00:40 -
6 [80] [80] 3 [80] [80]
6 [80] [80] 3 [80] [80]
[u6]| [t3]| r [e6]| 3 e r [t6] e t [u3]| i [u7]| [y3]|
[y7]| [r3]| e [W7]| 3 0 W [r7] W r [y3] u i [Y6]| [u3]|
[us6]| [ua3]| p [o2]| i [y6]| [ya5]| [yp5]| o [ut8]| 4
t y [u3] uyui[y4] ytyu[t3]| u 4
[te] [yr] [ut3] uyui[yr4] ytyu[te3]| [ut] 4
[tp] [ya] [us3] sasd[aO3] apas[p6]| [yu3] [tp6]
About This Music Sheet
The Second Waltz is a song by Dmitri Shostakovich. Use your computer keyboard to play The Second Waltz music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Intermediate song and requires a lot of practice to play well. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 00:40, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, Nova Nine. The song The Second Waltz is classified in the genre of Classical on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using Classic Piano Songs, Waltz.
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[3y] [W90u] [W90i]
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[3u] [80e] [80e]
[6tus] [80e] [80e]
[3tua] [80e] [80etup]
[2eyo] [qr] [qeryi]
[2ey] [qr] [qr]
[5ryoa] [7qw] [7qw]
[5ryp] [8qw] [7qwryo]
[8tuo] [80w] [80w]
[4q] [ps] [ad] [30sf] [80sf][ad][sf][dg][4qad] [79ad][ps][ad][sf][30ps] [80] [psf]
[4q] [68ps] [ad] [30sf] [80sf][ad][sf][dg][4qad] [79ad][ps][ad][sf][30ps] [80] [psf]
[4q] [gj] [Hk] [30jl] [80jl][Hk][jl][kz][H30k] [H90k][gj][Hk][jl][6etup] [80] [80]
3 [680] [680]
6 [680] [680]
3 [680] [680]
[6uf] [680] [680]
[3ts] [680] [680ra]
[6ep] [680] [680]
3 [680ep] [680ra]
[6ts] [680ep] [680ts]
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[7uf] [9qe] [9qe]
[3yd] [9qe] [9qe]
[7yd] [9qe] [9qe]
[3ra] [79q] [79qep]
[7WO] [790] [790]
3 [790u] [79WO]
[7ra] [790WO] [790ra]
[3yd] [790uf] [790ig]
[6YD] [68(] [68(]
[3uf] [680] [680]
[6sfl] [680] [680]
[3afk] [680] [680pfj]
[29odh] [qwr] [qwridg]
[29yod] [qwr] [qwr]
[5adk] [79qw] [79qw]
[5pdj] [9qwr] [9qwrodh]
[18osh] [580] [580]
[4q] [ps] [ad] [30sf] [80sf][ad][sf][dg][4qad] [79ad][ps][ad][sf][30ps] [80] [psf]
[4q] [68ps] [ad] [30sf] [80sf][ad][sf][dg][4qad] [79ad][ps][ad][sf][30ps] [80] [psf]
[4q] [gj] [Hk] [30jl] [80jl][Hk][jl][kz][H30k] [H90k][gj][Hk][jl][6psfj] 3 1 6| [5rio]
[1uos] [580] [580]
[5uos] [580] [580]
[1uos] [580oa] [580ip]
[5uo] [580tu] [580uo]
[2yoa] [57q] [57q]
[5yoa] [57q] [57q]
[1ip] [580uo] [580tu]
[5et] [580ry] [580tu]
[T6up] [56] [56]
[T6uo] [56] [56]
[2uo] [69wyi] [*T6wu]
[4y] [689qt] [689qy]
[1tu] [580] [580o]
[5ry] [57q] [57qo]
[1tu] [580] [580o]
[5uos] [580] [489od]
[1osf] [80w] [80w]
[5osf] [80w] [80w]
[1osf] [80wad] [80wps]
[5oa] [80wuo] [80woa]
[2oad] [79qw] [79qw]
[5oad] [79qw] [79qw]
[1ad] [580ps] [580oa]
