Dog Quotes

So you like quotes about dogs and quotes for dogs, eh? Puppy quotes, too? Here we cover: miss your dog quotes, dog love quotes, cute dog quotes, dog life quotes, quotes about dogs as family, funny quotes about dogs, sayings about dogs, and cute dog sayings.You can find these and more here. From the inspirational and reflective to the funny and crazy. Dog quotes and pet quotes for every taste (or dog wuote if you happen to type like us).
75 Pins
When Someone Loses A Pet, Don’t Say, ‘It’s Just A Dog.’ It’s Not.
From a heartfelt story in the Washington Post: My dog died the day after Christmas in 2016, his last full day of life on Earth. He was 17, a “Westie-Something-Something,” cotton-white and very fluffy, kind of like a small walking cloud but well-groomed. His name was Homer: not after the great blind poet from antiquity, but the incompetent nuclear power plant manager from “The Simpsons. Since Dec. 26, 2016, memories like this flash through my head constantly. #dogloss #missmydog #dogsgotoheaven
Love For Dogs Quotes
Inspirational quotes about dogs are a dime a dozen. But there's truly so much we can learn from them. like mindfulness. Living in the moment. Simply being present. And a whole lot more. Which is exactly why we love quotes about dogs. #dogquotes #quotesaboutlifelessons #dogsarelife #mindfulnessmatters #beingpresentinthemoment #beingpresent
Quotes About Dogs Love | Unconditional Love
We love dogs quotes and there are a lot to love ... since dog love quotes are everywhere. But there's clearly a good reason for it. Dogs are the very essence, the very embodiment of unconditional love. #dogquotes #quotesdoglove #unconditionallove #petquotes #puppyquotes #poochandpoodle
Ideias para incluir o animal de estimação no casamento
Ideias para incluir o animal de estimação no casamento
Dog Quotes | Smile For No Reason
It's been a while since we've pinned a quote and we've always loved this one. We like the idea of smiling for no reason at all, as often as you can (and no doubt having people wonder why you're so damn happy). Which is particularly appropriate for dogs, given they're about the happiest creatures we know. #LaughingDogs #smilingdogs #smilingdogchallenge #happydogs #dogquotes #quotesaboutdogs #poochandpoodle
Happy National Spoil Your Dog Day! | Pets and Animals Tips
Dogs And Flowers Quote
So pink flowers and yellow balls aren't exactly a match. Who woulda knew ;-). But we love dogs and flowers quotes, and dogs and flowers photography ... so we went ahead and did it anyway. Besides he is a truly beautiful English bulldog and we're sure you'll forgive us. #dogsandflowers #englishbulldog #englishbulldoglovers #englishbulldoglife #poochandpoodle
Dog Quotes Life
Life is a complex beast. Or is it? Maybe it's actually really simple. Perhaps that's the lesson pour dogs can teach us. Dog lover quotes are rarely as moving as this. But, really, the best dog quotes always are! #dogquotes #poochandpoodle #welovedogs #doglifestyle #doglifeisgood
Dog Life Quotes
Sure, we like funny sayings about dogs. But we could all do with some inspirational dog quotes from time to time. Particularly ones that resonate so deeply as this one. There truly is little that binds us so tightly to this earth as love. And the unconditional love of a dog is perhaps the greatest love of all. #thetiesthatbind #greatestloveofall #greatestlove #dogslove #dogsarethebest