asia fusion

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Khao soi
Instructions: Cook the egg noodles according to the package instructions, drain and set aside. Heat 1 tbsp oil in a pot, add the red curry paste and curry powder, stir for 1-2 minutes. Add the chicken and cook until lightly browned. Pour in the coconut milk and chicken broth, bring to a boil, then reduce heat and simmer for 20 minutes. Add fish sauce and sugar, stir well. Divide the cooked noodles into bowls, ladle the curry sauce over them. Garnish with fried noodles, pickled mustard greens, and lime wedges. See less
Nam Jim Dressing
Nam jim sauce is a classic Thai chilli dipping sauce. All at once tangy, savoury, spicy with a little sweet, it's so versatile and so easy to make. Nam jim dressing (or nam jim sauce) is a delicious Thai chilli dipping sauce. It's flavour is umami rich, sweet, zingy and spicy. With just 6 ingredients, it's incredibly easy to make and it's wonderful used as a dipping sauce for seafood, grilled meats or even as a salad dressing.
Crying Tiger Recipe
Crying Tiger is a dish of grilled steak and a spicy Thai dipping sauce. Serve it with Sticky Rice or Lettuce/Cabbage leaves for a healthy meal. Recipe on
This may contain: pad thai food on a white plate with chopsticks and the words pad thai avam above it
Pad Thai Chicken Recipe
35min · 3 servings PAD THAI AYAM • Bahan 1 : • 200 GR MIE PUTIH LEBAR • 150 GR AYAM FILLET (dice) • 2 PCS BAPUT (iris) • 2 PCS TELUR • 100 GR TOGE • 1 PCS WORTEL (julienne) 1 BATANG DAUN BAWANG Bahan 2 : (sauce) • 3 SDM KECAP IKAN • 1 SDM SAUS TIRAM • 2 SDM BROWN SUGAR • 2 SDM KECAP MANIS • 2 SDM AIR ASAM JAWA 1 SDT KALDU JAMUR Pelengkap : • 1 PCS JERUK NIPIS • KACANG TANAH DAUN KETUMBAR Cara membuat : • 1. Campurkan semua bahan sauce kedalam bowl, aduk rata. sisihkan: • 2. Tumis ayam dan bawang putih hingga berubah warna dan harum. • 3. Masukan wortel dan mie, aduk rata. • 4. Bumbui dengan campuran sauce. aduk dan masak hingga wortel layu. • 5. Masukan telur, orak arik hingga matang. • 6. Tambahkan toge dan daun bawang, masak 1 menit. •
The BEST Gua Bao Pork Belly Steamed Bun Recipe & Video - Seonkyoung Longest
The BEST Gua Bao Pork Belly Steamed Bun Recipe & Video - Seonkyoung Longest
Vietnamese Lemongrass Chicken
Vietnamese Lemongrass Chicken. Tender chicken thighs seasoned with a sweet, savory lemongrass marinade accompanied with a tangy Vietnamese dipping sauce. This is one of those easy chicken recipes that you will make repeatedly because it's so good and simple!