[5ip] [580tu] [580uo]
[1uos] [580] [580]
[^uos] [580] [580]
[6ups] [68q] [68q]
[%id] [489us] [489id]
[5of] [580] [580us]
[5ro] [7qwtp] [7qwya]
[80wts] [yd] [ts]
[80EPJ] [pj] [OH]
[4psgj] [8qe] [8qeps]
1 [O8qea] [8qeps]
[4psgj] [8qe] [8qeps]
1 [8qedgJ] [8qesgj]
[5sfj] [80E] [E80sfh]
[1sfG] [80E] [E80sfh]
[5fhz] [80E] [E80fhl]
[1dfJ] [E80sfj] [80afEH]
[4psgj] [8qe] [8qeps]
1 [O8qea] [8qeps]
[4psgj] [8qe] [8qeps]
1 [P8qed] [8qesf]
[^dg] [9qE] [E9qfh]
[6pdgj] [9qe] [9qrpdgj]
[5adhk] [9qrpsgj] [9qradhk]
[1sfhl] [80E] [80fEPJ]
[4psgj] [8qe] [8qeps]
1 [O7qea] [8qe][ps][4psgj] [8qe] [8qeps]
1 [80dgEJ] [8qe][sgj]
[5sfj] [80E] [E80sfh]
[1sfG] [80E] [E80sfh]
[5fhlz] [80E] [E80fhl]
[1dJ] [80esj] [79aWH]
[4psgj] [8qe] [8qeps]
1 [O7qea] [8qe][ps][4psgj] [8qe] [8qeps]
1 [^P9wd] [^0w][sf][^dg] [^9w] [^0wfh]
[S6pfj] [69q] [69qdgj]
[5dhk] [9qwdgj] [9qwdhk]
[1fl][fz][80wfl][fk][80wfl][fz][H3flx] [W0y] [W0ya]
6 [etu] [etu]
3 [etu] [etu]
6 [etu] [etu]
3 [etu] [etu]
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[39] [qery] [qery]
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3 [30ryu] [%0ryu]
7 [%0ryu] [70ryu]
[39] [0ryu] [0qryu]
[6(] [etu] [etu]
[30] [etu] [etu]
[6ups] [0et] [0et]
[6tua] [80e] [80etup]
[29ryo] [9qer] [9qeryi]
[29wry] [9qer] [9qer]
[5yioa] [9qwr] [9qwr]
[5ryip] [9qwr] [9qwryo]
[18tuo] [80wt] [80wt]
4 [ps] [ad] [3sf] [80sf][ad][sf][dg][4ad] [79ad][ps][ad][sf][3ps] [80] [psf]
4 [68ps] [ad] [3sf] [80sf][ad][sf][dg][4ad] [79ad][ps][ad][sf][3ps] [80] [psf]
4 [gj] [Hk] [3jl] [80jl][Hk][jl][kz][H3k] [H90k][gj][Hk][jl][6sfj] [680] [680]
3 [%370]|
[6fjlx] [0et] [0et]
[3sfjl] [0et] [0etafk]
[6psfj] [0et] [0et]
3 [0etpsj] [0etadk]
[6sfl] [0etpsj] [0etsfl]
[3fjlx] [0et] [0etglc]
[7fkx] [9qe] [9qe]
[3dgjz] [9qe] [9qe]
[7dgjz] [9qe] [9qe]
[3adgk] [9qe] [9qepdgj]
[7adfOH] [0ry] [0ry]
3 [O0ryuf] [0ryaOH]
[7adk] [0ryaOH] [0ryadk]
[3dgz] [H0ryfx] [0rygjc]
[6jlDZ] [(et] [(et]
[3fjlx] [0et] [0et]
[6l]xbm[0et] [0et]
[3kxn] [0et] [0etjlxb]
[2h]kzv[9qe] [9qegjzc]
[2d]gjz[9qe] [9qe]
[5z]cvn[9qwr] [9qwr]
[5kzcb] [9qwr] [9qwrhkzv]
[18h]lxv[0wt] [0wt]
[4q] [ps] [ad] [30sf] [80sf][ad][sf][dg][4qad] [79ad][ps][ad][sf][30ps] [80] [psf]
[4q] [68ps] [ad] [30sf] [80sf][ad][sf][dg][4qad] [79ad][ps][ad][sf][30ps] [80] [psf]
[4q] [gj] [Hk] [30jl] [80jl][Hk][jl][kz][H30k] [H90k][gj][Hk][jl][6psfj]| [30dfOH] [6psfj]Level: 8Length: 03:51ExpertThe Second Waltz (Expert)
Dmitri Shostakovich
