YOGYAKARTA - Blood spots or spots that appear at the beginning of pregnancy are often confusing and raise questions. So, when do pregnancy bloodstains appear?
Then how to distinguish pregnancy patches from regular menstruation? This article will discuss in full the time when bloodstains appear, differences with menstruation, and other things you need to know.
Reporting from the clevel and clinical page, implantation bleeding or pregnancy patches are very light bleeding (also called patches) that occurs when the seeded egg is attached to the lining of your uterus.
Implantation bleeding is one of the first processes to occur in pregnancy, with the exact time varying, but most implantation bleeding occurs about 10 to 14 days after ovulation.
Then in most cases, people have not had a pregnancy test and it's not too late for the month.
Since implantation bleeding can occur near the time when you expect it to get menstrual, it's easy to mistakenly think implantation bleeding is your menstruation.
Around 1 in 4 pregnant women will experience implantation bleeding. These symptoms are a normal part of pregnancy and usually not a cause of worry.
Implantation bleeding is usually pink or brown. Usually, you will see it as a patch on your underwear or on toilet paper when you wipe.
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Some people will experience implantation bleeding for a few days while others may only see implantation bleeding once.
Implantation occurs when an egg that has been fertilized adheres to the lining of your uterus.
Please note, your uterine layer is thick and filled with blood vessels. When an egg that has been seeded adheres to the uterine layer, it can interfere with this blood vessel and cause bleeding.
Not always. There are more things that need to happen to produce a healthy pregnancy. Even if the seeded egg has an impact, it can cause a miscarriage.
Implantation bleeding can be one of the early signs of pregnancy. The main symptoms of implantation bleeding are minor bleeding or patches that last a day or two.
You may need to use thin sanitary napkins to collect blood, but bleeding shouldn't wet some sanitary napkins or remove the clot.
In addition, you may experience cramps but it will be very mild or soft and feels less intense than menstrual cramps. Sometimes, implantation bleeding is also accompanied by other early symptoms of pregnancy such as:
Implantation bleeding has several characteristics, as follows:
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