Bike Storage

21 Pins
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Hardwood bike rack & shelf MINI handmade by Porventura on Etsy
Fahrräder & Radfahren -
Fahrräder - Bikeshelf "velo-stop" schwarz/nussbaum - ein Designerstück von stuekwerk-moebel bei DaWanda
우유상자 에코보드 상판 - 밀크박스 캠핑박스 상판
Brompton + road bike rack #Roandesign
Aprende cómo guardar la bicicleta en casa
Se puede y se debe integrar algo tan nuestro como la bicicleta que usamos a diario en la decoración general de nuestra casa. Toma nota de estas propuestas!
A Blank Canvas for Color, with Stacks of Secret Storage
In a sleepy pocket of Brooklyn's Greenpoint neighborhood near the East River, Joe and Kelly McGuier enjoy the quiet of their apartment in an early 1920s rowhouse typical of the changing area. Joe, co-founder of JAM Architecture in Brooklyn, makes the best of a one-bedroom rental unit that had previously been renovated and stripped of its original details. He prefers to see the space as a blank canvas on which to layer personality, and uses the design challenge as inspiration for clever solut...
Bike and book solution
Minimal Wood Bicycle Hook - Remodelista
via Remodelista
Furniture, Fashion, Health and Beauty, Electronics and more
Bike Bookcase - porta bici libreria
Love this Vertical Bike Storage Set by Flow Wall on #zulily! #zulilyfinds for the garage
Osez l'orange dans la déco ! - Frenchy Fancy
Osez la couleur orange dans la déco ! - FrenchyFancy