
63 Pins
handmade*zakka | fabrickaz+idees
handmade*zakka | fabrickaz+idees
キンチャク・トート | fabrickaz+idees
連休中、姉が仕事仲間と遊びに来ました。みんなでワイワイ。海で遊んできた姉達は ほど良く日焼けして夏の顔に。次の日も実家の前の浜で遊んで帰ってゆきました。休み中の手創りは少しずつ縫い進めて、トートバッグが出来ました。袋口をキュッ。
Plover Pouch - Noodlehead
A fun zippered pouch you’re sure to love to make and use! Three sizes to sew! All sizes have an interior dividable mesh pocket that is perfect for keeping everything organized. Medium and Large sizes include an interior zippered pocket. This is the printed paper version: instruction booklet with step-by-step instructions and professional illustrations full-size pattern sheet for all pieces (including rectangles) metric & imperial measurements for your convenience all tucked into a resealable pol
Roll-up Shopping Bag Sewing Tutorial
Needle and Spatula: Roll-up Shopping Bag Sewing Tutorial
DIY Fold-In-Pocket Reusable Shopping Bag Tutorial - diy pouch and bag with sewingtimes
Bag in a Pocket🔖 DIY Reusable Shopping Bag with Built-In Pocket Tutorial
namoosu | 한땀한땀 손바느질의 느낌이 예쁜, 패치워크 숄더백만들다. #손으로만든가치 #핸드메이드 #퀼트 #퀼트가방 #패브릭가방 #패치워크 #패치워크가방 #퀼팅백 #수공예 #손바느질 #나무수퀼트작업실 #퀼트가방완제품 #퀼트공예 | Instagram