DJ Hero HD wallpapers

In compilation for wallpaper for DJ Hero, we have 25 images.

You can install this wallpaper on your desktop or on your mobile phone and other gadgets that support wallpaper.

DJ Hero, Video Game wallpapers

updated 11 month 14 day ago

DJ Hero #1

 | 768 x 960px 1250.77KB  | 

DJ Hero #2

 | 400 x 357px 71.1KB  | DJ Hero Wii.jpg

DJ Hero #3

 | 1000 x 589px 650.2KB  | 

DJ Hero #4

 | 1000 x 589px 684.5KB  | 

DJ Hero #5

 | 576 x 450px 197.6KB  | DJ-Hero-Game-Image_s

DJ Hero #6

 | 800 x 800px 128.48KB  | DJ Hero Skin - Tetrads

DJ Hero #7

 | 600 x 450px 157.44KB  | With new DJ's hitting the game, the mix of songs is sure to keep you jammin! Deadmau5, David Guetta, DJ Qbert, TiĆ«sto and company offer up the following ...

DJ Hero #8

 | 800 x 450px 154.93KB  | DJ and Guitar mode in DJ Hero

DJ Hero #9

 | 800 x 446px 89.64KB  | Turntable controller for DJ Hero

DJ Hero #10

 | 250 x 167px 14.35KB  | The "Renegade" edition of DJ Hero includes the turntable controller and a case that can be converted into a stand for the controller.

DJ Hero #11

 | 800 x 450px 151.81KB  | DJ demonstrating how to scratch in DJ Hero

DJ Hero #12

 | 1280 x 720px 66.37KB  | DJ Hero Noisia "Groundhog" expert

DJ Hero #13

 | 800 x 450px 167.22KB  | Single player screen from DJ Hero

DJ Hero #14

 | 256 x 155px 75.19KB  | 

DJ Hero #15

 | 250 x 141px 8.99KB  | A black turntable with three buttons on the rotating deck.

DJ Hero #16

 | 3613 x 2116px 4682.47KB  | 

DJ Hero #17

 | 2983 x 1559px 1174.62KB  | ... controller Renegade Edition Turntable

DJ Hero #18

 | 3840 x 2160px 5599.83KB  | Deploying 'Euphoria' properly can give you a quick boost in points.

DJ Hero #19

 | 3840 x 2160px 4980.83KB  | Downloadable Content for Guitar Hero, DJ Hero, and Band Hero to Go the Way of the Dodo

DJ Hero #20

 | 3300 x 2200px 136.74KB  | djh_logo_whitebg-lg

DJ Hero #21

 | 2272 x 1704px 1283.67KB  | File:DJ Hero Turntable PS3.jpg

DJ Hero #22

 | 1920 x 1080px 320.26KB  | Dj Hero

DJ Hero #23

 | 1191 x 1191px 361.21KB  | Ever ...

DJ Hero #24

 | 2000 x 1033px 281.97KB  | The controller DJ Hero Turntable

DJ Hero #25

 | 1600 x 900px 379.56KB  | Screenshot Thumbnail / Media File 1 for DJ Hero (USA)

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