l k [qh] t o p| l k [0h] t o p| l k [9h] t i p [wh] f g j [th] o d f| [tuol] k [qh] t o p| l k [0h] t o p| l k [9h] t i p [qE] f g f [ts] o d f| o [ta] s [yh] i s d| g f j [uh] s d f| g f j [ih] s d f E [yg] [pf] p [ef] u o s| [toj] k [ql] t o p| [ok] [tj] z [0l] t o p| o [tz] x [9c] E i p cvP d h [wz] y p s [yps][gj]| l k [qh] t o p| l k [0h] t o p| l k [9h] t i p [wh] f g j [th] o d f| [tuol] k [qh] t o p| l k [0h] t o p| l k [9h] t i p [qE] f g f [ts] o d f| o [ta] s [yh] i s d| g f j [uh] s d f| g f j [ih] s d f E [yg] [pf] p [ef] u o s| [toj] k [ql] t o p| [ok] [tj] z [0l] t o p| o [tz] x [9c] E i p cvP d h [wz] y p s [yps][gj]Level: 6Length: 01:25Intermediate
Ilia’s Theme (The Legend of Zelda)
Koji Kondo
[xkh] [nl] [xvkh] [nl] [xvkh] [nl] [lhc] [zb] [lhc] z|| [ohfa] [sk] [ohfa] [sk] [ohfa] [sk] [sog] [jd] [sog] d|| [v5] t [si] [og] [sh] [lg] [mh]||| h| [l8]| [uso] l d f [g8]| [sid]| [pid] f [g8] h [slid]| k| [f8]| [uso]| f| [h^]| [uoE] h [uogE] f [j6]| [oeT] h g f [g9] j [yxpi]| [zypi]| [l%]| [tiW]| l| [x5]| [wut] x z l [g5]| [tie]| h| [x5]| [wut] x z l [g5]| [yie] h x z [l8]| [wut]| [wut]| 8| [yie]| | 8| [wut]| [wut]| 8| [yie]| [vh]| [ml8]| [uso] [ml] [zusod] [xf] [gc8]| [pid] [gc] [zpid] [xf] [gc8] [vh] [pmlid]| [pnkid]| [xf8]| [uso]| [xusof]| [vh^]| [uoE] [vh] [uogcE] [xf] [jb6]| [ueT] [vh] [ugecT] [xf] [gc9] [jb] [xtie]| [ztie]| [ml%]| [tiW]| l| [xo]sfos[xf][zo]s[lf][oc]dgodg[ol]dg [xo]sfos[xf][zo]s[lf][oc]dgod[xg][zo]d[lg] [l8]wtuosuos[d8][wu][to]fuoh| [JE]yiEy[iJ][dE]y[if][ge]yieyieyi [le]tuet[ul][fe]t[ug][wh]tuwtuwtu [zw]EywE[zy][wl]E[yJ][je]Tu[he]Tu[fe]Tu [ge]yieyi[xe]yi[zW]yiWyiWyi [xw]tuwt[xu][wk]t[ul][zw]yiwyiwyi [xwf]tuwt[xuf][wka]t[usl][zwd]yi[xwf]yi[wgc]yi [wljcb]yi[zvonk]adgjl[ok][zd][hc]v| | [xkh] [nl] [xvkh] [nl] [xvkh] [nl] [lhc] [zb] [lhc] z|| [ohZ] [vsl] [hZD] [vl] [hZ] [vl] [zoh] [kca] [zd] [kg]|| 8 Y w 8 Y w 8 Y w 8 Y w [s8] Y [wo] [D8] Y [ws] [s9] y W [yia] y W ( t [oY] [s(] t [hY] [sqhO] t i [sqgO] t i w [sYD] [ogd] [whD] Y o W [TSO] [iSD] [gWS] T i w [soY] [odY] [pQD] [yd] [ys] [wsi] y i [wa] y i [s8] w [to] [D(] t [soY] [sqiO] t i [waO] y i ( t [oY] [s0] [tf] [uh] [sq]gJt i [sH] i s [wl] Y o [hD] Y [soD] [gW] T i [SO] T [iO] [woD] Y Y [pdQ] y [ys] [ws] y i [wa]|| [sY8] [wo] [tsY] [woD] [tso] [woD] [tsh] [wsD] [sh] [tlD] [hD8] [tlD] [P5]dhJw y o d f [pg9] e [yu] [ie] [yp] e [f6]jl0 e t [uf] G [s8]fhw t u o s [g^]Jzq t y [lg] J [jS6] 0 [heS] T f| [pg9] e [yu] [ie] y x [zgH%] q W d g z [xo] s f o [zs] [lf] [og] d g o d g [xo] s f o [zs] [vf] [oc] d g z [w5]| [h5]| [xml81]| [wuto]| [ztgd8] [xhf] [jgc81] [poid][poid]| [ztgd8] [xhf] [jgc81] [vkh] [yxsomli]| [zysonki]| [xhf81]| [uso]| [xf]| [vh^J]| [ywo] [gc] [ysoigc] [xf] [jbL6] [uoeT][uoeT] [xvuoheT] [zuogecT] [xuofeTL] [xvh92] [jcb] [yxvtpih] [jcb] [yxpid]| [zcV4]| [ytqW]| [tqd]| [wutf]| | d s [ywti]| |r| [wo][tf]u| | d h [ywog]| t| r| [o0]f t u [xh] [zug] l [wg] y p g [wf]kx||[wd5]gz| | [xvts] n [xvkh] [nl] [xvkh] [nl] [lhc] [zb] [lhc] z|| [thf8] k [ohfa] [sk] [ohfa] [sk] [sog] [jd] [sog] d 5| [s8]fhlLevel: 7Length: 04:00Intermediate
