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AR© develops advanced Step design analysis technique for Vee hull and Tunnel hull powerboat performance optimization. | ||
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Updated...Oct 12, 2024 | BREAKTHROUGH! | |
AR® has developed advanced analysis techniques that accurately calculate the performance effects of single or multiple steps in tunnel hulls and vee hulls. [See more details on Step design and performance analysis in 'Secrets of Tunnel Boat Design - Second Edition' book and 'Tunnel Boat/Vee Boat Design Program' software.]
Complex Analysis and Results
What Steps are NOT...
This 'aeration'
example is a common explanation of how steps work, but is really not
proper. if there is 'aerated' water under a step surface, while it's true
that the density of the air/water mixture would be less than water, it is
this same (lower) density that causes all the LIFT that is generated - so
if the density is less, then so is the lift. so less efficient lift means
more wetted surface, and accordingly, not less drag. We've tried to
provide a better, more meaningful technical
explanation of how steps work, and an accurate
analytical representation of step performance.
Making a Step Work Jim Russell applies these advancements in
newest versions of AR®'s TBDP©/VBDP© performance
analysis software. Your design inputs are pretty simple, but the
analysis is complex and the performance results are outstanding!
Here's How It Works
step design imposes a set angle of attack for the planing surface area aft
of the step. This 'step angle' incrementally increases the total
'trim angle' that the planing surfaces see (hull trim angle + step angle =
total 'planing trim angle'). Higher trim angle generates more lift.
At the same time, the 'Aspect Ratio'
(width/length ratio of the planing surface) for each of the 3 lifting
surfaces of the 2-step hull are greater and so contribute to more
efficient lift (more lift, less drag) than the shape of a longer, single
(non-stepped) planing surface.
Finally, the imposed 'step angle' helps
maintain a minimum angle of attack for the surfaces that, if properly
designed, can optimize the lifting efficiency (L/D) of each surface. Any change in trim angle affects each of the 3 planing surfaces - which
also changes the wetted surface and AR too, and thus affects the Lift &
Drag generated by each of the 3 surfaces. So the performance
analysis of step design is quite complex. Overall, however, there
are benefits of the application of steps to a hull design. [TBDP©/VBDP©
software does all of the engineering calculations and performance analysis to optimize effective multi-step design].
Contributors to Step
Design/Performance Step Performance can be determined based
on: Lift force (loading) at each local step Drag at each local step Whisker spray drag at each local step Unwetted void length aft of forward step Wetted width (bWidth) at local
step Wetted Length (LWetStep) Centre of Pressure of local step lifting
force Hull trim angle
(αh) Step forces can influence hull performance as:
[Note: All of these influencing
dimensions, forces and factors are calculated by TBDP©/VBDP©
software for complete performance analysis of multi-step design].
Issues with Steps
Complex Step
Performance Analysis
As trim angle changes, each stepped planing surface can
change it's wetted length and thus, the lift force generated. It is
possible (frequent) that a forward stepped planing surface can become
fully un-wetted at a specified velocity and particular trim angle.
This scenario can significantly change the magnitudes and longitudinal
location of hydrodynamic lift forces, and thus Dynamic Stability
characteristics of the hull.
Step Loading (lift force/load at each lifting
step location) is key to understand and balance with other active forces,
for dynamic balance throughout velocity range. The load carried by
each step changes dramatically through velocity range and hull trim angle
changes, so performance and stability can also change considerably.
Step performance is influenced by the wetted length of the aft-step
surfaces. This length is influenced by many factors, including hull
trim angle (αh), effective (step) trim angle
(αe), and the reattachment point of water flow
as it flows from forward step to aft-step surfaces. All of these
characteristics must be accurately accounted for when determining the
performance and dynamic stability of step designs.
Variable deadrise hull bottoms
should be carefully considered
when employed with steps.
The local deadrise angle (β) at step locations influences lift
coefficient and thus local lift and step loading balance. Flatter
sections of a stepped hull can overpower the deeper forward sections, and
force the bow down at speed. It's preferable to keep local deadrise at
multiple steps similar to avoid step loading balance and dynamic stability
a step analysis report for the full operating velocity
range that includes the trim angle, dynamic stability, changing wetted
lengths for each step(s) section - even highlighting the velocity at which each
of your steps become fully 'unwetted' (or not).
Step Height and
Step Angle Step Height that is too low can sacrifice potential efficiency of the step, and in some cases, can even cause additional drag with degraded performance. A step height that is too large can impose a step angle that is too high, causing additional drag and, more importantly, resulting in very low hull trim angles (even WAngle=0), exposing other surfaces to increased wetting and extra drag under many conditions. Step height should be considered so that step angle does not result in very low operating WAngles. A high Step Angle (Step Height) can generate higher lift resulting in very low Trim Angle (WAngle=0), which may cause lack of responsive trim control (you can't trim down). A reasonable guideline is a step angle of less than 1/2 of optimum trim angle (example, if optimum trim angle = 4 degrees, then max step angle could be set to less than 2 degrees). TBDP©/VBDP© performance Reports provide analysis of step design, reporting for Optimum Step Height(s) and Optimum Step Angle(s), and recommendations for Step location, step height and step angles, as well as leading planing surface design (forward of step surfaces).
Multiple Steps
"Secrets of Tunnel Boat Design" book! |
"TBDP Version 8" Software "VBDP Version 8" Software "PropWorks2" software |
Order with your Shopping Cart Special pricing updated October 12, 2024 |
us at: AeroMarine Research® 67 Highland Crescent, Cambridge, ON, Canada, N1S1M1 Tel: 519-240-7959 |
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Jim Russell, 1999, all rights reserved. Material from this website may be not copied or used or redistributed, in whole or in part, without specific written consent of Jim Russell or AeroMarine Research®. |