Paint Your Wagon...vintage trailers/caravans

How to Find and Inspect Used RVs, Pre-Owned Campers, and Travel Trailers (With Checklist)
How To Find And Inspect Used RVs, Pre-Owned Campers, and Travel Trailers. Check List
BED SYSTEM 2: Reading lamp that is easy on the eyes... 20061004_6551
Reading lamp that is easy on the eyes. I have used candles, headlamps, and at least one portable camping light to provide lighting for reading and writing at night in camp. A drawback of all those tools is the glare of the lamp. By contrast, this simple system is easy on the eyes. It is a gallon milk jug filled with water with a headlamp pointing into the water.
Winkelman Architecture Chevrolet Viking Bus Makeover | Inhabitat - Green Design, Innovation, Architecture, Green Building
Madeover Maine Bus is a Groovy Guest Home on Wheels Winkelman Architecture Chevrolet Viking Bus Makeover - Gallery Page 8 – Inhabitat - Sust...