
11 Pins
Note Taking Strategies and Tips for Secondary - Reading and Writing Haven
Note taking strategies and best practices for middle and high school #notetakingstrategies #highschoolela
5 Ways to Take Faster (and Better) Notes - LP Tutoring
Do you fall behind in class while taking notes? Or are your notes just not that useful? Get tips to not only take faster notes, but also better notes! | #notetaking #studyskills via @lptutoring
Power Lesson: Note-Taking Stations | Cult of Pedagogy
To take quality notes, students need to be taught how. This fantastic station-rotation lesson gets the job done, and it can be used with all kinds of other content as well. #CultofPedagogy #teachingstrategies #notetaking
Guide To 6 Effective Note-Taking Systems To Take Better Notes
Guide To 6 Effective Note-Taking Systems To Take Better Notes - All About Studying