazione della ceramica al tornio, mi stavo trasferendo con la mia famiglia nella nuova casa e volevo assolutamente dei piatti fatti da me. Non volevo comprarli! Adesso a distanza di due anni, sto ancora usando i primi piatti che ho creato Pur essendo p
Supporting Clay Artists on Instagram: "Making a bowl from a cylinder when you are a beginner is smart because it gives you an opportunity to pull your walls up and then shape them, instead of doing both at the same time which can be tricky and cause problems for beginners. This is also a good opportunity to practice compressing the bottom of your bowl. Want to learn more? @clay_arts_support is offering a five week online class to improve your throwing skills. This is a class for people who have been throwing for two or three years and want some personalized help in getting them to the next level. #pnwpottery #potteryvideos #potteryclasses #potteryclass #artistsupport"
winding.pine.pottery on November 21, 2022: "7lbs…. 7 pounds of clay feels like a lot! Engaging those muscles to get things centered to start the throwing process 💪… Happy Mon...".
Hope Kathleen Limyansky-Smith on Instagram: "✨Throwback Thursday✨ Love this reel from 2022! But that cone was such a unicorn horn 😂 #pottery #potter #wheelthrown #wheelthrownpottery #wheelthrownceramics #ceramics #ceramicart #clay #clayart #clayartist #arted #arteducator #arteducation #artteachers #artteachersofinstagram"