college dorm living

College Dorm Living
16 Pins
Mini Rice Cooker
Shop Mini Rice Cooker at Urban Outfitters today. We carry all the latest styles, colors and brands for you to choose from right here.
75 Creative Dorm Room Storage Organization Ideas on A Budget -
Creative dorm room storage organization ideas on a budget (5)
75 Genius Dorm Room Organization Ideas on A Budget -
Adorable 75 Genius Dorm Room Organization Ideas on A Budget
18 Dorm Decor ideas - A Little Craft In Your Day
18 Dorm Decor ideas - A Little Craft In Your Day.. This laundry basket dresser would work perfect for me!!
Let’s face it — no matter how nice a dorm room is, they’re always seriously tiny, which means you have to come up with creative ways to make the most of what you’re given. Thought you’d have to sacrifice some of your favorite shoes or leave behind your lucky shirt? Think again — follow these space-saving hacks and you’ll be the QUEEN of your floor.
Genius Space-Saving Storage Ideas That Will Make You Feel Like the Marie Kondo of Dorm Rooms
Sneaky Dorm Room Space-Savers Organize your digs in style with these cute accessories that double as storage solutions! Practical Pockets. Create extra space for your books and school supplies by slipping this cool Aussie Pouch storage pouch onto the back of your chair. $19,95 Aussie Pouch Dorm Chair Pocket
Find Everything You Need for Back to Campus - Big Lots
Try this super simple space-saver to keep your things organized and out of the way.
7 Foods to Make in Your Coffeepot
7 Foods to Make in Your Coffeepot. Don't act like you're not impressed. From eggs, to pasta here are 7 foods you can make in your coffeepot to save yourself time in the kitchen.
dont use the microwave to heat up your top ramen noodles! use a keurig instead lol #HelpMeImPoor
Mason Jar "Instant" Ramen Zoodles
Mason Jar Instant Ramen Zoodles | A healthy, gluten-free, delicious to-go lunch via