The Unfitted Kitchen

Inspiration from the turn of the century to and modern sources for an unfitted or freestanding kitchen. Cast iron sinks, hoosier cabinets, freestanding stoves, and pantry spaces, work tables, and more.
44 Pins
O'Keefe and Merritt Aristocrat Town and Country Vintage Stove Original Condition | eBay
O'Keefe and Merritt Aristocrat Town and Country Vintage Stove Original Condition | eBay
Designed by Atlanta’s First Female Architect
Designed in 1915 by Leila Ross Wilburn, Atlanta’s first successful female architect, it’s a classic American foursquare with all the charm of the early-20th-century Arts and Crafts movement.
San Diego’s Marston House: An Arts & Crafts Gem Hidden in Plain Sight
Shop Retro Gas Stoves & Vintage Ranges - Good Time Stove Company
In Photos: How Kitchens Changed Throughout The 20th Century | The Vintage News
In Photos: How Kitchens Changed Throughout The 20th Century - The Vintage News