Turkum:Ingliz tili
„Ingliz tili“ turkumidagi sahifalar
Quyida ushbu turkumga kiruvchi 1 601 ta sahifadan 200 tasi koʻrsatilgan.
(avvalgi sahifa) (keyingi sahifa)S
- safeguard
- Saint Lucia
- sainted
- sala
- Saljuqid
- salt
- Samoa
- san
- San Marino
- satiated
- Saturday
- Saudi Arabia
- save
- scale
- scampishness
- scathful
- scheduled
- school
- schooner
- science
- scratch
- screw
- seal
- seat
- Seattle
- secure
- seduction
- see
- seesaw
- semidouble
- send
- Senegal
- sentiment
- September
- Serbia
- seven
- seventeen
- seventy
- shake
- shape
- shapeless
- sheep
- shell-work
- shelter
- shield
- ship
- shitcan
- shitpot
- shitter
- shogi
- short
- shovel
- shoyu
- sicken
- sickened
- Sierra Leone
- silver
- simian
- simple
- simulation
- since
- sinful
- singer
- single
- Sinhalese
- sinister
- six
- sixteen
- sixty
- skin
- skirt
- skunk
- sleep
- Slovenia
- smite
- smooth
- snake
- snooker
- snow
- soba
- soiree
- Somali
- song
- sonnet
- South Africa
- South America
- South Asia
- Spain
- Spanish
- spat
- speak
- sphere
- spiral
- spoil
- spoon
- squeezer
- Sri Lanka
- stadion
- star
- state
- statue
- statute
- steppe
- stingy
- stone
- stool
- strawberry
- stretcher
- student
- stupefying
- stupendous
- stupid
- Sudan
- suddenly
- suffer
- sugar
- summer
- summit
- sun
- Sunday
- sunflower
- superior
- supervisor
- Surinam
- Suriname
- suspicion
- sway
- Swedish
- sweet
- swim
- swimmer
- switch
- Switzeland
- sword
- synthesizer
- syphilis
- São Tomé and Príncipe
- Tagalog
- Taiwan
- Tajikistan
- take
- Tanzania
- tared
- taxi
- taxonomy
- te
- teach
- teacher
- teaching
- teahouse
- tearoom
- tectonic
- teen
- telephone
- television
- tell
- tellement
- template
- ten
- terrible
- terrific
- testimonial
- Thailand
- that
- theater
- there is
- thimble
- think
- thirteen
- thirty
- thoughful
- thousand
- three
- throne
- throne-room
- thunderbox
- Thursday
- tie
- tillage
- time
- to look
- toad
- today
- toilet
- tom
- tomato
- tomorrow
- ton
- Tonga
- tooth
- top
- tor
- tort
- tortoise
- towel
- town
- trachea
- trachoma
- trade
- trading