Song for Brother (Crash Landing on You)
Yoon Mi-rae
[sof8]|||[sof8]|f|f| s [sqpg]|g|[sof8]||| s [sof8]|f|f| f [oda7]|d|[usp6]||| ss[sqjg]| j j| j j|h|[sof8]||| ss[sqpid]| d d| s d|s|[uso8]||| [wut1]|u|u|t|[tie4]| u [wut1]||| t [wut1]| u u|u|[ywr7]|y|[te60]||| t[tpi4]|p|p| o p|o|[wut1]||| t[ytqe4]| ty|t|y|t|[wt10]||| [wro7]| tu|o|[utp6]| [uto]||| u| o [tpi4]| [toi]||| o| i [ut1]| y t||| y| t [wt5]| [wr]| 5| u|o|[utp6]| [uto]||| t [us]|[ya]|[tpi4]| [toi]||| t o| i [ut1]| y t||| t y| t [wt5]| [wr]|||t| [u1]twutwutwutw [i4]teite [u1]twutwutwutwutwutwutwutw [u1]twutwutwutw [y7]rwyrw [t6]e0te0te0te0te0te0te0te0 [p4]itpitpitpitpitoit [u1]twutwutwutwutwutwutwutw [y4]eqyeqyeqyequqeywr [t1]||| w[wut1]|u|u| t [tie4]| u [wut1]||| t [wut1]| u u|u|[ywr7]|y|[te60]||| t[tpi4]|p|p| o p|o|[wut1]||| t[ytqe4]| ty| tu|t|[wt10]||| [wro7]| tu|o|[utp6]| [uto]||| u| o [tpi4]| [toi]||| o| i [ut1]| y t||| y| t [wt5]| [wr]||| u|o|[utp6]| [uto]||| t [us]|[ya]|[tpi4]| [toi]||| t o| i [ut1]| y t||| t y| t [wt5]| [wr]||| [p2]sfj||| sfjk l [a5]dhk||| [zd] [sl] [ka] [slh]|[kha]|[p2]gj||| [pj][ig] [yd]| a|p| [oha5] [oha]5[oha] [spj5] [spj]5[spj] [kda5] [kda]5[kda] [slf5] [slf]5[slf] [zgd5] [zgd5]5[zgd5] [xhf5] [xhf5]5[xhf5] [gc5] 5[sl5]5 [xf5] 5[vh]5 [ljb6]3680e [vkh0]860e0636 [slf8]0e[xhf0]86[vkh0]e0 [ljb4]1468q [vkh8]648q8414 [slf6]8q[xhf8]64[vkh8]q8 [ljb1]580wt [wvkh]08wtw [xhf1]580wt [zwgd]08wtw [zgd5]2579w9759w9525 [sl7]9w [xf9]75 [vh9]w9 [ljb6]3680e [vkh0]860e0636 [slf8]0e[xml0]86[znk0]e0 [ljb4]1468q [vkh8]648q8414 [slf6]8q[xhf8]64[vkh8]q8 [ljb1]580wt [wvkh]08wtw [xhf1]580wt [zwgd]08wtw [zgd5]2579w9759w9 [y5]2[y5]7[y9]w[y9]7[y5]9[yw]9 [us6]t[us6][te0][us]t [us6]t[us6][te0][us]t [us6]t[us6][te0][us]t [us6]t[us6][te0][us]t [id4]y[id4][yq8][id]y [id4]y[id4][yq8][id]y [id4]y[id4][yq8][id]y [id4]y[id4][yq8][id]y [of81]u[of8][wut][of]u [of81]u[of8][wut][of]u [of81]u[of8][wut][of]u [of81]u[of8][wut][of]u [id5]y[id5][yw9][id]y [id5]y[id5][yw9][id]y [id5]y[id5][yw9][id]y [id5]y[id5][yw9][id]y [p6]s[p6][he0]ps [p6]s[p6][he0]ps [p6]s[p6][he0]ps [p6]s[p6][he0]ps [p4]s[p4][qj8]ps [p4]s[p4][qj8]ps [p4]s[p4][qj8]ps [p4]j[p4][qk8]ak [s81]l[s8][wtl]sl [s81]l[s8][wtl]sl [s81]l[s8][wtl]sl [s81]l[s8][wtl]sl [a5]k[a5][wk9]ak [p5]j[p5][wj9]pj [o5]h[o5][wh9]oh [f5] 5[wh9]|[sjfe]| [shf]||| f| h [sqjg]| [shg]||| h| g [tsf]| d s||| d| s [wso]| [oa]||| f|h|[sjfe]| [shf]||| s [lf]|[kd]|[sqjg]| [shg]||| s h| g [tsf]| d s||| s d| s [wso]| [oa]| [u8]osLevel: 7Length: 04:56Intermediate
All I Want