This mysterious Slovakian horror/drama by director Tereza Nvotova follows a young woman who returns to her native mountain village in search for answers from her past. Her arrival is accompanied by a series of unexpected events related to ancient legends and the villagers accuse her of murder. A modern tale of self liberation and rebellion against social conventions, misogyny and xenophobia. AK
Nightsiren won Pardo D’Oro for best film in the Concorso Cineasti del Presente at Locarno Film Festival.
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- DirectorTereza Nvotová
- ScreenwriterTereza Nvotová, Barbora Namerova
- ProducerMilos Lochman
- Executive ProducerKarel Chvojka, Clara Levy, Georgia Poivre
- CastNatalia Germani, Eva Mores, Juliana Olhová
- CinematographerFederico Cesca
- EditorThibault Hague, Pavel Hrdlicka
- ComposerMarek Hart, Ivan Horák, Michaela Patríková, Ondrej Swaczyna
- MusicRobin Coudert, Pjoni
This mysterious Slovakian horror/drama by director Tereza Nvotova follows a young woman who returns to her native mountain village in search for answers from her past. Her arrival is accompanied by a series of unexpected events related to ancient legends and the villagers accuse her of murder. A modern tale of self liberation and rebellion against social conventions, misogyny and xenophobia. AK
Nightsiren won Pardo D’Oro for best film in the Concorso Cineasti del Presente at Locarno Film Festival.
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- DirectorTereza Nvotová
- ScreenwriterTereza Nvotová, Barbora Namerova
- ProducerMilos Lochman
- Executive ProducerKarel Chvojka, Clara Levy, Georgia Poivre
- CastNatalia Germani, Eva Mores, Juliana Olhová
- CinematographerFederico Cesca
- EditorThibault Hague, Pavel Hrdlicka
- ComposerMarek Hart, Ivan Horák, Michaela Patríková, Ondrej Swaczyna
- MusicRobin Coudert, Pjoni