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Montessori Inspired | Laura on Instagram: “THE SEVEN TRIANGLES OF REALITY I was looking for a way to review types of triangles with my 6yo and thought presenting the 7 Triangles of…”
A Charlotte Mason Approach to Classical Conversations Cycle 3 Quarter 4
The flu is finally gone. How good it feels to get back to this space! We sat down at the table today and my eldest looked at me and said “I’ve missed everyone so much.” At first I laughed and said, “we’ve been together every day since we first fell ill!” He shook his head “It’s not just being together in person, its that in this room we have a different kind of friendship.” My heart melted! “You mean relationship?” He nods, “Yes, relationship. Everything we learn is part of relationship. You and
Are your craft supplies taking over your house? Here is a great way to organize all of them. You can move this cart to any area you are working in and it is easy to store away when finished.
How to Homeschool in a Small Space
If you are looking to set up your homeschool space, but feel like you have zero space, read on. Find out how to homeschool in a small space, no matter if its your kitchen, living room, or other places, I have plenty of ideas for you. Storage ideas and organizational hacks are all found here!