JAKARTA - Calcium is an important nutrient for bone and tooth health. However, calcium intake should not be excessive because it can trigger hypercalsemia.
Quoted from the Cleveland Clinic, on Thursday, March 13, 2025, hypercalsemia is a condition when the amount of calcium is too much in the blood. The body only needs 1,000 mg of calcium per day, both for women and men.
The normal content of calcium in the blood is 10.4 mg/dL, with levels of calcium ionized 5.2 mg/dL. Hyperkalsemia is a term for calcium caddar in the blood that exceeds that value.
1. Symptoms of hypercalsemia
Some signs of someone's excess calcium to hypercalsemia, one of which is digestive problems. Starting from nausea, vomiting, to decreased appetite or constipation.
Other symptoms are weak muscles, cramps, fatigue, bone aches, headaches, difficulty remembering, depression, heart problems such as palpitism and arrhythmia, to kidney stones and kidney failure.
2. The severity of hypercalsemia
Hyperkalsemia can be mild, moderate, to acute (long term) or chronic.
- Light, if blood calcium levels are 10.5-11.9 mg/dL- Moderate, if the blood calcium levels are 12.0-13.9 mg/dL- Kronis hypercalsemia if the blood calcium levels are 14.0-16.0 mg/dL
3. Hypercalsemia treatment
To treat hypercalsemia is adjusted to the severity of the condition and the cause. In mild hypercalsemia, doctors will usually only monitor the condition of the patient's bones and kidneys on a scale.
However, for moderate to chronic hypercalsemia, treatment is carried out using various methods. Starting from providing various drugs, to carrying out operational procedures.
4. Prevention of hypercalsemia
Hyperkalsemia actually can not always be prevented from happening. However, the risk of this condition can be avoided by doing several things.
Such as avoiding taking vitamin supplements, minerals, or herbs without consulting a doctor, always taking antihypertension drugs with a doctor's advice, and examining if you have a family with a history of high calcium.
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