Inspirational Quotes

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Divine Feminine Rising
It is time for the Divine Feminine to emerge from the shadows in which she was concealed, sequestered and is time for her to rise in all of her strength, glory and power! ♥️
Higher Unconditional Love
It is time to infuse mutual respect, support, kindness and compassion into all of our relationships. It is time for the expression of Higher Unconditional Love! ❤️
Spiritual Power
The definition of Spiritual Power is faith in a Higher is a consciousness, offering a sense of peace, contentment, faith and hope. When you are connected with your spiritual power there is a limitless loving energy surrounding you where you are self-assured and confident in yourself! ❤️
Reach for the Stars
Reach for the stars with your hopes and your dreams! There is magic in the air, and there is magic within your soul! Have faith and trust and make beautiful things happen! ❤️
White Light of the Universe
I call forth the Etheric White Light of the Universe to shower down all around me! May it bathe me in Unconditional Love, Compassion, Healing and Divine Guidance! ❤️
Beautiful Divine Feminine Goddess
Beautiful Divine Feminine Goddess......expand into your truth, your confidence, your courage! Allow healing to take place within the fiery essence of your soul and connect with your inner sense of freedom! ♥️
Beautiful Divine Plan Unfolding
Even when the energies of life are turbulent and swirling all around Even when the energies of life are turbulent and swirling all around you in a mass of confusion, remember that from the perspective of the Universe, there is order within the chaos. There is a purpose in motion behind the scenes that you are not yet aware of. There is a beautiful Divine Plan unfolding if you trust, have faith and believe! ❤️
Earth Angel
When you express your Love as the Earth Angel that you are, the Blessings of the Universe will shower down upon you! ❤️
You are a Divine Soul of the Universe
There is more to you, your life, and your purpose than what you can "see" with your physical eyes. Move into a higher perspective of your soul's gifts, truth, and reason for incarnating at this time. You are a Sacred and Divine Soul of the Universe! You have Purpose! ❤️
Spiritual Gateway
Are you ready to walk through the spiritual gateway into a new energy......a new way of life......a new beginning? ❤️
Remember your sacredness and innocence my are perfect just the way you aspect of the Divine. ❤️
Rise into Higher States of Consciousness
Allow yourselves to get caught up in the beautiful flow and magic of the Universe! And, feel your inner power expand as you rise up into higher states of consciousness! ❤️
Beauty, Balance, Harmony and Grace
If you embody the energy of beauty, balance, harmony and grace, you will find that the world around you emanates those same qualities. ♥️
Divine Feminine
Beautiful Essence of the Divine Feminine! You are the Light within the darkness, the Love where there is intolerance, the Compassion within the indifference, the Strength where there is vulnerability and the Power behind the throne. ♥️