JAKARTA - Slightness in the face area is often considered a common thing that will disappear by itself. However, in some cases, this condition can be a sign of more serious neurological disorders, one of which is hemifacial spasm.
Hemifacial spasm is a facial nerve disorder that causes anxiety or muscle contraction that occurs repeatedly and out of control on one side of the face. The main cause of this condition is blood vessel stress on the facial nerve, which causes nerve signals to be disturbed and triggers abnormal muscle contraction.
According to dr. Wienorman Gunawan, Sp.BS, Faculty Surgeon Specialist at Bethsaida Hospital, hemifacial spasm can occur due to collisions between blood vessels and facial nerves.
"As we age, blood vessels can lose their elasticity and suppress facial nerves, causing uncontrollable strains," he explained.
In addition to causing discomfort, this disorder can also have an impact on the self-confidence of the sufferer, especially for women. Continuous complaints can interfere with facial expressions and cause shame in social interactions.
If oral treatment does not provide adequate results, there are two main methods that can be done to deal with hemifacial spasm:
Microvascular Decompression (MVD)
This method is carried out by reducing pressure on the facial nerve through surgery procedures. The goal is to separate the nerves from the blood vessels that pressure them.
Injection of Botulinum Toxin (Botox)
Botox is injected into a shrinking facial area to reduce excessive muscle contraction. This treatment is generally carried out regularly according to the patient's needs.
"These two methods have their own advantages and need to be adjusted to the patient's condition. Therefore, it is important to consult a neurosurgeon to get the right treatment," added Dr. Wienorman.
On the same occasion, dr. Luxandre Agung, General Manager of Medical Bethsaida Hospital said that treatment for this problem should have been done from an early age.
Starting from the right diagnosis, invasive actions, at least invasive, to modern therapy if the case requires further action.
"We understand that facial complaints can last a long time or even life. Therefore, proper handling can improve the quality of life and comfort of patients in their daily activities," he concluded.
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