YOGYAKARTA What is CMOS battery on a computer? A computer has many parts, as well as components that have their respective functions. Well, one part of the computer is the CMOS battery.

CMOS is an acronym for the complementary metal oxide semiconductor. On the computer, this device is powered by a small battery.

To get to know more about the CMOS battery, see the summary of the information in the following artwork.

CMOS is a semiconductor device that works by batteries on computer motherboards with special transistors. This transistor is generally made of special metal oxide juice.

In the CMOS component, transistors only need relative energy. This transistor functions to carry out Boolean logic.

Examples are NOT, OR, AND, NAND, and XOR operators. Boolean logic is the basic concept of mathematical science, namely Boolean Algebra which is implemented in electronic engineering.

CMOS gets power from the CMOS battery. This battery serves as a memory for storing information on SMOS configurations in the form of an electric signal.

CMOS batteries are located on a motherboard and shaped like a clock battery. CMOS batteries on the computer can be removed from the pair to be replaced. While the CMOS battery on the laptop is placed separately and connected with a pin.

Generally, CMOS batteries are made of lithium and can store information for more than 10 years. In other words, CMOS batteries are one of the long-lasting components in a computer or laptop.

CMOS batteries play an important role in storing basic information on the BIOS (basic input output system).

The BIOS has the responsibility to handle initial tasks before the computer boots and loads the operating system.

Well, because the BIOS does not have direct access to the hard drive or SSD when it was first turned on, important information such as date, time, and hardware settings are stored in the CMOS chip.

In order to keep this information stored, the CMOS chip must still get the power provided by the CMOS battery.

From the explanation above, it can be concluded that the main function of CMOS batteries is to supply currents continuously, so that the BIOS setups that have been made on CMOS chips are not lost.

In addition to providing electricity supply support, CMOS batteries also function to store other IC configurations on the motherboard, for example integrated cards and several other components.

Another usefulness of the CMOS battery is storing time data and providing electricity to the IC RTC that calculates the motherboard time.

That's information about what a CMOS battery is and its function on a computer. Get other selected news updates only on VOI.ID.

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