wire animals

297 Pins
Escultura cervo - em desenvolvimento
Escultura para jardins .Em desenvolvimento em ferro e madeira
Cerf 4
objets fils de fer sculptures et objets: Cerf 4
インテリアにモダンに馴染む。小川学さんの「ワイヤーアート」をお部屋に飾ろう。 | キナリノ
The Sculpted Wire Figures of Roberto Fanari — Colossal
The Sculpted Wire Figures of Roberto Fanari | Colossal
Criador da Semana: Roberto Romero - Casa de Valentina
Detalhes da decoração com arame. #decoracao #decor #design #details #designer #casadevalentina #criative
壁/天井/男前にも憧れる♡/ワイヤークラフト初心者/鹿の頭/ハンドメイド...などのインテリア実例 - 2014-06-15 20:05:19 | RoomClip(ルームクリップ) | RoomClip(ルームクリップ)
ハンティングトロフィー/RC埼玉支部/加工無し/100均/ハンドメイド/鹿の頭…などのインテリア実例 - 2014-06-15 20:05:19 | RoomClip(ルームクリップ)
StingRay Topiary Frame
"StingRay Topiary Frame. This stingray frame measures 36\" long and comes with an attached tube for planting. This piece is designed to sour over your aquatic garden and add just a little wonder in an unexpected way. Planted at an angle on a slope it can really add a dramatic touch. The frame itself can be used as a form to create an artistic representation of a StingRay, it can be covered with masking tape and paper mache and then painted and decorated. The possibilities are really endless. We