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Ideia criativa pra fazer com os alunos na sala de aula
Visite nosso blog e acesse os melhores recursos pedagógicos para trabalhar na educação infantil, desde atividades lúdicas até atividades para imprimir, organizadas por faixa etária escolar.
Веселая поделка с детьми
поделки с детьми своими руками поделка в сад поделка в школу
Αρχικά Γράμματα2
Το πιο ωραίο σχολειο είναι το Νηπιαγωγείο: Αρχικά Γράμματα2
Συστήματα του ανθρώπινου σώματος
Συστήματα του ανθρώπινου σώματος | "Ενδείξεις-Αποδείξεις"
Body Book: EasyToMake, HandsOn Models That Teach by Silver, Don; Silver, Donald M.; Patricia, Wynne by Scholastic Teaching Resources
This used book is in Acceptable condition. Easy-to-make manipulatives help students understand the inner workings of the human body. Reproducible patterns and easy step-by-step instructions help students construct bone and stomach books, a spinal column out of cardboard and string, paper models of the major organs and systems of the human body, and more Includes background information, facts about drugs, nicotine, and alcohol, plus an updated resource list and web links By Scholastic Teaching Re